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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    tfw your relevant band's revival gig cheque comes in with bluray/dvd royalties mention scribbled in & you instantly realize your bandmate is a shit vocalist who leads your career nowhere & that retirement age is approaching fast lmc next onegai
  2. nekkichi

    u did iT
  3. nekkichi

    la soirée "La Vie En Weave" realness tbh
  4. I've literally spent five minutes cry-laughing over the first preview and this is what actual song sounds like????? son I'm disappoinT
  5. nekkichi

    I'm glad they came up with a fitting title for whatever dark-sided alchemy they are doing in the studio with this unit.
  6. has that “visual key is dad” child ever followed up on his unexpected appearance here?


    I was kinda expecting a tragic histrionic read of us all recorded to get some swedpussay views,
    but things have settled down w/o any drama, it seems?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I'm not sure what evil hex you were referring to, but it sounds like something we don't need here at the Monochrome heben

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      oh do you mean that bataar tragedy 

    3. nekkichi


      that yung & colourful veekay blogger from scandinavia, yes

  7. nekkichi

    I've been under impression that his indie-era vocal style was too high for his natural range; he slowly went lower starting with around Reila era, and sings pretty consistently throughout their major albums - which, assuming he also got some sort of vocal coaching alongside - coincides with delivering better live vocals too.
  8. nekkichi

    idk really, to me the only difference is that he stopped screaming/growling entirely somewhere before camera obscura came out. his current voice is the same, but lack of punch from guitars and bland, barebones arrangement are dragging everything down for me ://
  9. 2nd song is v cute, but I'm literally only here for Milcc serving pastel goth heterosexual woman again I'm glad he released that hetboy looks were a mistake in this genre.
  10. nekkichi

    it's been 84 years, and that is probably the most low-cost warner PV I've seen to date departing ayabie must've been worth it, gj
  11. nekkichi

    did you post this in the wrong thread or???? I love yuuki's vocals but "strong" and "deep" are legit opposites of what he does singing-wise ha lycaon era:
  12. nekkichi

    I'm pretty sure them performing 5 songs tops during PSC carnival tour VS a full-length tour finale could explain things. didn't he also smoke at that time? might have contributed to him running out of breath early in the MRD set.
  13. nekkichi

    not quite the dumpster fire I lowkey came for, nothing special at all. pls get g0th lycaon sfx backkkk japan loves their mediocrity, they're probably imagining themselves as the next SID or smth already
  14. nekkichi

    already stealing from morrigan while the other two fuckwits are occupied with ripping off concrete plant sounds and LmC, I c
  15. nekkichi

    outstandingly dire name, insipid looks, tacky weaves, frontman serving horse-face I'll wait until they release some sorts of sounds to pass judgement, but chances of yahoo.se signing anyone microscopically more talented than haself are close to zero
  16. idt he's mourning getting fired from this unit that much, getting avex deposits in his bank account
  17. top 3 moran songs/PV tracks?



    I can not stand hitomi's vocals and couldn't get into them before despite generally good instrumentals, but maybe they still got some outstanding gems and I'm missing out?

    1. emmny


      im gonna make nekkichi  listen to lycaon on eternal loop 4ever that f*ckin whore

    2. The Moon

      The Moon

      the level of disrespect in this thread smfh 

    3. The Moon

      The Moon

      neway my top 3:


      1. element

      2. 望めないと知る結末に、理由が僕を慰める

      3. 人間の人間による人間のための恋路/Silent whisper/今夜、月のない海岸で

      yes i cheated but also i'm a stan so i love lit. everything except like breakfast on monday 

    4. Show next comments  300 more
  18. nekkichi

    abby brown-kei ((someone should send it to her FB tbh, we can expect a fab cover))
  19. nekkichi

    & I don't even typically like megamasso albums!!
  20. nekkichi

    megamasso had the best vk album of 2017 so far and it's being criminally SLEPT on, meanwhile this board and like w/e tumblr are still drooling over sukekuso's snoozefest s m f h
  21. 3o0tKsP.png

    on my 3rd Chelsea book and I feel grossed out on another, much spiritually deeper level 

    in retrospect, breaking my two year long sobriety last weekend seems like a v. good idea, I'm not as traumatized by what I'm reading as I could have been

  22. nekkichi

    surprised they lasted so long with that name. maybe calling their next unit smth like HETEROSEXUAL DOLL[ars] will give their ideas some longevity.
  23. v. soon! it's coproduced by yoshiki now
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