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    deadman got a reaction from emmny in Tokyo Chaos 2016   
    絶望セッション (Zetsubou Session)2016.12.31 国立代々木競技場第二体育館

    押しちゃんズ( Kagerou cover) 2017.01.01 国立代々木競技場第二体育館
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    deadman reacted to Takadanobabaalien in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    Thanks for the correction. I appreciate it Now that you mention it, I've heard about the slang before, but I'll blame it on me being up way too late two days in a row instead of my poor japanese skills!  
    Also, I probably won't be on MH so much for the comming 2-3 days so go ahead and translate the rest if you feel like it. Otherwise I'll do it on sunday
  3. Like
    deadman reacted to cvltic in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    i'm double posting like a dick, thanks for the great translation @Uglymouth, but this part is slightly mistaken and it's an interesting look "behind the curtain" for VK i hope you don't mind if i offer an alternative and elaborate:
    "I was told to fucking do some eigyou to get some more fans, so we sent DMs and even did romantic eigyou.
    Well, I did it all while telling myself maybe that kind of eigyou is needed these days..."

    eigyou literally means "work/business" but in the host world (and in the vk world bc same thing) it means the way you build relationships with your customers to keep them coming back and spending regardless of your actual feelings toward them. there's friend eigyou, girlfriend eigyou/romantic eigyou. those in-store pictures where bandmen are posed lovingly embracing their fans and nearly kissing them are known as "excessive eigyou". 
  4. Like
    deadman reacted to cvltic in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    this drama is popping the fuck awf
    Kiryu retweeted an ex-Avanchick jouren blasting Noa for selling fans high ticket numbers at inflated prices, posing as Yuuga and DMing people... then she dropped his real first name.
  5. Like
    deadman reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    The topic is about Devil Kitty leaving, but because if their announcement to secede a lot of other Rockstar Records bands came forward and spoke out about how things suck for them.
    Kiryu (希龍), in this context, is the vocalist of Betty. The tweets Uglymouth translated were from his Twitter.
    Kiryu, in Emmny's post, was actually the band signed to BP Records.
  6. Like
    deadman reacted to emmny in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    LMFAO bad example on my part, totally forgot this dude's name is also kiryu
    @UglymouthQWEEN WHAT ARE THE DK MEMBERS' comments
  7. Like
    deadman reacted to Takadanobabaalien in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    From Kiryu (Betty)'s twitter:
    "Sorry for whitewashing everything for so long. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone now, it's just that I no longer want to keep on lying to the fans who have supported us for so long.
    Also, my fellow label mates, band friends and senpai's think I should talk about this as well - so I'm doing it.
    First of all, there's really no reason for our disbandment, but it's not like any of us really wanted it to end like this.
    We've been active for a year and a half without having a single flyer made and no music released. No matter how many years we would continue it would still be the same, so we see no reason to do so.
    We've always had in mind to get more fans and increase our sales. But no matter how long we waited, we got no studio time or any flyers made. Despite all this we always kept on cheering on each other, believing in each other and giving it our all.
    We though "maybe it's easier if we just use our own money and do this?" But we weren't allowed by our management.
    No goods, no releases and we never felt "free".
    But we still had to pay for our own costumes, all our traveling expenses, expenses for support member. Some members even had to lend money to the label.
    Not letting us do anything was basically our labels policy.
    I'm just explaining simple now but for example at gigs, our money were used for other bands without us even knowing about it. 
    In the end, NOTHING was used for us.
    So where the hell did all the money go?
    I think I don't need to tell you, because you guys probably already know. In our label there's a certain band that stands out from the rest of us, which has been using much more money than us, well... If our labels policy was for them to drag in money for us I don't have any complaints but it wasn't like that, and I have no understanding for how ZERO money ended up being spent on us.
    ALL of our money was spent on Avanchick. And everything bad had to been payed by us, Betty.
    Flyers, CD's, Goods, NOTHING was OK for us to make.
    If we can't get any fans, then we're the ones who get called a bad band, even though in reality it's not our fault as we haven't been given a chance.
    Just for how long was this supposed to go on?
    The limit has been reached not only by me, but for all members in Betty.
    We were told in DM "If you guys want fans, then fucking get to work"
    I kept repeating for myself that time has changed, and in the vk scene today you have to work much more for yourself as well.
    I kept on doing it for a while even though I always felt it was very strange, and I wasn't able to understand why we had to do it.
    And at that time I was called by Noa from Avanchick.
    "Would you please stop approaching our fans?"
    "Can you please stop inviting our fans to your gig?"
    Was what he told me.
    I felt a lot of different things, especially that there was enormous misunderstandings. But as a Kouhai I bowed my head and asked him for forgiveness. 
    As his label mate, his friend and his kouhai I simply felt that asking for forgiveness would be the only right thing after having made him feel uncomfortable.
    "You can't go to this bands live"
    "You're not allowed to become someone elses fan"
    I think having lots of bands that you like is totally fine, all bands are fun in different ways, isn't that what music is about?
    But if this is a rule that Avanchick has then I simply thought that there's nothing to do about it.
    This is not about if I'm right, or if Avanchick is right. Everyone thinks differently and everyone is different. If that is Noa's rule then I guess in his own way he is right. We never had intentions of being in the way for someone or causing any trouble. 
    I think that using another band this much is very wrong. But I always saw us as good friends, and them as good senpais and us as good kouhais. Therefore I really wanted us to do a last live together. I wanted us to end this on good terms. 
    But apparently he thought differntly 
    -Kiryu posts a picture from Line where Nao says that he doesn't want to attend their gig because they will lose fans for giging with them-
    Okay this is all for now. I think he might continue writing a bit more, if so I'll translate it tomorrow cus I need to sleep. 
    Be aware there might be some errors in the text, but all in all i'd say it's correct.
  8. Like
    deadman reacted to Takadanobabaalien in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    @inartisticI don't have anything specific on him as I'm not a huge fan of what his label/earlier bands but I know I've seen him mentioned in topic related to Yayoi, Yuuga and he has topics about him as well. 
    For example one of the top threads about him goes like this:
    " [Disgrace at Birth*] SAKU [Foolish PIG]
    A topic about the former Cuartet member SAKU
    He's currently a staff at Shinjuku BIRTH and operates the shitty label BLOOM.
    An idiot who's already in his 30's yet can't settle down
    His favorite hobby is fighting with people at twitter"
    * Refering to the livehouse Shinjuku Birth
    So well, nothing particularly bad about him at the first post but yeah, I know I've read stuff about him.
  9. Like
    deadman reacted to Takadanobabaalien in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    Ok so this is basically the story, remember that a lot of this is from 2ch so everything may not be 100% true, but the people there seem agree on most of this and a friend of mine says that it's true. So I am presuming that this is the truth.
    Anyway, as you know this was rockstar records bands:
    Devil Kitty
    And this is what's left:
    Dear disbanded (probably just a way to get out of the contract), and the other bands have decided to leave by themselves based on Yayoi and the staff at Rockstar Records not being able to support them as a label is supposed to.
    As I said earlier in this thread, Yayoi has NO money. No money in this case doesn't mean he has some money he uses himself, but actually no money. He has no apartment/house, he stays with friends from day to day apparently. This has made him put himself in quite a debt with other people, one is Kiryu (Betty) another person is his wife (who I have no idea what she's doing???). Kiryu is one of his kouhai's (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senpai_and_kōhai) and he apparently trusts Yayoi way too much because according to everyone on 2ch (and the bands who already left RR) Yayoi is not going to pay him back. So currently Kiryu (and what Avanchick gets to the label) is paying the expenses of the label (and what's not being payed by that money is going to backfire on Yayoi eventually...). Leona (Merry), Yuuga (DK), Ruchi (DK), have all told my friend how much they hate Yayoi. Now, Yuuga and Yayoi have a past that includes a lot of fighting (both with eachother and with other people), but my friend thinks this is the last straw for Yuuga. He apparently unfollowed him on twitter as well. 
    As some of you may know, Yayoi has been saying that he was running 2 businesses (one in Yokohama and one in Okinawa (the one in Yokohama was proved to not exist by fans)). This means that with both RR and his bar he was running 4 business at the same time (and he was supposed to open a kyabkura (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Host_and_hostess_clubs) as well, he actually told me that in person (but it ended up never happening)) and through that he tricked the bands into believing he had money to put into the label as well as being a successful businessman so they could success as bands. 
    Now, some of the fans at 2ch says that he's surprised that people fell for it because apparently this is what he's been doing ever since he ran the eternal label back in 2000 (people call him a spoiled brat for using his dad's cash (the guy who earlier ran EXCEL)). I personally don't know if I believe that because why would people stick with him for so long if that was true? Anyway, as said earlier not only all of the above but because he has no money most bands got little to no studio time (look at Betty who pays a lot of label expenses but haven't had a single release yet) so the label was mainly holding the bands back. And well, as said Rui from THE EGOIST says he was threatened to get beat up if he said they were leaving the label. Some VK-twitters have caught up on the drama/news as well, here's an example:
    The last part says 
    yoyuu no aru
    neyou wara"
    So they're having a bit of fun I guess, because the red part (first character on all lines) would be read as "Yayoi shine" which means "Die Yayoi!". I'm sure it's just a coincidence but still pretty fun lmao.
    I guess we'll see how everything ends up. At 2ch they're saying that the label will close before the new year comes, and that Betty and Takashi might stay with the label until then. Oh and one more thing, Noa from Avanchick has said in a tweetcast (that I cba to look for because I don't care about them) that he wants to leave the label as well.
    So based on this I'm sure Yayoi is just as intersting as Kisaki when it comes to business and scandals. He's just never been as ~famous~so we probably haven't heard of most shit he does. I have personally met Yayoi for a couple of hours and spoke to him quite a lot and he always seemed like a cool guy who got his shit together so I'm very surprised about all of this.
    Sorry for the long post, and shitty english. I'm not native lol. 
  10. Like
    deadman reacted to Takadanobabaalien in General news and drama regarding Rockstar Records   
    This is now a 90's bandmen rumour topic.
    No jk but yeah, I'm pretty sure most of it's true. Also until he recently became homeless he lived with a 20 year old girl who Ruchi (from Devil Kitty) introduced him to. Yayoi and his wife got divorced sometime between 2015 and 2016, and according to my friend Yayoi is not allowed to visit or have any contact at all with their child (this was also told to me by my friend). There are a lot of "rumours" around these 4 guys especially (Yayoi (RR boss), Yuuga (DK), Yukika (Ains boss) and Saku (Bloom boss/ex cuartet vocalist). How they beat up other bandmen at nomikais, sexually harassed girls etc. I'm not 100% sure how much of a badguy Yukika is but I know i've seen Yayoi, Yuuga and Saku mentioned together as an "Evil trio". Although there's rumours of Yukika beating his signed bands and girlfriend (which unfortunately isn't rare in Japan) as well. Man these 90's bandguys really need to retire. 
  11. Like
    deadman reacted to filth_y in 0.1gの誤算 (0.1g no Gosan) new single "メガ誤算 (Mega Gosan)" release   
    This band..
    Judging from their look and logo i thought they would be totally different than they turned out. Saw them at a MEABEL event this year.
    What seemed to me as a wanna be cool, heavy yakuza slang talking, seemingly aggressive, 140 cm small, bad-singer vocalist "attacked" one girl in the crowd after screaming at her from the stage because she wasnt headbanging or for what reason whatsoever (was her position center or how its called, 2nd or 3rd row from the front and in the middle), kicked her bag and heavily pushed/threw her backwards. While everyone clearly saw that, not one person there did anything, not even her shocked friend standing next to her. She left, came back to grab her bag and showed middle finger to them (and fully left?). Singer clearly seemed to enjoy that.  
    A lot of band guys jump in the crowd at the gig, but only in "a positive way" such as Dispinas vocalist happily dancing with the fans.
    First and only time i've ever saw such thing at an vk live (hitting amongst fans might be more common i heard).
    Standing last row on the side as always (being 1 head taller than everyone), i had no idea what to do/ how to react. To stand up for her i didnt know the background story enough, dont want to cause trouble as foreigner, etc.
    (Didnt know if this is the right place to post this).
  12. Like
    deadman reacted to Shir0 in KILLANETH will disband   
    But we still have the original band, Mejibray
    I agree this is very unexpected D: they were pretty cool
  13. Like
    deadman reacted to The Piass in KILLANETH will disband   
    I have never liked this band. Honestly, this band is not a big loss ^^"
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  15. Like
    deadman reacted to nekkichi in KRAD has departed from 輪郭-rinkaku- Records   
    inb4 their new label is revealed as —詩踏み-utafumi productions—
  16. Like
    deadman reacted to Karma’s Hat in DEZERT collection album "暫定的オカルト週刊誌②" release   
    I thought the first album was their peak. 
    Even the releases since then have been perfectly acceptable ( the middle portion of the second album sux, I have to say ), but I could sense that this band has major aspirations and a transition was afoot. The PV song for the second album was fantastic, and if they stuck to that mode it'd be a compromise I'd be all for. Mark my words however that this is a slippery slope and they'll sound like late-middle period Girugamesh in about an year if they stick around.
  17. Like
    deadman reacted to nekkichi in Vexent Gu.燈華 (Touka) has been missing and has departed   
    visual kei horror story (rill spook! click on ur own discretion!!) 
  18. Like
    deadman reacted to lollipopmonstar in Baroque new singles release   
    I stopped reply topics here because opinions as above, but I need to write here: WHAT A WONDERFUL SONG! They brought the proposal of the previous album with a wonderful lyrics! I love this so much <3
  19. Like
    deadman reacted to Tromb in 猟牙(ryouga) new band "RAZOR" has formed & new mini album "RED INVISIBLE" release   
    猟牙(ryouga) new band "RAZOR" will hold their first live at Zepp Tokyo at 2016/10/16
    "RAZOR" members:
    Vo.猟牙(ryouga) (ex-BLUEチョコレヱト(BLUE chocolate)-->RENNY AMY-->BORN)
    Gt.剣(tsurugi) (ex-azure, now in Sadie)
    Gt.衍龍(kouryuu) (ex-ASYURA-->Keith-->DOPES.-->My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND)
    Ba.IZA (ex-MiScast-->リスミー(rhythmy)-->sparrow-->FANTOM-->シリアル⇔NUMBER(serial NUMBER)-->DOWNER)
    Dr.哲也(tetsuya) (ex-羅刹(rasetsu)-->SKULL-->My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND)
  20. Like
    deadman reacted to WhirlingBlack in New Shimizuya Records band "ラミエル(ramiel)" has formed   
    The previous trend was to name the band differently but play the same music as the original.
    Perhaps the new trend will be to name the band the same but play different music compared to the original?
    Can't wait for the new glittery pop band ディル・アン・グレイ!
  21. Like
    deadman reacted to emmny in New Shimizuya Records band "ラミエル(ramiel)" has formed   
  22. Like
    deadman reacted to Takadanobabaalien in New Shimizuya Records band "ラミエル(ramiel)" has formed   
    hope they become a lamiel tribute band
    specifically want a cover of this
  23. Like
    deadman reacted to HotaruFilth in nigu project HEROINE 1st album announced   
  24. Like
    deadman reacted to The Piass in new band "チャイルドプレイ(childplay)" has formed   
    Judging by the look, it will not be interesting...
  25. Like
    deadman got a reaction from emmny in new band "公開処刑(public execution)" has formed   

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