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chemicalpictures last won the day on September 14 2018

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About chemicalpictures

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    pitiful emotional picture.
  • Birthday 02/20/1989

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  1. Don't you guys find furi weird as shit? I can sorta understand that in bubblegum oshare and all, but when bands are dropping the most brutal shit on stage and fans are calmly waving their hands like conducting an orchestra frustrates the hell out of me

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    2. chemicalpictures


      @Komorebi And you can only headbang or furi, right? what happened to jumping around, singing along, dancing, moshpitting, or doing whatever the hell you want to enjoy yourself, like any normal concert? this whole etiquette on how to behave in a concert is what boggles my mind

    3. Komorebi


      I go to lives to see/hear a band, not to hear out of tune fans and be pushed around by mosh-pitters... to each their own. But after going to Japan I avoid western concerts because it's often a painful, uncomfortable and unpleasant experience.

      I'm talking about what I enjoy doing at concerts, not what other people should do. And I like that for VK concerts people usually are more respectful of other people's personal space and physical integrity.


      I get that when you're a dude you have that need for physic violence to show you are having a good time and males get a kick out of kicking each other in a mosh pit, but VK is catered to a female audience and I like to be able to go to a metal concert and be able to get out of the venue with my body (and outfit) intact. I like that Incan headbang on my spot if I feel like and if I don't want to no one is going to run me over. 


      Also, jumping, dancing and headbanging are part of furi. It's not just hand choreo.

    4. BrenGun


      Also don't forget


      vk gigs are 99% woman.

      And well..

      Most don't like to be hurt ir touched etc.


      And moshit

      they do, just kind way...



      Anyway, I move how i wanna move.




      I moved from vkei to more underground rock Metal and punk... and then people headbang, moshpit, go crazy ❤. haha



      vkei is a different world.

      mostly a woman world.

      so Yeah things go gently.


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