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chemicalpictures last won the day on September 14 2018

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About chemicalpictures

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    pitiful emotional picture.
  • Birthday 02/20/1989

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  1. Maaaan, I miss MBHI. Nowhere to get a djent kei fix these days...

    1. Elazmus


      I miss them a lot too, didn't realize it until I started mixing up later MBHI songs (rabies) with some of the ones from LACK.CO :/


      for Djent kei, the kings of "V-Styling Djentcore" did just have their mini shared, but I also don't think it is their "most djent" work :P

    2. chemicalpictures


      Yeah, Re;MBHI is something that shouldn't exist... Rabies and Soft Disk are indeed some kind of prototype LACK-CO., both terribles...


      And you mean JILUKA? I really tried to like what they do, but it always feel so messy and uninspired, like they are trying too hard to be edgy... Everytime I think I'll enjoy any of their songs, the vocalist comes with a bland as fuck chorus to bury any expectations... They do heavy just for the sake of being heavy, feels like there's no soul involved. Take 序章 薄明光線, or 嗚咽's breakdown for instance, that's some composition that actually have soul



    3. Elazmus


      Yeah you aren't wrong IMO, when they first released Sceamer and B.A.L.U.S(?) their actual skill level was obvious, but between the Distreib mini and this one I still haven't heard anything that I can really discuss. Mainly  just "do the breakdown thing" and when in doubt, "BLECH" 4 Xtra Xtreme.. < seriously I forget which song I'm listening to a LOT because they all have "BLECH" during the rest note of the breakdowns XD


      ~Gospel~ yup Tenten adds a lot to the emotion because he let's his voice break often and tosses it between the top of his head and the bottom of his chest<3 eh I don't have to explain this you know what I mean :/

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