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Everything posted by iSin-Sama

  1. iSin-Sama

    Its like all re done songs. I wish it were all new songs.
  2. Nice! Can't wait to hear previews, I love there mini-album release.
  3. iSin-Sama

    That was really fast.
  4. Nice! Can't wait to hear more stuff from them.
  5. iSin-Sama

    Wowsa, another band to release an album this year, That's what like 5??....xD
  6. iSin-Sama

    Yea i agree, Since 1889 were epic.
  7. iSin-Sama

  8. iSin-Sama

    They're releasing a new single before that, I think. Seems like every band is releasing an album this year.
  9. iSin-Sama

    I think you guys should wait till the full single comes out before making those opinions.
  10. iSin-Sama

    Hell frickin yes!
  11. iSin-Sama

    Def going to order this, I can't wait to hear how they sound now. If it sounds like anything like Neo Destruction then it will be uber win for me.
  12. iSin-Sama

    Can't wait to see what they sound like.
  13. iSin-Sama

    I can't wait, I love them anyways for no matter what the put out, I just wish you guys would stop hatin' on them.
  14. Let's hope it has more screaming then there latest single xD <3 Either way, I can't wait.
  15. Really can't wait, Butterfly effect, I'm still listening to, to this day.
  16. iSin-Sama

    So that's how the SHIVER b-sides and VERMIN were leaked! I was always wondering. I'm really hoping the PV will be out soon though. I really want a good-quality rip of the full song. I'm getting really impatient with my 30 second audio preview and the radio rip quality is god awful. Yeah, same here. Hopefully I'll get my copy on the date of the release and I'll upload and post it here. It's gonna be Limited Edition though. But i will be uploading .VOB VORTEX PV I ordered the version with the extra song, So i will post that when it arrives.
  17. iSin-Sama

    Epic combo much?
  18. iSin-Sama

    Damn, So many good bands this year gone.
  19. iSin-Sama

    I want this, Can you link me a place were i could order if possible?
  20. iSin-Sama

    Oh knows!
  21. iSin-Sama

    I hope they find them soon!
  22. iSin-Sama

    They were pretty good. Sad they didn't last long.
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