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Everything posted by iSin-Sama

  1. The rest is good, But the voice. Needs some work.
  2. iSin-Sama

    I really enjoy them! I just bought there new album, and im loving it. I really dont understand when people think they are Vkei, They are inspired by American Glam Goth bands, Such as KISS.
  3. iSin-Sama

    9/10 for epicness.
  4. I agree. My ears are bleeding.
  5. iSin-Sama

    Can someone please invite me? I'm getting tired of Facebook.
  6. iSin-Sama

    I just Lold
  7. iSin-Sama

    Upload it on a flash site, and let us play!
  8. iSin-Sama

    They are re-recording 13 Fiction?
  9. iSin-Sama

    Then you gotta upload it for us Lols <3
  10. iSin-Sama

    My favorite member out of the band, I hope he does go into this new band and make some toonage.
  11. iSin-Sama

    I'll give this album a listen, But i don't think im going to order it.
  12. iSin-Sama

    Can't wait to hear previews!
  13. iSin-Sama

    all i can say is "meh"
  14. iSin-Sama

    This single will be on iTunes most likely, but i like having the cd's! so i'm going to put an order in to xD
  15. I want this! One of my favorite bands <3
  16. iSin-Sama

    Muddy Cult! F*ck yea!
  17. iSin-Sama

    No he doesn't it looks like he would fit with a darker Visual kei band, There latest look is way more Oshare Kei.
  18. iSin-Sama

    They have a new look also, which can be viewed on there OHP.
  19. iSin-Sama

    WHAT THE F********
  20. iSin-Sama

    This album will rock!
  21. iSin-Sama

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