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Everything posted by iSin-Sama

  1. iSin-Sama

    Note: Apparently, Uruha said they want to turn into a Metal band, So maybe this is a start to that?
  2. iSin-Sama

    Previews for GazettEs new album can be listened here. http://soundcloud.com/unknownxaleon/sets/the-gazette-toxics-previews?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=mshare&utm_medium=facebook&utm_content=http%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Funknownxaleon%2Fsets%2Fthe-gazette-toxics-previews
  3. iSin-Sama

    I really would love to know as well.
  4. Dang! That sucks : ( I hope they don't disband or go on Hiatus.
  5. iSin-Sama

    I really want to hear "My Devil on the bed" I hate using all CAPS.
  6. iSin-Sama

    Very good news! I may have to buy this one.
  7. iSin-Sama

    Hope to hear previews soon!
  8. iSin-Sama

    Tall and smexii.
  9. iSin-Sama

    That would be awesome!
  10. iSin-Sama

    I really hope they don't turn into Lycaon's new style...
  11. iSin-Sama

    This suckkkks! : (
  12. iSin-Sama

    Lets all hope the same.
  13. iSin-Sama

    I'm still going to buy it because its Deathgaze, But y ea i was hoping the same as well.
  14. iSin-Sama

    Yay! I will have to buy this.
  15. iSin-Sama

    I need to buy this album.
  16. If you can get an extra copy, I will so buy from you?
  17. iSin-Sama

    Holy crap, They are releasing a lot of singles o.0 I wants an album. Iam curious on how this is going to sound though. Edit: Loving the sound of this single, Cant wait for it to drop! Def going to order this one as well.
  18. iSin-Sama

    I agree, I need to order this single. I dont think it should be too much.
  19. iSin-Sama

  20. iSin-Sama

    I will! How much would it be to ship to Canada?
  21. iSin-Sama

    GOINg to order this! HELL YES.
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