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Everything posted by iSin-Sama

  1. iSin-Sama

    Didn't they just become a band?
  2. iSin-Sama

    By the way, about [MY DEVIL ON THE BED], the subject of the lyrics is altogether filled up to the limit by erotic expression, I’ve been thinking about that point, too. RUKI: Aa, because this is purely a sex song (laughs). I guess you were kind of right haha Maybe Ruki needs to get a lil some some? xD
  3. iSin-Sama

    Good news! I can't wait to hear previews <3
  4. iSin-Sama

    New Pv can be watched here full. http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/
  5. iSin-Sama

    YAY! I can't wait to see the PV, If you guys know if it's going to be on CDJAPAN, Let me know or something, and i will order it <3
  6. iSin-Sama

    Yea i agree with this, Will be awesome if they release some of their own music.
  7. iSin-Sama

    It sounds sooo good! Plus their new look is on there OHP as well.
  8. iSin-Sama

    WIN. If it gets posted on Cd Japan, Let me know and i will order it ASAP.
  9. iSin-Sama

    Anybody know where i could order this?
  10. iSin-Sama

    It shouldn't They are releasing their new mini-album, and + I'm sure they will find a replacement pretty fast, If not a fully member, but supporter.
  11. This guy isn't so bad, than the other one, (and he's much funnier for me xD) 6jR3wZoaKhE This song isn't so crappy, but the vocalist has reeeeaaally high voice (similiar to Kasumi Shinjo - ex-SMILE) <3 This band reminds me of the old DaizyStripper.
  12. iSin-Sama

    Yay for 2 Pv's! Awesome Track list btw, I think i will have to order both versions.
  13. iSin-Sama

    Yay for 2 Pv's! Awesome Track list btw, I think i will have to order both versions.
  14. iSin-Sama

    I still hope this means, More releases from them.
  15. iSin-Sama

    I think i prefer dizSolid.
  16. iSin-Sama

    Dang, They were really good to.
  17. iSin-Sama

    Are ABS still around? I haven't herd anything from them for awhile.
  18. iSin-Sama

    "with some wonderful songs" You actually said it right there. Not all of their songs are wonderful. Last single was pretty damn awful. It was like they weren't even trying anymore. Now some samples of the new album actually sound pretty decent again. That's where the love/hate relationship comes from. Ah i see, I guess im just a sucker for Uruha then Lmao : P
  19. iSin-Sama

    I loved their first major album, I just wonder how this single will sound, Im surprised we havent herd any previews yet.
  20. iSin-Sama

    THIS ): Yea i know it sucks, I really wanted to buy the Diement. Album, but i couldn't so i had to get my friend to do it since he lives in Japan.
  21. iSin-Sama

    I expect this album just like their past single... GENERIC Listen to the spoiler making the GENERIC pleasure more worse.... So rude, so negative but back to the topic - no matter what people say about this, I am still waiting for my first ~spoiler-less~ pre-order. I really don't understand the love/hate relationship with The GazettE with some people. I mean they are a great band, with some wonderful songs. Iv ordered this album, and Remember the urge single just came in, So yea, I will always be a fan of these guys. They make wonderful music <3
  22. iSin-Sama

    Lately Iv been listening to a lot of DELUHI. A lot of their songs just make me want to head bang all the time.
  23. iSin-Sama

    Most people love their albums, compared to the singles. At least their latest singles anyways.
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