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Posts posted by Mei

  1. Image

    Gay and lezbo mardigras today, and this is my outfit?

    Me gay? why i never!

    we got a mr monochrome heaven here :D

    ok, here's a pic from this weekend. the light was right above me so it's super blurry, but the colour effect was editted by me


  2. @ 237q: u're gorgeous, u remind me of an aunt's friend

    here i am, taken just today right after shower. the psychiatrist from the clinic let me go out for this holiday again, im going back on tuesday cos that day im going to the nutritionist (remember? i have eating disorders)

    click me :3

  3. i had 2nd grade malnutrition. im 185 cm and weighed around 53 kg. now, i have an -arrangement- with my psychiatrist that consists on weighing 65 with ok blood compounds like calcium and such, and ibout to reach the wieght. i have faith cos of the holidays. anyway, nobody cures you from anorexia. once u're out im gonna keep on eating the way i used to eat b4, im not saying im gonna starve but im gonna start a diet. i dont care what anybody thinks.

    yes, i've checked about screw's album, about vivid's single and luckiily i got the money. but i didnt know anything on lol23q. im glad for them. im so gonna buy their upcoming stuff. hikari was a master piece.

  4. hi dudes, im back. i have new cd's to share and everything but im hospitalized for health problems back again. i've been alloswed to spend christmas with my family though so here i am :D i have to go backto the clinic on monday.

    i'd like to know any news related to the following bands: vior gloire, screw(i knew abt a new album), vivid (i heard abt a single), lolita23q, administrator, i wanna know more abt otogadead's mini, realies

    i wont be able to share much because i practically have no virtual time to o it, but im leaving the clinic soon i hope. then, i'll share everything, any bitrate, vob files, etc :)

    nice to be again here for at least some days.


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