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Posts posted by Mei

  1. ideal would be:

    - a skinny body (i have issues with fat, i cant stand it, im on a constant diet, so i dont want my lover to be fat). in case of male better if ripped XD

    - a good sense of humour, someone that knows how to deal with my bitterness.

    - asian eyes or light eyed.

    - a sexy voice

    - hygiene freak like me. i just dont stand bad smells or ppl who sweat a lot

    i dont care about gender, i like both the same

  2. i've always been single. im just too shy, and when im with someone i like and have known for quite some time i dont dare dating him/her out. im even shy when i know im with someone that likes me. (how pathetic, i know!)

    sometimes i think i'll die all alone DX

  3. i still dont get why is it a problem the church rejection, like, who cares?. i believe in what i want and that's it.

    anyway, i think homosexuality is natural, im not "unnatural" just for being bis. if it exists then it means it's natural. plus, as far as i know dogs dont get frustrated when they see 2 dogs taking a whiff on each others' balls. lol

    also, i've been told nobody's born the way he/she is, but, different circumstances forges one's personality and such. im bis since i can remember so who can i blame for it? is it my fault? i swear i didnt pick this and if i could i'd turn into fully straight, but "nature" doesnt let me. im not complaining however, but why do i have to feel guilty just because the majority of ppl say it's not cannonical

    *cough* im a pro keep-it-indoors though... */cough*

  4. I gess this question should be asked here.

    I would like to buy jikkendai marmot's self cover mini album. The thing is that they only sell it on the indies web shop NAZCA. How can I buy form that?

    Here is the product URL: http://nazcashop.com/products/list.php?category_id=6

    maybe u can wait til it appears on closet child. it will probably be cheaper and they have common shipping. or if you're too desperate for it i'd recommend a shopping service too...

  5. yea. many straight guy friends of mine often having guy's talk

    regarding this, how it will make things easier if the women can sometimes ask them out.

    Some men out there are shy or too polite too :mrgreen:

    yeah, im one. but im having luck though despite lacking self confidence

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