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Posts posted by Mei

  1. havent watched the documentary but...

    everyone has the religion he/she simply wants, who can prohibit u what u believe in?.

    imo, it goes beyond the fact i get laid with someone of my same sex or the opposite.

    like, aren't gods so allmighty? will they care abt something so trivial?

    anyway meh, i got no religion so im fine in my nest.

  2. i hope it hits me... maybe it's a fast way of dying.

    anyway, why cant anyone do sth against the nasa? it pisses me off that every time sth like this happens ppl get too damn scared. but ppl: remember that if you dont get hit by the satellite, we're all going to die next year!!!

  3. ^ woow, just some hours ago i started reading 1q84 by him! he's such a talented writer. im waiting the 3rd part of that book (already bought books 1 and 2)

    also, i just finished reading what falls from your eyes today. book is by gabriele picco.

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