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Posts posted by Mei

  1. Iris



    The corrupted village.

    There's nothing here already. I don't even feel pain.






    The marionette has lost his senses.

    Now, as I don't hear voices...

    The cold darkness wraps me.

    My voice won't come out...

    Neither will my tears...


    Somewhen calm, right after the pulse reverberation of my laying body.


    In the incessant rain, I found a reliable source of light.




    I guess the bud I grasped will bring aspirations to this town sometime.

    This is what the poet will recite someday.

    “There be divine protection”.

  2. awase kagami was really hard to translate, hope u like the final result ^^


    Heaven's Spell

    あぁ傍にアナタがいない。(I don't have you by my side)

    (赤黒い天国の階段) (The stairs to a dark red paradise)

    あぁ傍にアナタがいれば階段さえ登れてたのに... (I would even climb those stairs to be with you)

    順序、定義もないくらい押し寄せる恐怖の渦が... (There’s no order/principle or definition/moral to push aside the swirl of fears)

    (最後の余興) (The last sideshow)

    妄想、現実逃避、身代わりの身体を創り (Body sacrifice, reality evasion and delusion)

    (自信むさぼる) (I covet self-confidence)

    今でさえ 生きられない 傷つけて 傷つけてられて (I ended up injured over and over again so now I just can't live anymore)

    愛してる 愛してない 壊したい 壊せられるないの... (The love and hate which I can't destroy, even though I want)

    夢にまで出てくるの... (Even in my dreams)

    (アナタの顔が) (Your face chases me)

    無くした筈の記憶だけが... (The memories of everything we wanted to be)

    (鮮明に浮いて...) (Are floating around vividly)

    手を繋ぎ 火照る身体 逝かないで... 傍に置いて。(The burning body that is stretching me its hand doesn't seem to die... and it's coming closer)

    消えては 現れて 穴が開き 風通るheart (The wounds from the heart are disappearing)

    逢いたい時に会えない。(Whenever I want to see you, I can't find you)

    そしてせつない結末。二人の間は次第に広がる。(And the most painful thing is that our bond is deteriorating)

    悲しみの霧が二人をぼやかす。(The mist of sadness is blurring us)

    嘆いても答えは出せず... (Not being able to cast an answer other than lamenting)

    (途方にくれる) (I'm puzzled)

    後追いさえできていれば... (I wish I could go after you...)

    (怖くてできない) (But I'm too scared for that)

    運命は なんて罪なの... (How could fate be so cruel...!)




    始まりの時 (Back in the genesis)

    白黒分かれ (Things were either black or white)

    真紅の瞳 (A crimson pupil)

    最後の賭けを (During the last betting)

    血涙浴びた (Tears of blood were spilled)

    骨を砕いて (Breaking bones)

    殺し合う末 (Right after I murder you)

    勝利の美酒を (I'll taste the fruit juice of success)

    たてつく輩、民を欺き、自身の霊を粗末に過去も未来も断ち切って...。(Deceiving people and those who lamely carve up their own souls, are those to defy)

    『Lies and Truth』

    未完の大地、一人たたずむ。体内に宿る白大蛇、いまここで命与えよう... (In a incomplete land, someone's still loitering. A white serpent's dwelling inside a body, about to be given birth)

    たてつく輩、民を欺き、目の前の影を振り切って己の意志を説き放つ。(I get rid of the shadow ahead and the snake's will gets manifested)

    『Lies and Truth』

    サア命乞イヲシロ (It's begging for its life)

    地面ニ膝マズイテ 地面に膝まずいて (kneeling down on the ground)

    欲シイナラ呉レテヤル 欲しいなら呉れてやる(If you want I can give you death)

    貴様ノ命ト引キ換エニ... 貴様の命と引き換えに... (Or your despicable life)


    合わせ鏡 (Facing the mirrors)

    『君の中にいない僕、僕の中にいない君』 ("I'm not reflected in you, you're not reflected in me"*)

    合わせ鏡してみても二人が重なることなく...。(I tried setting the mirrors against each other but the reflections didn't superimpose)

    薄紅の風たちぬ、夕闇は色をかえ... (The soft-pink wind turns the dusk into a new colour)

    髪なびくその姿。(The figure of the waving hair)

    見てるのが辛くて... (Harsh to see)


    愛与えない、与えらない (One can never love a deceitful person twice)

    すれ違う別の意志 (We are two opposing/(missing) wills)

    そこに君はいないから。(As you're not in mine's)

    呑み込めない言葉達もう手は届かない... (unreaching hands, incomprehensible words)

    すれ違う君と僕 (We oppose/miss each other)

    恋に恋い焦がれてるだけ。(So we're deeply in love)

    あの日あの時あの場所で交わした約束 (The promise we exchanged at that place, at that time, on that day)


    戻れないから...過去には (One can never go back to the past)

    表情の無い空煽る (The lifeless** sky ignites)

    霧雨の中を一人で... (Alone in the drizzle)

    心に広がる波紋は、君が居ない事を示す。(In my heart, the expanding ripple indicates that you lack me)

    『君の中にいない僕、僕の中にいない君』("I'm not reflected in you, you're not reflected in me"*)

    合わせ鏡してみても二人が重なることなくて...。(I tried setting the mirrors against each other but the reflections didn't superimpose)

    * Also "You don't like me, I don't like you"

    **Literally "a sky without feelings/emotions", these are characteristics of life; however, the line likely means "a clear sky"

  3. Dainsleif

    理性を矢い獣性の狂い咲き (Thoughts getting brutal without a reason)

    Collapse of self


    巨大な敗北と屈辱の下に (Under great defeat and humiliation)

    Collapse of self


    大衆は軟弱な牢ロウ (Masses are a weak prison/"low"*)

    全て俺の手中さ (Under our control)


    目撃せよ、鮮血の発狂 (Witness it, the madness of the fresh blood)

    快楽 (Pleasure)


    感情 (Feelings)

    No thanks


    絶滅せよ、害虫、寄生虫を 全血洗浄 (annihilate it, harmful insect, clean out the parasites' blood)

    平和を引っ提げて (Peace is up to you)


    Pull the trigger

    ファンファーレに耳を澄まして (Strain your ears in the fanfare)

    カウントダウンの始まりさ (Yeah, the beginning of the countdown)

    愛のパレード (Love's parade)

    Draw a sword called Dainsleif**

    The red rain, The blue sun, The white past, The black future


    Pull the trigger

    ファンファーレに耳を澄まして (Strain your ears in the fanfare)

    カウントダウンの始まりさ (Yeah, the beginning of the countdown)

    死のパレード (Death's parade)

    Draw a sword called Dainsleif

    * ロウ (ROU) has many meanings depending the kanji, I think the most accurate one is "prison" (this being a metaphor for "mind"). However, as it is in katakana, it could also mean "low" (defect).

    **in Norse mythology Dainsleif was a sword that whenever it was drawn it would, at least, bring one death.



    Raison d'etre=Crash'n'Burn

    他人任せのオーガズムでイッてろ (An orgasm entrusted to a stranger)

    右脳に埋め込む傀儡のGarden (Garden of puppets whose right brains were penetrated)

    Raison d'etre=Crash'n'Burn

    化けの皮剥がせ丸焼きが食べ頃さ (Detach your disguise and a barbecue is ready to be eaten)

    自分の弱さが招いたBad faith (The bad faith caused by your weakness)

    憂鬱さえも楽しめたならいつまでも (If only I could also enjoy depression forever...)

    ケセラセララと数えきれない夢を見ていたい (If whatever will be will be, then I want to dream everlastingly)

    まだ此処で立ち止まる訳にはいかない (I can't stop here yet, even though I want)

    ザクリバクリと蝕んでいく悪夢が消えるように (Undermining nightmares seem to be vanishing)

    まだ此処で目覚めないよう…また夢を見よう (But I haven't woke up yet... I think I'm dreaming again)


    賽は投げられた (The die could be thrown)

    誰かの為ではないく自分の為に今戦のさ (And this time I'll battle for my own sake, and nobody else's)


    当ての無い世界は天空へ… (In the heavens of an aimless world)

    羽衣を纏っていた (Wrapped in angels' feathers)

    降り注ぐ「魂」包み込む (These falling souls wrap us up)


    離さないで欲しくて (Not wanting to get separated from your sight)


    零れた水の華が… (See how a flower from fallen water blooms?)

    例えばそう 堕ちてゆく (If they are falling)

    乱反射して咲いている (There's a scattered reflection and then they bloom)

    未来の声よ 月の光よ 雨よ (Voice of the future, light of the moon, the rain)

    痛みを消し去って… (Getting rid of our pains)

    沈んだ 過去へと

    囚われて もがき苦しむ君へ (Whenever you are depressed)

    溢れる「愛」をあげよう (Overflowing "love" is sent to you)


    離さないで欲しくて (Not wanting to get separated from your sight)


    零れた水の華が… (See how a flower from fallen water blooms?)

    例えばそう 堕ちてゆく (If they are falling)

    夜の闇に咲いている (They bloom in the dark of the night)

    未来の声よ 月の光よ 雨よ (Voice of the future, light of the moon, the rain)

    痛みを消し去って (Getting rid of our pains)

    止まない雨を 抱きしめた (I embraced the incessant rain)

    未来の道を探している (Looking for a path to what is yet to come)

    永遠の輝きを奏でた (The eternity dazzle was cast)

    錆びない想いを願って… (Hoping our thoughts not to rust)

  5. iniquity

    震える手 錠斉砕く (A shaking hand breaking all the locks)

    灯りは薄い 手首切って朝を待つ (A weak light. Waiting for the morning to slit my wrist)

    言葉にできない コデインを下さい (I don't know what to say anymore, just give me codeine please)

    愛する事の意味さえもわからない (I even forgot the meaning of love)

    不安に怯える日々、ずっと何も出来なくて (Everyday afraid of anxiety, unable to do anything at all)

    胸の奥溶け込んで染みる (Piercing and melting into my heart)

    「あの言葉」 ("Those words")

    もう戻れないから 戻りたくないから (Because I can't return, because I don't want to return)

    このまま二人 寄り添いあって眠りたい (I'd like to just sleep close to you)

    痛みも悲しみも すべて置き去りに (Pain and sadness for leaving all behind)

    泡沫…声は無情の果て、果敢なく散る (The ephemeral voice... the end of cruelty falling miserably)

    祭囃子を過ぎて (going beyond the music festival)

    静けさが胸を刺す (This silence is stabbing my chest)

    明るい君の未来 壊したくない (I don't want to break your bright future)

    温もりが欲しい俺は安い愛を手に入れる (I, who want warmth, am always seeking cheap love)

    孤独は永遠に眠る輪廻 (Isolation, the metempsychosis that sleeps everlastingly)

    もう戻れないから 戻りたくないから (Because I can't return, because I don't want to return)

    傷つけあいや憎しみあいも耐えきれない (I can't stand this harmful hatred)

    痛みも悲しみも すべて置き去りに (Pain and sadness for leaving all behind)

    泡沫…声は無情の果て、果敢なく散る (The ephemeral voice... the end of cruelty falling miserably)

    温もりがほしかった (I just wanted warmth)

    誰かにふれていたかった (I just wanted to touch somebody)

    青い空は今日も俺を (Under this blue sky, today...)

  6. This is a kind of rough of the translation, but u can get an idea of what ibuki sings... hope u like it. (not my translation)

    also, i can work on romaji if requested.

    Deep darks Fortress

    白い要塞の中で笑う (Smiling in a white fortress)

    黒い水面にただ泣き浮かぶ (Or sorrowfully floating in dark waters)

    裂けた大地に潤いの水を (In bursting lands)

    注ぎ貴方への道を延ばす (The pouring water of the moisture lengthens the road that leads me to you)

    愛を夢を希望を手に輝きを放つ。(A hand emitting radiance. Hope, illusion, love.)

    例え身が壊れようとも、染まりゆく淀みを切り離すと... (Marks are left whenever a body perishes)

    月の滴を集めては空へ再び投げ戻して。(assembling moon drops to put them back in the sky)

    暗い闇からの支配者は我の汚れなき脳裏を汚す。(The governor of the absolute darkness has stained my immaculate mind)

    狭い隙間、転がる様に浸食して (The eroded fissure seems to tumble)

    不自然な笑みを零す道化師と私の二人芝居... (That's the drama of both a clown with a forced smile and me)

    逃げても逃げてもすぐに現れる。(Appearing and disappearing repeatedly)

    永久螺旋終わることはなくて。(This eternal spiral knows no end)

    深い森へと足を進めやがて未だ見ぬ景色広がる。(I'm swifting to a deep forest, unable to see the spreading scenery yet)

    暗い暗い暗い悲しみが渦巻いた、(The blinding sadness coiled)

    この小さな両手を高くかざし全てを受けるて止めた。(You pointed your small hands to the spiral, and then ceased)

    まるで母にすがる子供の様に... (Just like a child, that completely relies on her mother)

    天と地が今逆さまに映り、罪と罰と私を浄化して... (Heaven and earth are now reflected upside down, and thus sin and resentment purify me)

    静かに闇、安らかに眠って... (I'm sleeping peacefully in calm darkness)



    『布教配下の者達へ...』 ("Followers...")

    腐った死骸 その身で運べ (You're rotting remains)

    『信ずる我が身へ...』("The one who you believe in...")

    神の蜃気楼 今こそ讃え (That "godly mirage" is surely being worshipped at the moment)

    召されるがままの状態で見た愚蓮*の光 (Treacherously seducing people with junk)

    『壊さなければいけないもの』("God mustn't destroy...")

    愛情 (love)

    感情 (affection)

    人情 (kindness)

    強情 (perseverance)

    『布教配下の者達へ...』 ("Believers...")

    聳え立つ望 残酷な園 (Your biggest aspiration is this cruel kingdom)

    餌づいた脳裏に影を創り身を嘱す。(This dark invention belongs to your greedy minds)

    Believer,Raise your hand.



    静かに日は昇る (Calmly, the sun rises)

    静かに花は揺れる (Calmly, a flower sways)

    微かに足音が… (Weak footsteps)

    微かに人の声が… (And a weak voice)

    また悲しそうな顔して (Doing sorrowful faces)

    子供をあやす様に (Like a dandling child)

    貴方重い口を開く(You open your taciturn mouth)

    大丈夫だよと。(It's OK if)

    優しい嘘をついた貴方は、私の手強くを握る。(Your gentle lie grasped my hand strongly)

    儚い命が散った後には、私の命が散るんでしょう? (After your ephemeral/empty flower/life gets scattered, will you scatter my life?)

    最後の願い、聞いて下さい。(Please, listen to my last petition)

    『もう一度強く抱きしめて…』("Hug me tightly once more")

    『どれだけ苦しめば楽になれるの?』 (How much should I suffer until this becomes comfortable?)

    消えないで貴方私の前から…羽ばたく姿を見ていてね? (Am I watching your unfading figure flapping from ahead?)

    苦しさは速度を増して辺りは暗くなっていく。(Pain increases and everything's going dark)

    夢にみた無数の星たちは、私を迎えに来たんだね。(The uncountable stars i dreamt of came to pick me up)

    薄れいく意識の中では貴方との季節繰り返される。(My fading consciousness is a repeated story of you)

    私は闇に抱かれ、やがて静かに日は落ちる。(I'm embracing darkness and hopefully this calm day will end)

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