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Posts posted by Mei

  1. no!

    it's in this friend's place, she lives on her own. we just have to go with a costume.

    and bring her gifts hahahhaha, she's desperate for the gifts, i bought her a dress patched with crosses. from a really sick brand from argentina called A.Y. NOT DEAD. i luv that brand.

  2. i still have to listen to it a bit more to say i REALLY love it.

    i was expecting more crazy songs like inspire and agitator tbh.

    anyway, im not saying this album is bad, and i agree it's one of the few master pieces ucp has put out.

    shall's vocals r so fawking outstanding!

    but as i said b4 i need more listens.

    for now, it's a 7.

  3. aww, thanks ito.

    @miyuu: i used to have eating disorders too XD hahaha not funny, at all. but this thing of drugs is solving that problem but making bigger others. (i weigh 58 kg and am 185 cm tall. pheeew)

  4. hey

    what do u think about them? why do u think ppl take ithem? any personal experience?

    in my opinion drugs r the worse thing in the world, they're ruining my life. they r so damn addictive so i can understand ppl who take them, i dont have a pre-judgement towards these; but still i dont get why is there such a wicked market out there... i mean, i know it's too profitable for those who sell them, but still. i take cocaine and i cant leave it. what made me take them was my personality disorder (bad behaviour disorder or whatever it's called), im easily convinceable and auto-destructive that the first time i've tried them i obviously couldnt say no.

    also, im too afraid of telling my psychiatrist i take them. like, i dont want more pills as long as they're sedatives or for humour.

    worst thing is that it's so easy for me to find them: 1. there's a bar called "Génesis" that for 100$ they give u a paper 2. i have a "kitchen" one block away from my house, and i live in one of the best neighbourhoods in buenos aires... 3. i know an escort that gives me for free each time i get laid to her, she doesnt even charge me for the sex. is there any way out?

    so, what's your opinion?

  5. hi again, thanks for your opinions.

    we had sex during her relationship with his bf, that's why (when we had sex) i couldnt see her for a month because her parents didnt let her see me, knowing i didnt force her to do anything. and i got depressed, but as her mother loves me... now im back. when she invites me to her home we sleep together. we might have occassional sex. the other day she was jealous because i was talking to another female friend she knows and she said to me (today) that that day she cried, she put me on fb "i'll explain u later". so today she did, she said that whenever she has a really close friend she wants it for herself and only hers. i thought it was selfish, but then i remembered she's a borderline and they tend to be promiscuous, though she said it like if she really had good feelings towards me. i really dont know. we always do talk about anything but im not brave enough to face her and ask her what's going on...


    and yeah, i envy her bf.

    btw, today i went to her home and her mom (who's a friend of mine on fb) said joking "so now u've got a new gf?! we've even cried with (... name of girl). it was about time, but not with that girl" like meaning, she wants me for her daughter. she also knows her daughter likes me, simply cos she told her.

  6. i have a friend which i really like and love. tbh, i like her a lot. we've had sex a couple of times. thing is that she has a bf. BUT, she's always jealous when i hang out with other female friends (i say female cos she knows im bisexual and nvms if im with boys).

    does this mean she's in love with me? or she's just jealous like any other friend could be?

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