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Status Updates posted by Rize

  1. Put up a cheerful smile~ (*´∀`) !

    1. Yasupon



      How's that?

    2. Rize


      Very good!!! :D

  2. My breakfast today: https://twitter.com/Linhsan/status/328424183585447938 It was the first time I tried to make Tamagoyaki wwww It turned out pretty well ;3

    1. Kazuya Tanizawa

      Kazuya Tanizawa

      Looks Pretty Yummy XD

    2. Rize


      haha thanks wwww

  3. Happy Mother's day! ♥ My mom is now in Belgium while I'm home alone with my onii-chan... then for today.. Let's eat delicious foood!

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      isn't the same date in all coiuntry ? French mother day it's on 26th May....

    2. CaRaN


      In Spain it's the first sunday of May xDDD

  4. ANY CUTE PEOPLE.... who use the app LINE? Feel free to add me; linhsan (o^_^o) ♥

    1. Scarlet Obsidian

      Scarlet Obsidian

      I use it :D I'll add you ;)

    2. stylelover


      i usetu eitsits

  5. I think I really need to share this submarine kei version of MEJIBRRAY - Akercock LOL:

    ... brings back some good memories www
    1. Slsr
    2. CaRaN


      it was awesome hahaha

  6. I fell in love with this amazing songu~ DIV/ ゴールデンキ??マ劇場♪

    1. Jigsaw9


      Pretty nice song indeed! First one from them that caught my ear~ ♪

    2. Scarlet Obsidian

      Scarlet Obsidian

      I love that song too~ :D

  7. I'm studying during my summer holidays, how good am I? :D

    1. Gaz


      lazing at school-time. how bad am i?

    2. Slsr


      respect XD

  8. Today I bought Green tea with honey www :'D <3

    1. Gaz


      green tea again? omg D:

    2. Rize


      Yes, do you want some? :D

  9. It feels good to work like a die-hard on schoolwork like I did 3 years ago. Hope I can stay this motivated til the end. Teaching license.... here I come!♥ www *Puts sensei-glasses on*

    1. Gaz


      sensei glasses is sekkusi <3

    2. orangetarts


      Good luck <33 wish I had that kind of motivation XD

  10. It's stormy outside! It's even worser than yesterday (O.O ; ) Don't even feel like to go to school now, but I have to... *puts wings on* imma gonna fly... very high! XD

    1. nick


      I believe I can fly

    2. Rize


      :D ^ inmiddels heel veel stroom storingen op Utrecht Centraal :P
  11. Tonight going to ONE OK ROCK's concert *\(^_^)/*!

    1. freesia


      Yay! Just a week and a little more for my city

    2. electrastar


      Wah, I hope you´ll enjoy it! :a

  12. That visual kei otome game is pretty funny! I'm currently doing yo-ka's route! Aoi -168- is jumping in the story trying to catch the heart of the main character :> I'm playing it now in the good route, after it I'll do a totally bad route xD

    1. kyoisKILLINGME


      fff i wish i had a ipad lmfao

    2. kyoisKILLINGME


      fff i wish i had a ipad lmfao

  13. When the heater dies, then you realize how cold it can be in the house. www But it's less cold now since I slowly get used to it... > _ < )

    1. Jigsaw9


      /showers Linh with tons of fluffy blankets ⊂(´・◡・⊂ )∘˚˳°

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      at first i read that as "theater" and thought it might be a statement on the nature of culture and conservativism vs. creativity or sth along the lines. might've been wrong there...^^

  14. I seriously lolled about those beliebers rofl. This: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/529411_607018522691874_2087908051_n.jpg // PWN'D www FEEL THA DEFEAT. :D Isn't this the first time that an Asian MV wins on youtube? Glorious moment! :3

    1. ricchubunny


      Actually Girls Generations fans would do the same if JB had won...lol

    2. Rize


      Hmmm.. I wonder lol. Not sure about their fanbase ww

  15. Oooohohohoho~ Hikaru said he thinks my drawing is kinda unique! This made my day~ https://twitter.com/KAMELEOHIKARU/status/399566487926476801

    1. Dark Kinma
    2. nick


      wow!! nice, linh. and the drawing could even reach him. XD

  16. Do we have creative origami members here on MH? :) Instead of searching over the net, I'd love to see your origami talents! ww http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/25052-the-creative-origami-thread/

    1. Champ213


      I made a crane once.

    2. Rize


      Awesome Champ! ( ´ ▽ ` )

  17. Kameleo did it again lol. ;> That 5/5 mini is brilliant. Each member singing a song, just amazing lol. ♪

    1. nick


      I listened to the previews on iTunes, it must be an amazing mini-album. I like the one sung by Kouichi. His voice is so good. Haha.

    2. Rize


      My favorite is Takashi's song :D But they all do have amazing voices ^^

  18. How would Linh look like as a boy hmm... well like this! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BgdMN8jIQAEF8o7.jpg *lol*

    1. Raburr7


      haha. what a pretty boy XD

    2. Rize


      hahaha thanks Rabur :3 XDD

  19. MEJIBRAY - KILLING ME (Re-record ver. v2) ->

  20. That MEJIBRAY SM album... al re-recorded songs w00t! :o

    1. Tetora


      I havent heard it yet, I want to hear Avalon and Divergence most.

    2. Rize


      From their re-recorded songs I think I like Sadisgate the most ;'D

  21. Kuroshitsuji Book of Circus opening: SID - ENAMEL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6JdxfoIHj4 <3

    1. Tetora


      SID is the best.

    2. Mihenno


      omg this is a jam <3

  22. Morning rage http://ameblo.jp/linhsan/entry-11929558336.html huehue. So that cleared up my mind.

    1. Rize


      He saw my post and even favorited it on twitter dafaq hahahah

  23. So... I started to do nails for people too. This is my 2nd time doing it for someone tho, huehue https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10450830_792126234162081_8024114430761761255_n.jpg?oh=b4d76612c511cc99ef339b5201c98ca1&oe=5487699E TALENTS *o*

    1. paradoxal


      ooh please come to finland and do my nails <3

    2. Rize


      sent me an airplane ticket, I'm cominggggg~ in the speed of light :P

  24. I'm mentally dying, I worked 13+ hours yesterday and today I've got a normal workday... that combination is really bad. (T_T) *cries*

    1. MaikoMizu


      You can do it! Just as the people at work say to me, "Think about your next paycheck" and "You can never make too much money!".

    2. beni


      What MaikoMizu said~ I hope you get the rest you need in between such long hours. Look forward to those lengthy breaks you'll get and know what you're doing is worth it! All the best and take care!

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