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Everything posted by TheBistroButcher666

  1. TheBistroButcher666

    The pics are on Livejournal, they're not scanned and taken by a cellphone.
  2. TheBistroButcher666

    Has anyone ever had any issues with Used Company? http://u-zd-company.com/ ~ and Pure Sound http://www.puresound.co.jp/ Anyone used these before? Are they okay? I put in an order with Used Company and haven't received it yet D:
  3. TheBistroButcher666

    Going to try and buy that album
  4. TheBistroButcher666

    I'm not a Vidoll fan but it's unfortunate to see them go.
  5. TheBistroButcher666

    Thank you! xD I don't smoke though, so I feel a little ashamed but then I think DAMN I look cool xDDDDDDDD, But yes, those are my Motorola Bluetooth head phones I'm such a geek and wear them everywhere I go! I also some how managed to buy Pokemon SoulSilver that night, damn one click mobile shopping from Amazon! LOL! I'm trying to convince my boyfriend to design an app that forces you to do a trigonometry question on your phone after a set time so I don't post and do stupid shit on my phone when I'm drunk as fuck.
  6. TheBistroButcher666

    Obvious troll obvious.
  7. TheBistroButcher666

    No xDDD I immediately thought, best Geordi La Forge cosplay EVAR LOLOLOL.
  8. TheBistroButcher666

    They should rename themselves Derp en Herp.
  9. TheBistroButcher666

    M6QpDsXeE_I Luna Sea - Rosier othSPlEOfug La'Mule - Curse ieGOt-NZTM0 MIRAGE - Feeling Melody 9ywp4B3i9FA NeiL - DEEP ETERNAL I didn't think that much on it and there's probably like a million songs I could probably post but instead of video spam here are the first few that came to mind.
  10. TheBistroButcher666

    Maybe it's because I'm from the US but he's really not that fat. Just go to Walmart and compared to most of the shoppers he'll look like an anorexic super model.
  11. TheBistroButcher666

    Why did I listen to this?
  12. TheBistroButcher666

    Good thread idea! Sorry I can't help you with the Philia stuff, usually when I can't find album artwork I will substitute it with a band photo. Preferably their look from that release.
  13. TheBistroButcher666

    @doaseternity6 - Your hair is cool as shit!! @Chianti - You the man I got really drunk with a bunch of accountants and was so hammered I actually smoked that night. I was also able to convince someone to swim in the bay at 1am LOL! What a night!
  14. TheBistroButcher666

    Release three songs and remix them until he fires everyone.
  15. TheBistroButcher666

    So this is the infamous Re:dis - :emo:
  16. TheBistroButcher666

    I KNEW IT ALL ALONG GURL. OBVIOUS CRIME FAITA IS OBVIOUS GONNA HAVE TO KILL YOU ALL NOW. NO ONE MUST KNOW MY SECRET! Yeah we're a bunch of smug coffee drinking turtle neck wearing liberal hipsters lololololol. Apparently though we 'freeze' people but I just became aware of the 'Seattle freeze'. I'm not a tranplant so I don't know if I've been doing it subconsciously to people for years LOL. Bellevue is on the Eastside across the lake and I'm not really that familiar with many of the Seattle neighbourhoods actually, once out of the downtown core I get a little lost. So I don't really know much about Fremont (except the troll) but they're putting fences on the Aurora bridge to stop jumpers.
  17. TheBistroButcher666

    I was going to be clever and post bad vocalist but most of the ones that I do think are great have already been said already. Kon, Mitsurou, Kamiya, Yuina, blah blah blah.
  18. TheBistroButcher666

    They might of just got worthless degrees though LOL.
  19. TheBistroButcher666

    LOL - Drink lots of liquids Yuhma and get plenty of rest
  20. TheBistroButcher666

  21. TheBistroButcher666

    This! I want more darker brooding angry bands on UCP
  22. I wish I was around during the Mitsu era *edit* I'm gonna give him props for the Total Recall avatar.
  23. TheBistroButcher666

    JWeLc0jagpw We waited in the car for him to come out. imo Seattle isn't a very dangerous city. It can get sketchy in some areas or really late after the bars and clubs close and like all cities it has it shit holes full of hood rats but for the most part the city as a whole seems fine. I live in super yuppy Bellevue though, so what the fuck do I know right?
  24. TheBistroButcher666

    LOLOLOL! I wonder if he's going to ban you from his Myspace? I got banned and I didn't even do anything, no seriously LOL! I'm wondering how long it'll take for me to get banned from his Facebook, I mean he just has to go to my page to see the anti-Kiwamu group I'm in LOL. I don't think he gets my trolling since his English is pretty bad and I don't think he picks up my sarcasm. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah, so I guess sometime ago some poor soul bought that smelly purple wig Kiwamu wore.
  25. TheBistroButcher666

    Also FYI - lukrecia didn't post that, that's someone I know that goes by Iskanderia on Scape.sc. Don't be stealin Tiff's thunder, not cool bro.
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