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Everything posted by TheBistroButcher666

  1. TheBistroButcher666

    Is it the one with his face with the mustache. My friend made that xDDD I dunno, Facebook groups are kinda lame.
  2. TheBistroButcher666

    Hurray! Time to make my ears bleed to more of Hikari's wonderful singing
  3. TheBistroButcher666

  4. TheBistroButcher666

    ^ Favourite D'elsquel song 8D
  5. TheBistroButcher666

    Great label! I don't think Soleil gets the respect and appreciation it deserves (among Western fans at least). While I do like Matina, Soleil was vastly superior in my opinion and most bands it had signed where pretty solid. I love just about every band that was on that label
  6. TheBistroButcher666

    I think TW needs a Kiwi emote, given that we have the proper permission from Scape.sc Every forum needs a Kiwamu emote.
  7. TheBistroButcher666

    Another forum I play on the GPKism thread is just hilarious Kiwamu stories and bashing. There is an honorary Kiwamu emote lololol. I also try and make a habit of posting on his Facebook "I love GPKism" and always with the ism lowercase because he once wrote a snarky post on MySpace about a fan spelling it wrong.
  8. TheBistroButcher666

    Favourite Kiwamu picture ever Oh and for those that don't know the drama behind this picture. I didn't see the original entry myself so you can correct me on the details but I guess Ken posted this on his Myspace blog when he was still allowed to use the Internet before Kiwamu banned him. A bunch of people started making fun of Kiwamu and he raged. Wrote some lulz worthy blog entries bitching about Ken and Ken had to apologize on the Internet annnnnnnnnnnnd now Ken is banned from the Internet.
  9. TheBistroButcher666

    You were probably the girl in front of me at Versailles' show in NYC. The concert didn't even start and she was already rolling around on the floor at my feet, wasted. LOLOLOLOL! I wish, well I mean I wish I went to that live
  10. TheBistroButcher666

    I didn't go to the Seattle show they had last year (because I don't like GPKISM huuur) but I wish I had gone. He was a dick to my friend at the Seattle show, including that guy Rodger and I probably would of ended up doing something ridiculous because I always end up piss drunk at lives. I mean I'd have to get drunk to sit through that shit. My dream is to one day be that shit foreigner he's bitching about
  11. TheBistroButcher666

    Everyone who has him added on Facebook needs to suggest to him that his next project should be a spoken word album in Engrish.
  12. TheBistroButcher666

    Personally I think the ridiculously bad singers in VK is what gives VK its charm
  13. TheBistroButcher666

    I too am a real life superhero but I fight white collar crime. I am known as THE AUDITOR!
  14. TheBistroButcher666

    Does anyone know what happened to Yuina (ex.Blast, Lamial, Lustair)? This guy......
  15. TheBistroButcher666

    Larme d'ange win - everything else
  16. TheBistroButcher666

    I have been using these. They don't completely cancel out noise but for the most part they do a pretty good job of kicking out distracting noise.
  17. TheBistroButcher666

    I figure I'd pipe in and say I agree with you and how most Rock music isn't about having a perfect voice anyway.
  18. TheBistroButcher666

    Is the Metis revival going to be a full real revival or is it just going to be one or two members and then a bunch of support? Because that's just lame imo :-\ I assume the Aliene will have all three members since it's well just three members Will they have new costumes? Would be cool or just reuse the old ones from their recent revival
  19. TheBistroButcher666

    5A1SkUzcOq8 I'm going to say Hikari. He's the only singer that can literally make me feel queasy to my stomach. Most Visual Kei singers are pretty bad, especially when you start to dig deep into the bowels of the indie circlejerk. I usually end up liking them anyway but I'm also going partially deaf in one ear so that probably explains a lot.
  20. TheBistroButcher666

    I welcome the fondling 8=> As states already, if you book early enough flying can be about $60-80. The hotel might end up being the most costly expense yet in the end it would be much cheaper then flying to Japan to see them y'know?
  21. TheBistroButcher666

    Finally watched it, so the song playing is Philia? I was under the assumption it would be a ballad since they're using it as the theme song. Sounds tight - can't wait for the single
  22. TheBistroButcher666

    Flying isn't really that expensive if you book in advance, TSA might fondle your junk though.
  23. TheBistroButcher666

    KISAKI getting arrested.
  24. TheBistroButcher666

    Adding and trolling Kiwamu on Facebook is the like best thing ever.
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