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Everything posted by TheBistroButcher666

  1. TheBistroButcher666

    Yeah, he's kind of cute -U07G6EskPU
  2. TheBistroButcher666

    JiHqxa2wbgw Kawaii
  3. TheBistroButcher666

    You won't look at me!
  4. TheBistroButcher666

    B8ISzf2pryI Sooooooooooooooooooooo guilty!!
  5. TheBistroButcher666

    I assume you just pay for shipping, usually how these things work. I guess you'd need to do a money order or a bank trasnfer don't know how to do that stuff so that's why I was thinking of using a shopping service. Plus it also just depends if they'll ship overseas to begin with. I just want a physical copy but I bet it's just a blank CD-R so maybe not worth it LOL
  6. TheBistroButcher666

    Hhmmm so they're also mailing the CD? Maybe I will buy it with a shopping service too! Are the proceeds going to tsunami victims?
  7. TheBistroButcher666

    What is their email? 8D They're gonna be like "Who the hell are all these foreigners????" Hopefully it makes their day
  8. TheBistroButcher666

    One of my coworkers asked if my boyfriend's family in Japan was okay. My boyfriend is Chinese. China =\= Japan
  9. I didn't see anything for Lustair but if you keep searching Yahoo and mbok it'll pop up eventually. A copy usually does here and there. I got mine for a little over 3,200 yen if I remember correctly. Lamiel VHS tapes will pop up every now and then. I paid about 2,000 yen for mine and later saw the same tape come up for 500 yen. If only I waited I could of got it for so much less!
  10. TheBistroButcher666

    Awesome! Thanks for the suggestions, I forgot I asked about this haha! I will give it a shot. After listening to Canary, I thought maybe Ayabie was one of those bands that all their popular/chart gaining songs was just typical boring pop fluff and their B-sides might be different from the fluff that is their bread and butter.
  11. TheBistroButcher666

    I changed my twitter link <3 http://twitter.com/xArithmetica
  12. TheBistroButcher666

    This is the type of electronic music I abhor.
  13. I honestly would not of known that this was a Swedish band on that Cure omnibus if nobody had said anything about.
  14. TheBistroButcher666

    All I need to learn from History is from Call of Duty.
  15. TheBistroButcher666

    The Kraut comment made me laugh the most. Also - "Freedom of speech is a good thing. It lets you know exactly who the absolute dregs of the human race are." - boxerhockey God bless America!
  16. TheBistroButcher666

    I will be at the Seattle show.
  17. TheBistroButcher666

    http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/229/1299926235385.jpg Seriously? Oh jeez, I can't help but laugh at how ignorant these people are.
  18. TheBistroButcher666

    My Internet friends are the best and many of my IRL friends I have met through the Internet. I'm an overworking office drone so I don't have time to make friends the normal way! I met my SO in World of Warcraft and we've been happily together for almost three and a half years! My WoW friends from Canada are pretty awesome people too! Fun as hell to hang out with and once I get my passport situation sorted out, I'm driving up to Vancouver to get drunk with those crazy bastards.
  19. TheBistroButcher666

    Normally I'd be working 10 hours today but I'm sick so I'm going to sleep all day and work from home at one point. Answering emails right now ~
  20. TheBistroButcher666

  21. TheBistroButcher666

    Ah, forgot about this one!
  22. TheBistroButcher666

    Eh, I'll give it a 5. Then again, just ignore me. I haven't been in the mood for VK music lately. Maybe when I get out of my rut this will grow on me.
  23. TheBistroButcher666

    Ru:natic - 「生命ノ…??イ糸ガ…。?? Vallquar - Fabled Megaromania - Oath-cross of eternity- I think these are all coming out on the 23rd ha!
  24. TheBistroButcher666

    Gasp for Breath was boring as fuck.
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