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Status Updates posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. system disk failure... that's something you particularly don't want to see when a big project is due to tomorrow... fuckgoddammit

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      and there i thought flash drives would be safe..

    1. TheBistroButcher666


      I live in a dense neighborhood, sometimes it's fun to sit in a bar that's under a big apartment building with my buddies and look at the random network names.

  2. He's not even in the right castle LOL #PrincessPeachTweets

  3. so i went on the internet, this is what i found... http://edibleanus.com/

    1. freesia


      it's like telling someone to eat shit if you give them as gifts. O.o

  4. japan wat? i don't even!...

    1. Jigsaw9


      LMAO @ the ending

  5. hatred for humanity/society is particularly strong today, probably need a snickers...

    1. kai_desu


      "To those who can hear me, I say — do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed — the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people and so long as men die, liberty will never perish." -Charlie Chaplin

  6. wow, how has the new DEG-DVD/BluRay not leaked yet? it's been 4(?) days already... i guess the golden days of VK-Piracy are over :P

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      ok nevermind. found it :P

  7. http://ukfjesus.tumblr.com/ this is the best thing that happened to the internet in a long time...
    1. Miasma


      omg some one should do this for the shoutbox comments on vk-artist l.fm profiles

  8. toasts with nutella and frozen wildberries into the sandwichmaker. where is your god now? :P

    1. fitear1590


      you are an evil genius.

  9. new GoT... OUCH!

    1. CaRaN


      I had read the book, but that didn't make it any less painful lol

  10. ok, so apparently i won two spot on the guestlist for tomorrows concert of galneryus in cologne. anybody wanna come?

    1. togz


      oh cool, let me get one a plane now be right there. jkjkjk

  11. your new favorite tumblr for the next 5mins http://catsthatlooklikepinupgirls.tumblr.com/

    1. Shmilly


      Starting timer... now.

  12. we have a TOKYO JIHEN BANNER??? this is brilliant!

    1. Zeus


      yeah it's been there for a week. i announced it here

  13. trombe is my favorite trombone

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Wow, you have changed.

  14. and here you are again germany with your racism :( *sigh*

    1. fitear1590


      I'm out of the loop, but was ist los this time?

  15. woohoo, ??止金槌???ん??????????】is back :D it's been a while ;)

    1. Champ213


      Yay! Life has kept me busy, but I missed this place^^

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