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Everything posted by evilcoconut

  1. evilcoconut

    I haven't listened to Onmyouza in AGES. 01.陈坤 [Chen Kun] – 遇见你 02.Mamalaid Rag – Spring Mist 03.장근석 [Jang Keun Suk] – Always close to you 04.劉德華 [Andy Lau] – 痛 05.COLOR BAND – 黃金沖浪板 06.Aural Vampire – ムクロマンティック 07.Jack Heino – Heinos Hook (Feat. Double Castle) 08.SiM – Happy Home 09.相対性理論 [soutaiseiron] – スカイライダーズ 10.Microwave – Tìm Lại I call this the everything in foreign script shuffle lol. It was also pretty boring, except for the JKS song, which gets my vote. Microwave song is also pretty cool.
  2. evilcoconut

    Nil is awesome 01.-OZ- – Blast 02.R指定 – 黄昏ゴールデンガイ 03.FLOW – SIGN 04.A-Bee – pink forest 05.Sadie – 愛しさは孤独の支配者 06.เป๊ก ผลิตโชค [Peck] – ซน 07.アネモネ – ミル・フィーユ 08.Supe – (n)ever say never 09.Base Ball Bear – 夜空 1 / 2 10.コブクロ – DOOR Pretty solid overall, but going with OZ as my top pick, then honorable mention to the Peck song.
  3. evilcoconut

    I'd go with Vivid myself. 01.Every Single Day – Daydream in my closet 02.新裤子 [New Pants] – 新裤子 (Mix) 03.THEATRE BROOK – One Fine Morning 04.101a– Serial Number 05.浅井健一 – ちっちゃなかわいい悪魔のお家 06.中田裕二 – アンビバレンス 07.Phantasmagoria – 神歌 08.Northern19 – WE'LL BE ALRIGHT 09.Flumpool – ベガ~過去と未来の北極星~ 10.exist†trace – 二つの声 Gonna say Kenichi or the Every Single Day song. This was a really solid first ten songs of a shuffle though. All good.
  4. daaaang the new FACT is ahsum

    1. doombox


      omg it's great. ;w; Better than I was expecting even.

    2. evilcoconut


      so much better. one of my favorites of theirs easily.

  5. evilcoconut

    Not me, lmao. I like this concept though, for the record. On one hand, there were a lot of February releases that I listened to, on the other, quite a few of them did not live up to my expectations, like One Ok Rock and sort of BBS, definitely ABC. Leaving me with one nostalgic band and a lot of good pop. The DAI album is basically what I've been hoping for since they got back together. Really hit it out of the park this time, imo. Shinhwa - WE 얼음달 Do As Infinity - Brand New Days Rapunzel 김현중 - 今でも Cappuccino Capsule's Wave Runner gets an honorable mention, but since I didn't "love" any songs from it, I had nothing to put for my favorite track lol. It was a very solid album however. Conversely, I was a little underwhelmed by BBS's Shine Like A Billion Suns, but I loved the track Back In Black. And yay I could only find one of my songs on YT, lol.
  6. New DAI album is v.good

  7. Yes, that. Nonsensical random Engrish is funny, but a whole song of it is just annoying. And in that vein, I don't much care for all English songs period, even if it is good.
  8. evilcoconut

  9. evilcoconut

    Hmmm, I don't really have a playlist or keep a library in my music player. But in my music folder on my hard drive, the band folders are usually always romanized so it can all be in alphabetical order, I'm kinda OCD about that. Plus I have a bunch of other languages besides Japanese so that would get confusing real quick lol. The actual bands and songs though are always in the original language and appear that way in my Winamp when I load my whole library, for example. I don't really have a problem recognizing kanji or kana.
  10. Why do girls always post those stupid emo quotes on Facebook?

    1. nekkichi


      less stupid than this update

    2. evilcoconut
  11. evilcoconut

    heard about this yesterday, stilll poop
  12. evilcoconut

    I was actually an Eagles fan as a kid, uh, slightly before the McNabb era lol.
  13. evilcoconut

    I'll do top 10, because I like top 10s lol. 01.Vivid 02.SUPER BEAVER 03.9nine 04.Lyu:Lyu 05.Rude Paper 06.Yeti 07.NoisyCell 08.JOKER 09.アンダーグラフ 10.刘思涵 (Koala Liu)
  14. Curry's game last night was pretty much his best ever. I'm glad I decided to watch.

  15. evilcoconut

    Maybe I'm the only sportsball fan here, who knows, but just case anyone else is dying to talk about sports here. To start, what sports do y'all like? Favorite teams? Sometimes it's great to talk sports outside of diehard sports boards. Mine are: NFL Seattle Seahawks Baltimore Ravens MLB San Francisco Giants Baltimore Orioles NBA Golden State Warriors Indiana Pacers I'm kinda OCD so I have a favorite in each conference/league whatever lol. Been a fan of all for a long time, except for the Warriors, because I was a fan of the Sonics before they went bye bye, but then picked up the Warriors to follow Steph Curry.
  16. evilcoconut

    The Milo – Daun dan Ranting Menuju Surga
  17. evilcoconut

    Some months this would be hard, but the following are really the only albums I had any strong feelings for. Of the three, i'd talk up Knock Out Monkey the most. They've really come a long way to me since the first thing I heard, which was Skank Up I think. Anyone in to say, bands like One Ok Rock should check them out lol. As for the others, I love the crap out of SEKAI NO OWARI because their stuff sounds like playing old RPGs and KANA-BOON is just solid indie, alt rock whatever you want to call it like, NICO, Galileo Galilei, Czecho, et al there's a million of them so. SEKAI NO OWARI - Tree Death DiscoKnock Out Monkey - Mr. Foundation How long?KANA-BOON - Time A.oh!!
  18. evilcoconut

    Boom Boom Satellites – Emergence
  19. evilcoconut

    Don't listen to any of those artists tbh. 01.NORIKIYO – ALL CITY BOMBING feat. OKI,HEAD BANGERZ,カミカオル 02.加藤和樹 (Kazuki Kato) – Love Bite 03.organic stereo – Plastic Flower 04.謝霆鋒 (Nic Tse) – 快 05.ダウト – T.S.G 06.capsule – Super Scooter Happy 07.少女-ロリヰタ-23区 – -faith- 08.阿杜 (A-Do) – 还你自由 09.カジヒデキとリディムサウンター – PLAYBOY PLAYGIRL 10.RAU DEF – Pafupafu Skull (feat. Messiah the Fly) Nic Tse song is one of my favorites, but super close runners up are the Norikiyo and Rau Def songs, just because nearly everything they do is flawless lol.
  20. I've been finding a lot of new bands I like lately, after not really bothering with many new ones for some years. But now like, most of the old ones I like are breaking up lol. So I second DIAURA, AvelCain, Dezert, Grieva and I'd add Black Gene for the Next Scene, DIV, holyclock, Yeti, Gigamous, Trust and uh, Loud Grape is pretty cool too.
  21. evilcoconut

    Also now watching Inu x Boku and Guilty Crown
  22. evilcoconut

    ViViD - explosion
  23. evilcoconut

    Yeah that was basically what made me think, oops they're gonna break up. Like when Duralumin released Adios or something like that lol.
  24. I had a feeling Vivid was gonna break up soon. =/

  25. Hurry up February, all the releases I want are there.

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