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Everything posted by evilcoconut

  1. evilcoconut

    examples of these artists plz? not being sarcastic, I really want to know, lol
  2. evilcoconut

    God, this sfm. If I don't like a band's sound, I stop listening. It's simple and way better than bitching about every single release.As for the album...I'm about to listen, lol. As soon as I'm done with the new SCANDAL single. ;p
  3. evilcoconut

    lol, this
  4. evilcoconut

    hey~ I guess you're the person I just gave the link to on Last FM, lol
  5. evilcoconut

    FACT – start from here
  6. evilcoconut

    ? lmao. also, nm that he died EONS ago.
  7. evilcoconut

    exist†trace – ROUGE
  8. evilcoconut

    somewhat related, but BACK-ON is also awesome. And Smorgas, but they're quite a bit harder
  9. evilcoconut

  10. evilcoconut

    ???? – ????????
  11. evilcoconut

    ?????? – ?
  12. evilcoconut

    ? i agree, his voice is better now
  13. evilcoconut

    ??? – ?????
  14. evilcoconut

    oh yes, looks is a good reason to dislike a band. *insert eyeroll here*
  15. evilcoconut

    ? lol, this sfm. I like UVERworld, and in fact, I kinda agree that Giru sounds a bit like them lately, just more rockish and less pop. But I personally like rap-rock in just about any form. Except Orange Range, I can't stand them.
  16. evilcoconut

    Dear jane – ????
  17. evilcoconut

    me neither, for the most part
  18. evilcoconut

    Don't you hate when albums you initially dislike grow on you? I try to pretend I didn't notice.
  19. evilcoconut

    I prefer Tierra, honestly. But they've mostly sucked since their hiatus.
  20. evilcoconut

    ? Oh yeah, they're blowing up in Japan. (I'm so happy for them; I was mostly referring to the Western fandom
  21. evilcoconut

    101A - though it seems more people know of them now than I when I got into them. Hilcrhyme - ok, not rock, but still, hardly anyone on this side knows about them Lastier - broken up since forever, but I swear I've only met two people that like them, and *I* introduced them. ??? - no one appreciated them enough Binecks - awesome, release steadily, why don't they have more fans? That's all I can think of atm
  22. evilcoconut

    ???? – ????
  23. evilcoconut

    I was going to make a Merry thread, but then I realized I'm only doing it to see who else thinks their new stuff sucks. That's kinda douchey, lol
  24. evilcoconut

    that is true. so really it's four total this year? how sad
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