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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    ^ yeah I'm avoiding that show this season, I'm just not in the mood to watch shitty shoujo reverse harem antics atm....
  2. Original Saku

    Well since the guide actually includes watching and reading the original source material which the anime is adapted from, it's very spoiler heavy xD Honestly in this case I think it's better to follow the guide first and spoil the anime... for several reasons in fact. The Songs which the entire series is based on are worth being in the know about since that just makes the experience so much more worthwhile when they appear in the anime. And really I'm digging the anime right now, but there is definitely some stuff that is lost from the source to the adaption, not to mention since it is SHAFT some things are a little confusing if you don't know the source before hand. So I recommend following the guide and spoiling everything because the enjoyment level of the anime goes up tremendously after that, but then again it's up to you. I will say that that confusing feeling will disappear if you follow the guide. because not only do you read and watch the original source materiel but the blogger also explains everything about plot and story elements as well. So there no reason to be confused.
  3. Original Saku

    ^ I know... it's one beast of a series, right now I'm reading parts 1-3 of the manga again just because I felt like it xD
  4. Original Saku

    yeah and It's so painfully obvious too... well since the last time I posted here I did anime, this time I'll post some tracks from one of my favorite Video game soundtracks Nier These are just a hand full of random tracks I just youtubed, but literally there is not one bad song on the sound track which is comprised of almost 40 songs in total... It has quickly became one of my favorite Video game Sound Tracks of all time and the game is still in my best RPG's of the last console Generation list, and may very well be my favorite RPG on the PS3. This is pretty much another OST that I should probably upload here at some point, I'll get on that sooner or later XD
  5. Original Saku

    I have Sidonia downloaded but haven't gotten to it yet... same with M3. I'll probably get on it pretty soon though because I've been hearing some good things about both currently I'm obsessed with Mekakucity Actors I originally went into the show with no previous knowledge of Kagerou Project (KagePro for short) but after watching the first few episodes i got really interested in it and I ended up doing some research on it... I eventually came across this Tumblr post and started following the KagePro beginners guide there. Now i'm pretty obsessed, I haven't completed the entire guide, but I would definitely recommend anyone who is more interested in the series to check it out, I've found that the stuff I have recently discovered thanks to the music videos, manga, and the keen insight of the poster has more than doubled my enjoyment and understanding of the anime series. Not to mention I'm really digging some of this vocaloid music... It might be some of the best vocaloid stuff I've heard. Kagerou Daze <3
  6. Original Saku

    not bad... I can dig it
  7. Original Saku

    Also you have to keep in mind that just because somebody downloaded it doesn't mean they didn't buy it as well... there are several reasons for this, they wanted to listen to it early before their copy arrived or wanted to sample first before buying, or they wanted to grab a rip from someone else instead of having to go through the troubles of ripping it themselves, ect. just because it had tons of downloads does not mean that all of those people didn't purchase, although I'm sure a lot of them probably didn't but I'm also sure some of them did as well.
  8. Original Saku

    ^ Phi Brain is a very quality show, glad someone else is giving it a chance It's not the best show or anything, but it has it's moments.
  9. a little late notice but some things have come up and there will not be an anime stream today, It's postponed till next week.

  10. Original Saku

    wtf... dresscode? what the hell is this? school? that shit's kinda lame tbh.
  11. Original Saku

  12. Original Saku

    Fuck that song is great I hope we get the new album this year.... I don't want to wait any longer XD
  13. I stayed up way too late again... *yawns* goodnight MH ^ ^

    1. sai


      good night ;3

    2. CAT5


      lmao it happens, haha XD

  14. Original Saku

    Yeah except there's no point in having a separate thread for stuff like that, when we could just have it all in the same thread for ballads... "New VK vs. Old VK" and Zess's VK inspiration thread are totally different because they have to do solely with VK as a scene, movement, genre, or whatever else you want to call it and the history involved, as that is the focus of those topics. This topic pretty much fit's into a wider range of discussion as ballads are songs that are found in all types of music and genres. There's no problem. I'm just suggesting that maybe we could change this topic of discussion to accommodate a broader range of users and tastes.
  15. Original Saku

    I'm just saying that the topic title should be Japanese ballads period... after all we're not just a VK forum, and stuff like this does tend to make it seem quite the opposite to outside visitors.
  16. Original Saku

    I think it's good, but not as good as everyone else is making it out to be... the hype train is just too strong i guess. Is it better than DSS? Yes I think so. Is it better than Uroboros? No not in a million years. that might just be because I've had five years to listen to Uroboros and it's left a huge impression but who knows. Honestly I also find it pretty laughable all these people comparing them to deg in the first place... two totally different sounds should not be compared. and the people saying this is better than 9goats material... I just laugh at them, because they are too blinded by the hype. why would you even compare it to 9goats to begin with? because the bassist is there... okay whatever. What's the deal with people saying that DEG has to compete with Sukekiyo with their upcoming album? that's just stupid. Tbh i fully expect to like diru's new album a whole lot more than this... with the way they're talking about going back to their roots and doing more simplistic songs and with Rinkaku, unraveling, and STU all being pretty really solid songs (imo) I don't see how the upcoming album can't be good. Basically I liked IMMORTALIS but I don't understand this backlash of negativity towards DEG all of a sudden... it's beyond me.
  17. Original Saku

    Why does it only have to be VK Ballads? just sayin XD
  18. Original Saku

    Yeah it's really a great series not just because of the soundtrack either, it's a shame though because for some reason people are overlooking the show right now... It really doesn't make no sense, I feel a lot of people see the childish outward appearance of the main characters and write it off, but that's totally not correct while the MC's are young they are actually way more mature than most other characters in other similar shounen. Plus Togashi the mangaka has a really unique method or approach to the shounen genre... I can't explain it other than it seems like he tries to steer clear of the cliche's that riddle the genre and tries different and more unique approaches to the storytelling and plot outcomes... really you just have to read or watch it to understand what I mean. btw didn't mention before but the composer for the Soundtrack is 平野義久 aka Yoshihisa Hirano, who is actually very well known and is a rather experienced anime composer, hes done other stuff most notably the Death Note soundtrack and Final Fantasy XIII soundtrack (you know the one with the best music) among quite a few others.
  19. Original Saku

    So I can't not post some of the best anime scores I've heard in a very long time here xD Ladies and gentlemen I present the awesome sounds of hunter x hunter (2011) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSGnMJXJsJw&list=PLcoH4BBwgPCgcsapedbAokRfcpejYGtEs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVVdVcpeq3M&list=PLcoH4BBwgPCgcsapedbAokRfcpejYGtEs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oZRSWcwnk4&list=PLcoH4BBwgPCgcsapedbAokRfcpejYGtEs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nmghZ0PMpI&list=PLcoH4BBwgPCgcsapedbAokRfcpejYGtEs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzQ6dtf5yeI just breathtaking, and all those are just from the third ost which has scores from the most recent arc... there are some really amazing scores that are played during the phantom troupe arc, like this one not only is this show currently my favorite battle anime, but it has some of the most memorable and amazing scores I've heard in a long time.
  20. Original Saku

    ^ Awesome to hear! I plan on going to see it pretty soon, I love Andrew Garfield's Spider Man so much more than Toby McGuire's. I went to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier last week and that shit was awesome so much action, almost too much honestly xD I really dug it quite a bit, and it's nice to see a super hero flick that's not about a hero with crazy out of this world powers or advance technology... It was just nice to watch cap kick everyone's ass the entire time I'd give it a
  21. Original Saku

    Idk I liked it quite a bit, maybe you need to listen to it more? i don't know.. I definitely think it's better than just average, although I agree in the sense that I wouldn't call it the best or anything like that, and yeah "Rival" is one of my favorites as well.
  22. Original Saku

    Well the last time they released a mini it turned out amazing... granted it's been some years since then, I don't really know if I have the faith in them to make something amazing again, but regardless I guess I'll keep an eye on this
  23. Original Saku

    Never really got the point of LoL, I know what it is and I've seen plenty of people playing it but I really don't get the appeal of it... unless you're making tons of money as a pro gamer from it, I see it as pretty much a waste of time just like I see stuff like FPS online multiplayer as a waste of time, sure it's fun for a certain period of time but after that there's no point in keeping with it... I watch my brother play CoD blackops everyday for the last two years, he doesn't make money from it and he doesn't accomplish anything other than wasting copious amounts of time and his health slowly slipping due to him sitting on a couch all day for hours on end.
  24. Original Saku

    opinions are opinions and tastes are tastes... if everyone agreed with each other and had the same taste as each other, then the world would be a pretty boring place don't you think? So basically why are you even replying here? his opinion differs from yours and nothing is gonna change that, so why bother? Also I don't really think a 3/5 score constitutes it being "trash" and I don't think Zess thinks so either otherwise he would have given it a real trash score, let's say a 1/5. If you really wanted to make a worthwhile post you would have reviewed it yourself and stated why you like it in the first place instead of disagreeing with him and not backing up your opinion.
  25. Original Saku

    ^ YES. Shiki OST is godlike <3 it's so mysterious ill omen sounding... Loved it so much also really like the OP an ED for Shiki, that one Buck Tick song is awesome. pretty much everything Sawano does is gold and it''s been accurately represented in the thread so far thanks to sai I also didn't know about that FFXV track either so I thank you for that. But now I would like to introduce everyone to some new talent that has came on to the anime OST scene, Hayashi Yuki who recently did the Gundam Build Fighters OST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMZRlcut2kM&list=PLSro7M1KGXTVGizgoaDi9JYrcxiloaC43 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGURaVeE0bw Fucking loved the OST and I'll probably upload it pretty soon
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