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Everything posted by Aion

  1. Aion

    Since my laptop is fucking up not recognizing my external HDD it's back to CD time, and I came across a golden oldie meister – I want you to show me .o.
  2. xMlszxGaPoc Really NSFW this one... REALLY
  3. Aion

    安藤明子 – パンと花 Been a while I last listened to her, but she is still as beautiful as ever
  4. Aion

    bEBbu-wkKrs True, but then just say that it doesn't matter for you For a pirate it doesn't matter For a purchaser, the western way is better For a band/production company, the Japanese way is better =)
  5. Aion

    Well, first of, you're saying that the western style is shitty because releasing singles after you already released them on album is for the money... Then, you say the Japanese singles are available anywhere so you won't need to buy them... So, shortly said, the western style sucks because you need to buy the singles even though they were released on an album before, and the Japanese style is better because you can download the singles before the album is out? (it's sounds better in Dutch ) I'm solely looking at it in a legal (not downloading) way to say which way is better.
  6. Aion

    um...not entirely true, unless you're referring to certain indie bands. Tons of Japanese singles are leak daily, so they're available for download D: explain this then:
  7. Aion

    got it for the 360... lvl8 on the multiplayer, mostly played as engineer. Pretty cool game so far. Never felt much for the BF-games actually, but I'm tired of the CoD-games, so tried something new. So far I am not dissapoint (only BF-experience is BF Vietnam)
  8. Aion

    Started with it last Saturday, and already about 10 hours in. Love the game. Never played the first one (though I always planned on doing so, but never found the time to do it xD). Niw Loving the game. Wanderer for me, first started as a pyromancer, but after 3 hours of playing somehow my savegame got deleted when I wanted to play it again... Now started with a Wanderer, and I'm currently at the Red Dragon thingy, not exactly there yet, first need to cross that shielded warthog or something...
  9. Aion

    Not agreeing. Ofcourse this applies when you're already familiar with the band, but mostly the band releases a new single to get new attention from new fans... You're not obliged to buy that single, as you already have that song so you can listen it all the time... When applying the Japanese system, you have to buy the single, because it's not available via another way...
  10. Aion

    First episode of the new season just aired. Opinions? Not reading the comics, so I was kinda shocked with what just happened at the ending... Out of the blue...
  11. hmmz, been a while since I last visited a concert, so it would be kakkmadafakka on Lowlands 2011... Though I've watched Vangrail (a Dutch band) a week later on a small party...
  12. Aion

    EmIbToF-Lwo felt like listening to them for the first time in a few months. Still as good as ever
  13. Not surprising actually, seeing their current schedule etc... ART-SCHOOL already lost their real style with the loss of Sakurai Yuuichi 2.5 years ago... It's a shame, but it was a thrill ride with ART-SCHOOL as long as it lasted... It never topped the 2002/2003 years
  14. Aion

    wtf's happening with TT... I can join the room, but my ava isn't visible, and I can't chat/DJ or anything else... TT is getting strange...
  15. Aion

    Maybe you should move to a superior country Why would it work if he moved to the Netherlands?
  16. Aion

    new album by 水中、それは苦しい. So awesome, now on the last (20th) track, which is awesome... ozbgCyMdciU (openings track of the album, which I'm on as we speak)
  17. Aion

    Noah and the Whale - Tonight's the kind of night
  18. Aion

    Yeah, she's pretty cool. Wanted to see her on Lowlands 2010, but she cancelled. Not the best vocals, but she's very energetic and got some good beats Guess she really is good on stage, but haven't seen her yet..
  19. http://www.little-dragon.se/ http://www.myspace.com/84613245 Members: voc - Yukimi Nagano drm - Erik Bodin bas - Fredrik Källgren Wallin key - Håkan Wirenstrand yditHU77U6E sBno_Eujf1g A-XXJW08CXw HXn02jofXGk Just discovered them a few days back as I was browsing through new bands that are on Lowlands festival which I'm attending in 3 weeks. This was one of the very pleasant surprises. Bought their Ritual Union EP yesterday and loving every bit of it
  20. Aion

    OYA-bass leaving the band http://aionline.eu/2011/07/30/ogre-you- ... ss-leaves/ toe van and equipment stolen http://aionline.eu/2011/07/30/toes-van- ... nt-stolen/
  21. Aion

  22. Aion

    Hey, dont fuck with acstab ( though it made me lol xD)
  23. Aion

    you definitely do, one of the better bands of Japan imo
  24. Aion

    Just a quick list of my top # releases of this year: 1. Maria Hato - THE LATTER HALF OF ALOHA 2. YOUR LAST CHICKEN - YOUR LAST CHICKEN 3. THE DECEMBER - inner/outer 4. 洞 – まぼろし 5. 緋と陽 – 燃えて泣く鳴る 6. the darars - medaca 7. THE JUNEJULYAUGUST – 深く潜れ
  25. too bad it's only limited to tower records, so chances are pretty slim it's getting here
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