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Everything posted by Aion

  1. Aion

    Just started recently in Earth Defense Force 2017 on the 360 BAD game is AWESOME
  2. Aion

    don't like... only one controller per system, so we still have to use the wiimote in offline multiplayer... Graphics only slightly better than the PS3/X360 afaik... HUGE ASS controller, doesn't seem all that nice to play with (it also must be pretty heavy for the longer runs) It does have some nice features, but it doesn't show anything that could be more than awesome what Sony can't accomplice with the Vita if it's getting a similar approach with it's PS3 compatibility... What would be awesome if there was some kind of horror-adventure coming in which you can use the controller as your POV while you keep walking forward, if you catch my drift
  3. Aion

    THEラブ人間 - 砂男 Nothing beats this band. Really glad they're going major to be honest. More goodness from them And ofcourse that Emi is getting more vocals on this single
  4. Aion

    folk enough - mario
  5. Aion

    Still a nice free week between the 9th and 16th Go Holland !
  6. Aion

    Gerhardt - I want to be with you .o.
  7. Aion

    洞 – コリオリ new album by this duo, and again really good. Somewhat more mellow than their debut
  8. Aion

    http://aionline.eu/2011/05/31/and-its-over-500/ Without really realizing it, I reached a small personal milestone. Got a Japanese CD-collection (though partially digitally purchased) of over 500 9000 here I come
  9. Aion

    I like this cover more though [edit] ah, url fucking with things xD, niw, link below Pioneers of Love - ET http://giel.vara.nl/Videohighlights.463 ... &tx_ttnews[tt_news]=18045&cHash=523e798873b3a221d193035293d8dbd8
  10. Artist: pezite Album: アダムスキーpezite Genre: pop, jazz Release date: 2009 Lenght: 43:54 1.コンタクト 5:32 2.プラスティカル 4:10 (sample) 3.サイレン 5:37 4.タイムマシン 5:33 5.アダムスキー 2:12 6.ホーリー 4:19 7.カスタ??ルラ 5:59 8.デイジー 4:51 (sample) 9.モールス 4:43 10.??ースデー 1:06 without doubt one of the best albums ever made. it's however for not such a large audience, but if your're fond of pop (alternative/experimental) and of jazz, this would be a nice try. The vocalist just released her first debut release, and though it's not really bad, it misses the stuff that makes this release just awesome. According to pezite's bass-player, they're currently recording their second album.
  11. Aion

    Jeepta meets FLiP?
  12. Aion

    Thanks all Also happy bday Ito
  13. Aion

    THE DECEMBER - 人間嫌????ピアノ弾? oh damn .o. their mini is so much full of win .o. though this song has some stuff borrowed by an American band on which I can remember the name right now xD
  14. Aion

    nothing known about that, or at least, the sources I had doesn't mention mukai at all...
  15. Aion

    ok, Dutch date please
  16. Aion

    宗凛 & Alcoholic Faith Mission – ??る???? remix
  17. Aion

    \o/ _NXGm9gOqms (from their previous album)
  18. Aion

    hmmz, do I know you? (nickname doesn't ring a bell at all) niw, 昆虫キッズ heard only by name, really need to check out more by them
  19. Might also mention this _Drlk8qZ_0I
  20. Aion

    Monochrome = one color Try reading the forum when its all white, or black, or green, or red, or...
  21. Aion

    no too light...
  22. Aion

    @futoshi, I fixed your tags youtube-tags only need the video-id instead of the whole link
  23. Aion

    Again? Niw Jakes spamfest at tonberry when TW just opened
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