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Everything posted by Aion

  1. It's just because she has a huge ass guitar!
  2. Aion

  3. http://aionline.eu/?p=1312 samples sound very interesting imo But also, STRAIGHTENER falling apart the ART-SCHOOL-way? Bassist in killing Boy, drummer and guitarist in another sunnyday
  4. Aion

    I love their album stuff but when I saw them last summer live I was heavily dissapointed. There wasnt any real live atmosphere as I wouldve thought of the songs I knpw of them
  5. 1. 鬱????人々?????? 2. maximum the hormone 3. my girl March 23 releasedate there also seems to be a new PV, but I can't get it to work... http://55mth.com/main.html
  6. Aion

    Oh yeah, came across them about a year ago while searching for Struggle-Head,Emergence, that also uses the abbreviation SHE some times
  7. Aion

    aha, I already got that impression seeing all those names here and on our Last.fm xDWelcome btw
  8. I guess it's just a joke video, or, since the band has done more poppy-sequences in their songs, it goes all wild after the 2 minute mark But I do think they can handle that poppy stuff pretty good
  9. MAXIMUM THE HORMONE has announced they will release a new single in March. More details will be announced on their homepage on February 7, but they have released a videoclip with a new song on it on their site... http://www.55mth.com/2011/nsg/npv.html only thing I can say is MTH goes WTH _____________________________ 1. 鬱????人々?????? 2. maximum the hormone 3. my girl March 23 releasedate there also seems to be a new PV, but I can't get it to work... http://55mth.com/main.html
  10. Aion

    I've youtubed them 5FqJCxf4YVo wC71R2kAxvk Well, my first listens Frozen Music I love the bassline in it, but then again, I think the whole band is going to lean back on the bass. Especially this bassline in combination with Riki's voice makes it pretty awesome. Though I must say I miss something in it. Thankfully it's the first track on the album, as it fit's there, but it's not what I was expecting to be honest... 7/10 Call 4 U As you said it, this is a typical ART-SCHOOL-song, and it fits perfectly in all ways. I love Riki's voice on the simple bassline. Was kinda surprised at first with the little bit of electronica in it. It may be forgettable, but I love this kind of songs by ART-SCHOOL, and thus I also love this song. 8/10 Only thing I'm not too fond of, is already that these are songs 1 and 2. Whereas Frozen Music fits the first place, and works to a momentum till it's finish, it's followed by Call 4 U, a ballad... It doesn't really fit there, and I guess it would be better as this would be the 6th or 7th song on it.. But then again, we haven't heard the other 7 songs yet xD
  11. Aion

    ah, it's probably the documentary that's already on youtube right?
  12. Aion

    minecraft (PC) Vanquish (X360) Infinity Blade (iPh) Chaos Rings (iPh)
  13. Aion

    I loved LASER RAIN
  14. Aion

    too much for me too xD. I wan't to go back to around, but the last 8 months it was way more xD 100 euro/3m on iTunes 100 euro/3m on CDJ 100 euro/3m other stores
  15. Aion

    Read it yesterday on natalie, but kinda lost interest in THE BAWDIES. Kinda curious how they handle that cover though xD
  16. http://aionline.eu/?p=1209 Thus April 13 - My Bullet May 11 - unknown June 22 - unknown looking forward
  17. Aion

    maybe a late reply, but: hmmz, we've only added one mod over the last 1.5 year, and that was zesshoku, and I do not think he made any foes here as far as I know. As for all the other mods, well, they are here (including me) since late 2009? not sure, but it has been some time... As for VIP's, I also think they're not really bad, let alone making fun of people. Yeah, there have been quite a few additions lately, but all have been through a fairly tough decision-taking. The only drama that I can think of, would be by Herpes, but he has quieted down since he've become yellow...
  18. Aion

    Kinda love the new direction they went in, judging their new single clK7UTpuuos the cover however is fugly
  19. Aion

    Not sure, but, How does Maria Cross want to disband? Ripping an arm from his body or something? It's a solo-artist right? And the whole reason for VK-disbandments? The want to get popular, and in most cases it can only be done by disbanding, and then do a revival thingy 10 years later
  20. Aion

    打首??門??好会 – ??ャーシューファキメン oh wut, this smells like MTH all over the place .o.
  21. Aion

    Tales of Vesperia was also pretty good though
  22. Aion

    And now name me some full HD games, and no handheld RPG's...
  23. Aion

    Wait, what? You must be new to RPGs. indeed it misses about the most important thing from all RPG's
  24. Aion

    and for VK-rarez you also don't have to be there exactly... Of the last 20 uploads, there's like only 4 VK uploads, of which 1 isnt really rare...
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