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Everything posted by Aion

  1. Aion

    Kagero's releases are available on all iTunes, same goes for Jabberloop and Nabowa (iirc) As for actual CD-releases, I guess Soil & Pimp Sessions are pretty widely available, but I don't know for the US tbh..
  2. oh yeah, VGA awards were just today. ME3 looks cool. First 2 were more than awesome, 3 is again getting a lot of time from me And TESV is going to be AWESOME, loved all previous games. Also, I called Skyrim a long long time ago, shortly after Oblivion was released SSX Deadly Descent also seems great, lvoed previous SSX -games. Too bad it seems like they addded a lot of MoH/CoD elements to it. Where are the colors?, the humour? It now seems so ..., well, cinematic I'm also looking forward to Catherine, the new atlus-game like the Persona-franchise...
  3. Aion

    Never heard of uni-birth, but yeah, she can sing pretty good . They always remind me of the Persona-games OST's, a same kind of jazzy-feel I completely forgot about モダンガァール&スナイパー (modern girl & sniper). They're doing electronic jazz. pretty cool album h0CD_9bK7Rg and 385 (new band of Miya from Bleach/bleach03) also has some jazz-influences PWweM9eaxg4
  4. Aion

    I listen to some jazz from time to time, but it certainly isn't my greatest forte. Bands I love are mostly either pop-jazz or jazz-rock. From the bands already mentioned I like Soil & Pimp Sessions and Kagero (last one is really awesome) As for others of my favorites: Jeena Majestic 0kWLCt8EkWo 雲隠れ (koukakurui) 0Dw1k9bGUv8 8-eit c9OjkUTuwjs ALMA plus I5SAeoF7PJY nabowa sfsf8ZQKfXY
  5. hmmz, can't really think of any really sad moments in gaming, though I'm a pretty hardcore gamer. I do remember some stories of Lost Odyssey being heart wrenching. As for example the story where Kaim meets his senile wife about 60 years after meeting her for the first time etc... But yeah, the Lirium moment was also strong... Shocking moments oke, but really sad moments, I can't think of any...
  6. Aion

    Its a Dutch site but they are Russian
  7. Aion

    pezite – プラスティカル
  8. Aion

    She's already kicked out of school, read the whole thread niw, when people ask me about my musictastes, I would not lie about it. I just say I listen to rock and pop, and mostly from Japan and England. When they start questioning, then I just name some specific genres and bandnames I listen too... But then again, I do not listen to VK nor do I name myself neko, tsuki (or Aion for that matter) in public... That being said, last Friday in my local bar I introduced some people I regularly speak with to VK
  9. Aion

    http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/1241071 ... _auto.html DAMN
  10. Aion

    and it was sung by him
  11. Aion

    [Champagne] - You Drive Me Crazy Girl But I Don't Like You to get in the mood for their just announced album
  12. Aion

    ^ I guess he's cold
  13. Aion

    fQODLgW9I0w going to the move next saturday, already getting intoo the mood
  14. Aion

    アナロギアン – ??や??????ニー pretty cool punk/rock&roll
  15. xD niw, not that I listen to Gospel, but I don't know a lot of christian bands from Japan. But then again, the Christian community in Japan is also pretty low...
  16. Aion

    Dutch is my native language, and I can speak English. I also know som German, French, Japanese, Danish, Frisian, and Spanish
  17. Aion

    http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/threa ... 2454665647 fourth reply says it all ............................................________........................ ....................................,.-‘??...................``~.,.................. .............................,.-??...................................“-.,............ .........................,/...............................................??:,........ .....................,?......................................................\,..... .................../...........................................................,}.... ................./......................................................,:`^`..}.... .............../...................................................,:??........./..... ..............?.....__.........................................:`.........../..... ............./__.(.....“~-,_..............................,:`........../........ .........../(_....??~,_........“~,_....................,:`........_/........... ..........{.._$;_......??=,_.......“-,_.......,.-~-,},.~??;/....}........... ...........((.....*~_.......??=-._......“;,,./`..../??............../............ ...,,,___.\`~,......“~.,....................`.....}............../............. ............(....`=-,,.......`........................(......;_,,-??............... ............/.`~,......`-...............................\....../\................... .............\`~.*-,.....................................|,./.....\,__........... ,,_..........}.>-._\...................................|..............`=~-,.... .....`=~-,_\_......`\,.................................\........................ ...................`=~-,,.\,...............................\....................... ................................`:,,...........................`\..............__.. .....................................`=-,...................,%`>--==``....... ........................................_\..........._,-%.......`\............... ...................................,<`.._|_,-&``................`\..............
  18. Aion

    adding: me-al art - 生??れ???????れ?? * ACIDMAN - ALMA BYEE the ROUND - アナザー ガール プリーズ ??ズミ??ナビ - BOY traffic light - traffic light * 洞 - 山??部屋 王舟 - ThaILAND * THEラブ人間 - 大人????供-17????22??- * 安藤明?? - オレンジ色??スカート 0.8秒????撃。- エスノファンキードフトエフスキーカムカムクラブEP * ウラニーノ - World end Happy end THE UNIQUE STAR - 空??絶後 a long list now, but these are the releases I enjoyed the most last year The ones with the * are the ones that really are standing on top though and there are still the new any, 8-eit and the two new kamatte-chan albums in December , and ofcourse the debut of the xx's
  19. Aion

    iTunes just rips it's in the good order, it most of the time it's the zipping/rarring program that fucks up the files. I tend to keep it to a minimum, but since I download the whole week through, but only once or twice a week unzip it in a batch and add it to iTunes, I most of the time don't know which release it was in the first place xD, so I end up removing it before listening, and in some cases I remember which release it was etc and re-download it again, just to unzip and rename it immediatly Guess I'll be taking a picture of my Japanese CD-case in a few days...
  20. Aion

    Single for a long time now, not really missing a gf or anything, though I have someone I'm interested in, and she bought me my Lowlands tickets, so
  21. Aion

    the new ACIDMAN album .o.
  22. Aion

    vOeZOWGPygQ ??????もドアーズ (Dokodemo Doors) He's the one with the longer hair
  23. Aion

    http://aionline.eu/2010/11/29/andymori- ... w-drummer/ \o/
  24. Aion

    And just ordered 5 tickets for K's Choice in Hedon Zwolle on March 12. Finally going to see them again after all those years \o/
  25. Aion

    aquarifa - in vain
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