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Everything posted by Aion

  1. Well, being a former journalist, I can understand Kamijo... When you arranged an interview with someone, put work in it, and it's blatantly copied on another site, it's just plagiarism. A direct translation of said interview is just the same... If it were a summarized text of the interview or anything like that, it doesn't matter that much I guess, as long as there is a source mentioned... In my early years as an editor for a website (10+ years ago) I also did some direct translations (English -> Dutch) and put them on the website I worked for at the time. Didn't last long and I got contacted by the original source and they forced me to remove that content... I was a beginner back then and learned my lesson that way... If you just don't do a direct translation and write the said stuff in another manner, you can use direct quotes as long as you link directly to the original source... simply put, direct translations = plagiarism, direct translations without the mention of a source might even be illegal... Plagiarism is a BIG NONO in the journalism industry, let alone in college and the likes... It's been done to some stuff I wrote. After long calling and mailing with some people, I arranged a interview with Hideo Kojima, talked with him about some stuff and had a nice talk with him. Put the interview online and 3 days later I saw a direct copy of my work on a French site, talking like it was that guy personally interviewing Kojima without any mention of the site I worked for, let alone the mention of it originally being a Dutch article... completely stopping it would be impossible, but at least bring the matter to light is the least that can be done... But why this has to come from Kamijo and his management... as for lyrics, that's a whole 'nother business =)
  2. Aion

    hmmz, okay, too hard? they all have a release with the same name, except for one, which has a little difference in it's title
  3. GL heeft het door de jaren heen ook verpest voor mij...
  4. grote kans dat het voor mij SP gaat worden eigenlijk... Ben altijd al een linkse stemmer geweest terwijl ik uit een CDA-familie kom. 1x op CDA gestemd als tegenstem... Verder altijd links gestemd (eerste paar jaar GL en nu al een paar keer SP) diverse stemwijzers gedaan. en 3x SP als beste gevolgd door PvdA, GL en D66, en 1x PvdA met SP als 3e na 50+ (WUT?)
  5. Aion

    oh, isn't that the way then?
  6. Aion

    felt like doing a pretty hard one =) a. amber gris b. DOPING PANDA c. M.O.V.E d. Heavenstamp little tip -> think releases
  7. Aion

    DuelJewel because it's the only active band?
  8. Aion

    Tickets for me and 2 friends for a Will and the People-show nearby, with a 90's NOW party afterwards =)
  9. Aion

    Lareine, because Never Cage Never Cage is just one of the best VK-albums ever made imo. Versailles is also really cool in their early stage, but somehow their music lasted too long. Why not quit with songs that last 4/5 minutes... and even now I like listening to songs as Gipsy, Knight & Priest, Metamorphose etcetera... Lareine imo leaned more on a more happy/catchy tune, whereas Versailles more leaned on the guitarsolos, of what I can remember now so on the top of my head... [edit] simply put, I have better memories of Lareine than I have of Versailles
  10. Aion

    In the local bar (which is also the place I work, well, I work at a party rental service which used to be a bar/catering and now is a party rental with a bar/catering xD) they have Heineken's. So I kinda grew up with it... It's pretty easy to swallow all night long =). Favourite drinking beer however would be Hertog Jan... When it's sunny and I sit outside, I prefer the white beers, like Erdinger Weiss, and when I start drinking with some friends, I tend to start of with 2 or 3 Quillotine's, which really is a pretty heavy beer (http://www.delirium.be/la_guillotine), once did 5 of them and then I had to go to the toilet... stood up, and immediatly lost my balance xD filthy sons of a bitches xD Besides beer, I'm not that much of an alcohol user. Sometimes a Jonge Jenever (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenever) with Fanta (Jonge Fanta/Jonge Sisi) or a Beerenburg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beerenburg) with Cola (Cola-Beerenburg xD) or with Sprite (Zeven Beren (seven bears)
  11. hmmz, daarover gesproken, wanneer kwam dbz eigenlijk op de Nederlandse TV? 1998 ofzo? Ik herinner me het nog dat ik geloof ik op de HAVO zat en dat was eind 96-2002
  12. Aion

    became a pc-gamer for a couple years in that era... I also bought the N64 and PSx later while the PS2/Xbox was already available..
  13. Aion

    pfft, got too much of them xD, still booting them up from time to time when I feel like it... Got myself: NES Super Nintendo Nintendo 64 * GameCube Wii * Gameboy Gameboy Advance SP Nintendo DS SEGA: Master System Mega Drive (Genesis) Dreamcast * GameGear Sony: PlayStation PlayStation 2 PlayStation 2 mini PlayStation 3 * PSP Microsoft: Xbox Xbox (Panzer Dragoon Orta JP import) Xbox (see-through EU edition) Xbox 360 * others: ColecoVision Atari 2600 Atari 5200 GamePark 32 * with a * are still the ones I use from time to time... will do a write-up later about some of the games I play... Most favourite games however are from the DreamCast era (Crazy Taxi, Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, Skies of Arcadia, Ikaruga, THPS2, Space Channel 5 etc)
  14. mmm, denk via Haruka Kanata van AKFG eigenlijk... Of in ieder geval, toen werd mijn aandacht in Japanse muziek gewekt... Een half tot een jaar later zat ik dus op ik meen tonberry torrents zoeken naar wat van AKFG en downloadde ik een mixtape van een member daaro, en zo ontdekte ik ART-SCHOOL en ACIDMAN die nu nog altijd tot mijn favo bands horen.. Na een kort tijdje ontdekte ik ook VK middels MUCC, Luna Sea, Pierrot, 12012, metronome en Vidoll. Maar dat heb ik nu eigenlijk weer helemaal achter me gelaten. Al luister ik nog wel eens naar Luna Sea, Pierrot en het oude werk van Despa, Giru en Mucc... en ik denk dat ik sinds 2008 ofzo helemaal intoo indie ben...
  15. Aion

    Don't think I've ever put them on a personal mixtape, but I remember that they were on VA I once bought and shared on here (Style Band Tokyo comp. Vol.1)... niw, one band that has a release next week I'm looking forward to AQATUKI (previously known as akatsuki) z5W9iyQZU94 got their album pre-ordered and looking forward to it =)
  16. Aion

    ART-SCHOOL - BABY ACID BABY the PV, which only is available for Japan (FU SONY), but thank god there are proxies =)
  17. all classics =) Mirror's Edge is imo one of the most overlooked games ever. Really loved it and played it multiple playthroughts just to beat my time xD
  18. I also got of somewhat cheap... most of the games were 1-5 euros or something. Only PCM2012 was 22.50 (with 50% off) and I'm also missing one badge so far. Haven't voted 20 times yet... Guess I'm at 17 now, so maybe I could still make it 20 xD
  19. I believe the whole Fable-backlog is on sale now actually niw, last day of the sale. My purchases: Ys Origin Ys The Oath of Felghana Pro Cycling Manager 2012 The Binding of Isaac Freedom Force Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich Dungeons of Dredmor Dungeons of Dredmor: Realm of the Diggle Gods Cthulhu Saves the World Breath of Death VII Psychonauts Costume Quest Stacking Haven't played most of it though Ys Origin -> 7 hours Pro Cycling Manager -> 6 hours The Binding of Isaac -> 2 hours and for those that really like action RPG's. Buy The Witcher: Enhanced Edition. It's only 2 euro and it's a really awesome game. Already bought it about 2 years ago via GOG.com and really loved the game
  20. Aion

    Sweet. do want
  21. Aion

    other thing that may come close to this, but also do not really think it really is alike, would be Ougon no Te. Little bit more upbeat, little bit more alternative and obscure compared to it, but digitalis and Ougon no Te were the first two bands that come to mind... Igh2NYihaA0
  22. Aion

    I guess something as digitalis would be something like it... xDcEC4pS4fA little bit more on the poppier side though singer of this band also compose the music of, I believe, a atelier-game
  23. on the official site it's already cheaper (I believe 17.50 iirc), and yeah, that DayZ mod is looking awesome, though I don't think I got enough time to really get intoo that. Love watching some vids and reading stories of that mod on a Dutch site though xD
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