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Everything posted by Aion

  1. Aion

    Yeah, I saw some vids of it a few days ago. Really gave me a "Mirror's Edge meets Deus Ex"-vibe gimme now
  2. Aion

    So yeah, when to kill time, there is always youtube to check out some PV's, funny's and more. In this thread I want to know what Youtube shows you're following. And by shows, I don't mean channels, but really programs (or when a channel is actually a show at itself is allowed, but don't say something like UKproject's channel! or failblog channel) I only follow 3 programs, and in random order they are: TotalHalibut's "WTF is..." https://www.youtube.com/show/wtfis show length: 15-30 minutes WTF is... is a show that gives a short review of what a game is by playing the first half hour of it or something like that. Why not watch a review by IGN or something? Well, TotalBiscuit (the host) is such a great comedian at what he does, and he really knows his shit. Besides, he mostly discusses indie-games, which I love. Besides the WTF is...-show, I also sometimes follow his other shows, but WTF is... is the only one I really follow as it comes out. TheFineBros' "React to" show length: 7-12 minutes "React to" is an award winning show by The Fine Brother's which involves kids, teens, elders and youtubers reactions to other youtube videos that stand out. Stuff being discusses are varying from dubstep to Nyan Cat to nigahiga to Jessica Black and even the American elections of last year. I've been watching these videos for over a year by now, and almost loved every one of it. Though, their 4th installment (Youtubers React to...) is my least favourite actually. I really love their other new one Elders React to.... GeeksAndSundry's "TableTop" show length: +/- 30 minutes A show hosted by Wil Wheaton which involves Wil and 3 other 'nerds' playing boardgames as Small World, Catan and Munchkin. What's the fun of seeing 4 people playing a random boardgame? Well, I don't know, it's just fun to watch the nerdy comments they make from time to time, and it's fun to discover some new games through this program. (I really want to get Zombie Dice and Dixit thanks to this program) So, what are your favourite youtube shows?
  3. Aion

    Just try it, I order you to! xD This is just the tip of the iceberg of folk'y stuff. Cat5 probably is more advanced in that genre. I just keep going with the same names, and sometimes a new gem comes to that list. All are just personal discoveries without recommendations. And I guess that's why CAT5 might be better to recommend some stuff, as he gets more recommended to him I guess =) Well, I'm an indie-head right =) Last couple of days again completely addicted to RBB's Campfire. It's so awesome .o.
  4. Aion

    hmmz, it's that I haven't listened to VK in ages, but this line-up is pretty cool. All from bands I liked back in the day, and I loved Fukusuke and Naoki
  5. I kinda had the same though. Got some CD by my mother (Smurfs \o/, and some omnibus) but I never really cared for music that much untill I was 13,5... If I wanted stuff, I mostly went to my aunt who had a lot of stuff I liked =)
  6. Just out of curiousity, what was the first album you have bought with your own money? Mine would be Garbage - Version 2.0 back in 1998. rpRiSb_Ir-s -kvXfNoTjsY I just turned 14 and with some money I got for my birthday, I bought this album, which is, to date, still one of my all-time favourite albums. So, what is yours?
  7. Aion

    or a dodgeball-like game played with basketballs xD
  8. Aion

    ok pretty cool, but for optimal effect, your whole body has to be packed in such 'blocks' as they are now, or a complete suit in the future as it further progresses.... The idea is really awesome, but I gues it's practically not to realize in a living room surrounding I guess...
  9. Aion

    True, it's the WW2 of 10 years ago, but still it's better than the other picks =) Zombies it is =)
  10. The year is drawing to an end and thus a great time on reviewing on what albums I enjoyed most over the last 12 months. I guess I could a big introductionary post, but why bother, as most of you probably only scroll down the list, so without further ado, my top 10! (well, not exactly, thetop 3 is a top 3, the others are releases I couldn't not give a number =). 1. くすぐる – くすぐるのアルバム The female half of kusuguru has been on my toplist since the summer of 2010. Akiko Ando's sweet voice is just perfect for her acoustic music and thus she became easily one of the better folk-artists in my opinion. I was kinda surprised when I found out, late 2011, she teamed up with Ijiri Akira of Virgin Fish to form kusuguru. This however turned out great, as the both of them have found a sound that is more mellow and easy-going than Akiko's solo-works. A true gem! fUefKufcCmE 2. ROTH BART BARON - 化け物山と合唱団 It was around early 2010 I discovered ROTH BART BARON by accident while browsing youtube. An awesome live-version of 天使の輪っか convinced me to get their self-titled debut, which I've listened to A LOT in the last 2.5 years. And then it became quiet, untill a few months ago they released a small demo-single (Chocolate Demo) which was also very good. Then, a week ago, they released 化け物山と合唱団, and man, I was hooked immediatly. Especially Campfire (see above) is such a masterpiece with all those instruments. Despite it just being a few days old, it gets a solid second place for me! gj3J7seC7qQ 3. 柴田聡子 - しばたさとこ島 And on place three even more folk. This spot is reserved for the debut-album by Shibata Satoko. In 2011 she already released two demo-albums, and most of those songs have made it in a slightly different version on her album. Instead of Akiko Ando, which has a more traditional voice, Shibata Satoko has a more playful edge in her voice, giving it a slightly more pop-feel to it. Vg2woE3wgjg なんだかやれそう – たからじま Something completely different than the previous, I want to mention SIAMESE CATS latest album amongst my top albums. Their quirky, playful music has grabbed my attention for a little more than a year ago I guess. They already had some demo-albums out by then, but their debut single and it's follow up made me anxious for more. And now it is here, released early december, this release features even on of those 1.5 year old singles on it, but also has some other great tracks. Not for everybody, but when you accepted the vocalists strange voice, it has some pretty awesome tracks on it. cIlCy0Hlmjo きのこ帝国 – 渦になる One of the bands I completely fell in love with while I was in Japan in March was Kinoko Teikoku. They have a shoegaze-like sound that enchants you when you hear them for the first time (or at least it did for me). Before seeing them live, I already was curious how the vocalist would sound, and her voice was so much different from her looks, or better said, she has a pretty deep sound for such a little girl. This in combination with some really cool guitarriffs and effects makes this one of my favourite albums of 2012. hehWmivkQpM 夢見てる – おばけの唄 Sometimes you come across a band that already has a pretty cool sound, though you notice it misses something. A year ago, I acquired a demo by Yume Miteru, and it really sounded good, though it missed some finishing touches. A year later, they released their first real album, and somehow managed to improve enormously. This album has a better recording, and they've added a new guitarist, which allows the vocalist to completely focus on his singing,and all for the better. A band to keep an eye on, because I can see them getting major the near future. hvkRuJl6FEM 福原希己江 - おいしいうた Back to some folk with Fukuhara Kimie. Actually this is a 2011-release, but being released on December 28, 2011, I think I can include it ot this list. I discovered Fukuhara Kimie around the same time I did Akiko Ando, and both are great yet so different at the same time. Fukuhara's voice is much cleaner, and perfectly fits with her style of slowpaced guitar-playing. This is her first album after releasing some demo's, and actually I was kinda surprised it being advertised so much in Tokyo Tower in Shibuya when I was there as it was also over 2 months old at the time. S9ciMKu9q68 How to count one to ten – Blue Building Blocks What's a list without adding some post-rock. There were multiple post-rock acts with releases this year, but how to count one to tent was the one that really stood out if you'd ask me. I might describe them best as a more guitar-based toe, having three guitar-players in their line-up. This threesome also gives a real cool atmoshpere when playing in sync hitting the same note at the same time. OMFV5KvdaPc 洞 – 発見 SHIBATA (or HOLA as he now calls himself) has a very unique approach on pop. Don't exactly know in which genre this would fit best. It's ambient, it's poppy, it has some electronic elements in it, but overall, it really is a great release. XVJMVM5FVNk Idiot POP – EXWORLD I want to finish my top 10 with some club/electronica by Idiot POP. This artist has a pretty cool approach on using samples in his works. Without doubt the best electronic album released this year in my book. tGlKac8RVS4 Well, there you have it. Agree/disagree? I know my taste isn't the most common here, but please, try these artists, you might even like some ofthem =) I only included Japanese releases on this list, cause otherwise Alt-J would've destroyed the complete toplist =)
  11. Aion

  12. Aion

    "Hey, people get bullied, maybe that might be the problem we have to tack-" "NO, BLAME VIDEOGAMES AND THE ROCK MUSICS" SRSLY PPLZ!
  13. Aion

    And don't forget the shooting in that mall two years ago or so. That's the Capelle one I mentioned =) [edit] Ah, I mean Alphen xD Capelle a/d IJssel Alphen a/d Rijn honest mistake xD
  14. Aion

    You mean Anders Breivik?You know his bomb 'only' killed 6 or 7 people right? And he killed about 70 more on Utoya with, dare I say the word, a gun... A complete ban of guns is impossible, as it is in the Netherlands too. You can purchase (a limited variety of) gunsover here, but only if you're a member of a shooting club and have a good background check (fucked up one time in Capelle 2 years back or so). The guns that guy used yesterday weren't even his, but his mother, and then comes the other question. Why does a SCHOOLTEACHER have MULTIPLE guns at HOME. See what I'm implying?
  15. Aion

    WTF Facebook Ryan Lanza did turn out to be the older brother of the guy that did the shooting using his ID...
  16. Aion

    I also read that the first link with videogames is already made as he liked some videogames... (on Fox or something, read it on some forum) I also heard he liked some musicgenres and he watched some televisionshows... From close source I also heard he liked to drink Pepsi cola...
  17. Aion

    Waffles! waffles waffles ... Waffles waffles waffles waffles? waffleswaffles waffles xDDD WAFFLES!!!
  18. Aion

    And really, naming the killer is also backfiring random newssite: "It's Ryan Lanza! Here's his picture I found on Facebook" FB RyanLanza: "I'm not the killer, I'm at work!!!" another newssite, same photo: "Is this Ryan Lanza,the CT killer?" FB RyanLanza: "FUCK YOU! I'm not the killer, I'm riding the bus right now!!!" Another Ryan Lanza on twitter: "WTF, why am I trending all of a sudden?" random newssite: "The shooter ISN'T Ryan Lanza, but his brother Adam" (and still posts the FB Ryan Lanza's picture on their site!) Yeah, it's horrible what's happening over there, but I hate how the press is blaming the wrong guy...
  19. Aion

    5G47nwGmBfQ gief nao
  20. Aion

    ah damnit... nowgotta wait till february for the next episode =( niw, good episode was good also xDDDDD and another HUGESPOILER
  21. Aion

    okay, now not something about the series, but about the game Just finished the final fifth episode, and damn, how good can a game be. it's been long I got emotional over a game, but this just... wow... it's so much better than the TV-series. Everybody who hasn't played it, get to it right now .o.
  22. Aion

    Just finished EP4 of The Walking Dead. Guess I'm starting ep5 tomorrow as I have to go to work in an hour... Also bought some other games yesterday in the GOG.com deal (5 games for 10 dollar, aka 8 euro or something)...got Alan Wake, Machinarium, Unmechanical, Trine and Torchlight, and besides those 5, also bought Deponia on Steam last night. Guess I got enough adventures to play in the following weeks =)
  23. ok, not the summer sales, but the AUTUMN SALES started today... EVERYBODY WHO HASN'T DONE IT ALREADY, BUY THE WALKING DEAD NOW, and did that need to be in caps, yes it did... Bought the game just last thursday, so I kinda hate it's now on sale for €12.50, but that game is so fucking awesome .o. Much better than the TV series and also bought Knights of the Old Republic II in the flash sales just now. Only €2.50. Guess I'm taking one beer less this weekend =) And finally, if you haven't gotten LIMBO already, get it NAO. also only €2.50 in the flash sales right now
  24. Aion

    くすぐる – 嘘みたいな本当の話 still one of my favourite releases of this year .o.
  25. Aion

    Anyway, bought it yesterday of steam, and loving it. Only had the time to spend about 3/4 hours in it yesterday, and still my city stinks (on my 3rd map, first 2 were really bad xD) map 1, dug too deep to fast, and my population went from 11 to 2 in very short time xD map 2, had a shitty map on which I started on an island with almost no trees nor stone -_-' map 3, pretty small settlement at the moment, got some soldiers and heroes, but I guess I'm starting all over again because I didn't plan some things out good enought at the start xD
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