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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Did I reply here yet? I don't even remember where I spew my thoughts on the internet anymore @__@

    Anyway, the only folk metal I've ever listened to is the stuff Arithmetica shared, so one song from Arkona and one from Wintersun. I've bought more Wintersun songs from iTunes and really like them but I haven't gotten around to getting more from Arkona. Unfortunately, iTunes only has Arkona in latin letters...so I have no idea which songs are popular nor which albums are worth while D: .

  2. I have to listen to it again, but I remember from first listen that it was very dynamic and a lot heavier than Will. Which song is which escapes me, but I think "Bastard" was the favorite of the 5.

  3. I don't think most of my download habits would change. I personally feel there's no e-pen stroking unless the file's on a hard drive you own of some sort. I'd probably buy more CDs if I were exposed to more streamed music so I could tell if I liked it or not without acquiring it illegally. My second biggest thwart to buying CD's, after not having the money for it of course, is that if I already have an album electronically, I'm a bit demotivated when it comes to having a physical copy unless I absolutely love it.

  4. UGH, dude had the same birthday as me, that's certainly new news for me.

    but LEOPARD PRINTS? a leopard room? I bet he was taken away by AIDS, leopardmania screams he had it.

    Stop being a bigot.

  5. Nooooo!!! T.T

    Is that it means "indefinitely" forever?

    Indefinitely means that they don't have a time frame in which they plan on getting back together. It could mean for forever, a year, two months, or 10 years. If they do permanently disband, they usually make another announcement saying that they don't plan on restarting their work together.

    By God Rita, if you do the last option I will punt you.

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