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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Because honestly, visual music is the only scene that I actively stalk everyone's personal lives, histories, connections, pictures, etc. The only post-hardcore, metal-core, death-core, etc bands I've seen have been made of up of tattooed ex-scene kids or pudgy white guys with neck beards. But as I said, I really don't look into more than the few bands my friends have introduced me into which is why it surprised me.

  2. Dream+Theater+DT5.jpg

    I find that people either love or hate them. People I've met in person seem to love them, and people on the internet seem to hate them. Then again, the whole point of the internet is to complain about things irl that you can't change and to steal software / intellectual property.

    Favorite songs by them:

    "Honor Thy Father," "The Shattered Fortress," "Panic Attack," "These Walls," "Overture," and a couple other instrumentals. I haven't listened to them in a while.

  3. I have a few songs by them. They're okay to me, but I haven't listened to all of their releases. I liked "Ghost Opera," and "March of Mephisto," but a couple songs I felt the melody could have been catchier : / . I guess I'll just never be an avid fan.

  4. I don't really see that many similarities to Epica in a lot of their songs. Some do, particularly in the growls, but I think Delain is pretty much how they describe themselves: heavy pop music. Epica seems like a mishmosh of a lot of metal genres to me, which isn't a bad thing at all by the way, and Simone sings way more operatically. I've seen people repost tweets from the band where Charlotte commented on how "[she doesn't] sing so damn high."

    *shrugs* I like both bands, just for different reasons.

  5. :oshi: Sort of back on topic post :oshi: :

    I wikied the band name. I knew it sounded really familiar @__@ It's AP European history all over again. Are there any dates for an official appearance of the band?

    Back to being off topic:

    I've never listened to Paris. I'm a terrible homosexual and only like pop music from the lady in the meat bikini. ...and t.a.T.u.

  6. Edit:


    Alright, I'm better now. I hope this means that the piass will actually fucking release something and that Aika joins another band like Werkmare and stops this accordion band nonsense. Wrong Werkmare member D:

    Although, I still believe Aika should be in another band.

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