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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. When I was a single lady and heavily into WoW, dated a guy I met that was also into WoW and he was fucking terrible. He had been playing since Vanilla and was just so God damn bad at the game. I was an elitist raider asshole on my server and it was embarrassing how bad he was. We where only together for about a month or so, and there where legitimate reasons for us parting but whenever I look back that's all I can remember about him.

    You should go to my school. You'd fit in really well.

    Biggest disappointment for me was when I was becoming more comfortable about who I was as a person. I started to experiment with online relationships and fell head-over-heels for several people at a time, none of which I had any feasible way of meeting in person. The group of people I spoke most with knew everyone else I spoke to and everyone kind of cycled between everyone else, so needless to say there was a lot of uncalled for drama that I was only able to escape by literally ignoring absolutely everything dealing with them.

    Long story short, I eventually gained enough confidence and self esteem to move on from repeated failures and I'm currently in a steady, in person, relationship with someone who has quickly become the best friend I could ever ask for.

  2. So then what are they going to do? Have one of the other members sing or just do instrumentals?

    The latter would be very lame, especially since most of their songs have little to no development without the vocal part.

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