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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. The one with the most blond hair is what I picture Hizaki looking like when he orders a plain hamburger and he takes a bite to find out that there's onions.

    Interesting look and single concept. I'll keep an eye out for this.

  2. ^ You and I both share the same fetish then. Though I wouldn't really call it a fetish. lol TK especially has perfect shoulder lenght (it was probably the first thing I noticed about Rin toshite shigure's live performances overall, ngl).

    and hi there:

    and lol Bruno Gagliasso:


    THANKS FOR HIS NAME *google images that shit*

    Oh, that's his name.

  3. The first foreign language I took was American Sign Language in 1st grade. I don't remember any of it except for maybe 4 letters of the alphabet. Then in 8th grade I had a deaf stalker, so I put her to use and had her teach random signs, like "dictator," "swan," "dance," and "turtle." Now I go to a college that's 10~15% deaf / hard of hearing, so I can get around pretty well with those 4 signs.

    My never language adventure was French. I was okay at it (even though most of the class thought I was great, I honestly thought I was mediocre) but I can't really speak it anymore since I haven't studied it in 3 years.

    Currently I'm taking Japanese.

    Other languages include: Java, C#, HTML, and ActionScript. Unfortunately, I'm no good at any of those...

  4. The first one would have been better if it was more new material rather than re-releases. I give them credit for actually re-recording all of their out of print stuff, but some of the remix versions were rather crappy : ( . I don't think this will be the case since they've only had 2 singles in between this release and the last big one.

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