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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. It'd be awesome to go to one of them. Even if I don't love every band playing, just being able to walk from room to room to see a different concert must be an awesome experience : )

  2. Yeah, Maiyu was their support drummer for lives and I think their last singles. I could still be him, just with a different name, but who knows. I hope that means their new costumes will be up soon and a new release :hyper: . Mini-album pls.

  3. I bet it's Kisaki's fault that they "graduated" since they're obviously not ready. I bet they didn't even get a passing grade but he made them graduate too early just to see them fail. He's just trying to fuck up the music industry. He even INVENTED cancer.

    They probably won't be on neither UCP nor Starwave labels, but Jrock isn't half as fun without speculation.

  4. What is the purpose of changing tuning?

    I've never played guitar, so you'll have to pardon the no0b question. If I had to guess, I would say that it alters the natural pitch of each string so their pitch without and fingers is different. Just curious since I like knowing how instruments work. We don't have anything, at least to my knowledge, similar to that in classical string instruments except for avant guard orchestras who purposely tune strangely. Damn hipsters.

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