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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Still digesting the single.

    So far Destiny feels like Serenade after it's sleeping pills wore off and after it spent too much time hanging out with Lareine.

    Glowing Butterfly is a mix of emotions with a Malice Mizer-like introduction and Gekkakou guitars / vocal distortion. I like how the verses are dark and the choruses are bright and hopeful.

    Libido: good, you're experimenting. I thought this song was going to be worse than it was, but I like it much more that I heard the whole thing. Even though it doesn't sound like it's that complex, Spanish music is rhythmically annoying and there's a lot of subtle patterns in there that are easy to take for granted. These are there to keep the song from melting into a puddle of mush. Also, in the first verse Kamijo sounds sexually flustered and it's kind of hot. Just my own two cents.

    The bass doesn't seem all that different. I can't hear it any more or any less (except for Libido) than their earlier releases. Live, however, I think Masashi might be a stronger player than Jasmine. However, he's not there to be compared or judged: he's there to make music.

  2. My roommate really likes them, but he's one of those people who only listen to like 1~2 songs by a band and doesn't look into them any further than that. All I know is that the one song he listens to has the words "hurricane" and "butterfly" in it's name and the vocals piss me off.

    A lot of people in the US like them, probably because of Twilight or for some sort of VNV Nation effect.

  3. My own personal list of classics:

    Baiser: Doku / Flora / Prism

    Dir en Gray: I'll

    Mirage: Moon-light-dance / ...Air

    Syndrome: Slaever

    Pierrot: Clear Sky

    Penicillin: Romance (including Nano's remix of it) / Hyper Chord / Systematic Dreamer / Chaos / Love Dragoon

    Malice Mizer: Pretty much the whole Gackt / Klaha for me.

    L'arc~en~Ciel: Blurry Eyes

    Lareine: Trailer / Dress Code

    D'espairsRay: Brilliant / Fascism

    Recent songs that will be classic for me:

    Versailles: Ascendead Master / The Love From the Dead Orchestra

    E'm~Grief~: Infinity Daze

    Megaromania: Apocalypse / Amethyst

    Rin: Rin

    Kiryu: 朔宵 / 桜絡ミ

  4. They're kind of gross, and I like kote-kei vocals. Whoever their last vocalist was made me cringe but their first vocalist was alright. I don't blame the other band members for quitting / ditching their last show.

    All Kiwamu hate aside, I thought a lot of their songs were boring or could have extra synth / guitar parts to make them a lot more catchy. Ah well, I am more than content with GPKISM.

  5. http://nerdyapplebottom.com/2010/11/02/ ... ay/?ref=nf

    It's an interesting, quick, read. That mom's cool for letting her son do that, but mom's A-C are bitches whose cars I would key a giant penis on each respective hood. It probably won't apply to most people here, but after reading some of the comments on it it brought back memories of how I was the boy whose favorite color was pink :( Ah well, he probably looked better than any of the dumbfounded mothers did.

  6. This isn't bad at all. The intro to the music video was awesome, the song was good, he growls well, and it has a very nice production value.

    The only thing I didn't like was the "visual" look. It seems like "visual" is dark clothes / makeup. People need more freely neon costumes :x . Aside from that, very nice!

  7. So you're trying out a band that you thought seemed interesting and you hate their music. The vocals are lame, you can't even hear the bass, and everything about them just makes you want to grind your teeth. You may or may not have posted somewhere to vent your disgust with this band / artist even existing. :arg:

    But then you listen to them x weeks later and you still don't particularly like them but it wasn't as terrible an experience as you recall. :?

    You take another short break from listening and then all of a sudden you have an urge to listen to them every so often. This urge happens more frequently the more you give into it's lust. Not that you'd publicly admit to doing any of this though. :ninja:

    Then you wake up and you're a fanboy. :dansu: Thankfully it's been long enough since your conniption of rage that no one really remembers how much you hated them, but you can't help but feel like a hypocrite in the back of your mind.

    This didn't have to happen to you exactly the way I wrote, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who could star on True Life: I Waffled on my Opinion of the Band ___ . This isn't limited to Japanese bands by the way, but since it is a Japanese forum feel free to out your love for various Nihonjin that you formally condemned.

    This happened to me with Madeth Gray'll. I tried them out because I read on Youtube (no0b move, stop judging) that Hizaki formally was in this band. This was around the time when I first found out a lot of things, i.e., it was shortly after my realization that that chick playing the guitar has a dick. At around the same time I found out that I didn't hate metal, nor music that's loud, and that I can enjoy Japanese music that varies from T.M. Revolution. Long story short, Hizaki was never in Madeth Gray'll and it was the first time I heard music like that in my life.

    My initial thoughts: Wow, this guy can't sing in tune for his life; Why is he screaming so much?; This is just angsty emo music >:C

    Eventually I grew out of that and started liking their music a lot more. I still think Hisui has horrible intonation, but I got used to it and used this band to introduce me to other kote-kei bands (or bands of a similar musical / can't sing for my life style).

    The only other example that I can think of off the top of my head isn't Japanese, but she's so VK she's WL. I hated Lady Gaga around the time she made her radio debut. At the time, where I lived at least, she only had her song "Just Dance" which was before she realized she could pretty much do whatever the fuck she wants with anything. I actually liked the song when I heard it, but I am accustomed to being around people who hate pop music because it's pop music. Gradually I grew into a closet fan and still liked a few of her songs. It wasn't until this Spring or so that I openly admitted that I like her music. The crazier she became the more I liked her songs. Additionally, the more people bitched about how much of attention whore the more I replied with "that's no way to speak about god." :staru: Idgf if you like her or hate her, this is my monologue that's still on topic. :x

    Share your :urg: to :fap: stories!

  8. Japanese only, but without particular order, because I can't really decide:


    Atsushi Sakurai (Buck-Tick)

    Kyoka (Aliene Ma'riage, Chaos System)

    Yukiya (Jils, Kain etc.)

    Sui (Metis Gretel, Megaromania)

    Yuuki/UK (ElDorado, Glamorous Honey)

    Hisui (Madeth Gray'll)

    Takuma (Babylon etc.) (I don't really know what he's doing now, though he doesn't seem to be in any band)

    Daisuke (NéiL)

    Hideki (Vasalla)

    Kanzaki/Kamiya (Marry+An+Blood)

    I'm probably forgetting something though.

    To label "past," peut-être? :3

  9. Trolling on youtube, along with having an argument or discussion, is pointless and a waste of the world's bandwidth. There are way too many people to accomplish anything substantial and most people don't even read what's going on before posting "lol gay sht sux." I'm sure that in 3-4 pages after your "discussion" dies off, someone else will copy and paste your argument to get their own 10 minutes of cheap thrills ;o

  10. Ohh, there's lyrics in the video. That's why people were complaining about Engrish...because I honestly didn't notice. UNTIR YOU DO NOT NEED YOOUUUU

    I like 第二首 Rotate :D I couldn't make any judgment on "Lead" yet though, but it reminded me more of Rain Delay than Pressed Flower for the 10 seconds it played.

    "Sky High" was alright.

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