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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Japanese music forum so only Japanese singers here. I just kind of choose who came to mind, it's also not in any particular order.


    1. Daisuke (NéiL)

    2. KoHey (Sleep my Dear)

    3. Hisui (Madeth gray'll)

    4. Yayoi (Vice Risk)

    5. Yuina (Lamiel)


    1. Kon (ex.La'Mule)

    2. Sou (emmuree)

    3. Kyouka (Chaos System)

    4. Shina (Dagan Shoujo)

    5. Ren (Dali)

    Hmm...all of your "present" ones still seem to be old men :?

    VK Present:

    1.) Kamijo

    2.) Rita (E'm~Grief~ / CalorZe / MiraVills)

    3.) Hakuei (Penicillin / Nano / etc)

    4.) Juka but only when he was Juka. Too many falsettos as Shaura but I'm hoping he grows out of it.

    Tied for 5.) Hayato (Duel Jewel) || Asagi (D / Syndrome)

    VK Past:

    1.) Ayame (Dear Bitch / Missa)

    2.) Yuuga (DEViL KiTTY / Chateau La Tour / Deadly Sanctuary, Yuuga -Fakestar- , etc)

    3.) Aika (WERKMARE)

    Tied for 4th.) Gackt || Klaha

    5.) Hisui (Madeth Gray'll)

  2. For starters: the point of this thread isn't to complain about how much they wish they were the GazettE: make your own topic in the artists forum to go anti-vk frot in. If you don't like them and / or didn't even know that this single existed then you have no business replying to this thread, but thanks for clicking

    Overall I thought this was a pretty disappointing goodbye single. I don't really like ballads and I don't like songs that pretend to not be a ballad even more. I went into more detail about it here, but in short, I feel like Vell's voice is not cut out for anything that isn't having 100000 other things going on at the same time. His voice is too shaky and the ultra exposed parts in both songs are cringe worthy.

    I also can't stand canned stringed instruments for a touchy dramatic effect. I'm not really a fan of the rating scale, but if I had to give them one, this single would get a 2/10 from me. It wasn't *all* bad: I did like the guitar solo in the B-side, but that's probably one of the few good parts to it.

  3. but apparently no one realized it until October 24th when someone updated their last.fm profile o_o

    Dat would be me. I didn't really say anything because there really wasn't any sort of official announcement at least on their ameba or official website. He isn't in their YouTube video either, except that is until later when there is a short clip of a live performance. So well that sucks.

    They're suppose to be on that Arc omnibus, so I wonder if it's going to just be an old song with Tomo or a new song that is maybe just an instrumental or with a guest vocalist. Who knows :-S


  4. Not sure if this is supposed to go in rumors or not but there is pretty valid evidence that he is no longer in the band:

    1.) http://ameblo.jp/ru-natic/ Their official blog doesn't list him as an author

    2.) This picture:


    It's still four members but the purple one isn't Tomo.

    3.) Their ameba profile has a list of band members and a vocalist isn't listed. The "new" member is Nao, who is their drummer.

    I don't know how long ago this happened, but apparently no one realized it until October 24th when someone updated their last.fm profile o_o Hopefully someone else could shed some more light on this.

  5. I place a lot of value in visuals. I'm a shallow individual who likes looking at irrealistically colorful Asian men and feel that good visuals add more to the music as a lot of people have already said.

    I can also sort of tell how a band will sound based on their appearance as well (with a few exceptions of course). I personally prefer neon hair dye, lace, bondage items, and overall gawfy cross-dressing.

  6. I remember the first time I had a passing glance at Deathstars, I thought they were an angura kei band. I guess that's what 10 years of japanese music do to your brain. :lol:


    Just curious though: why did you exclude all the things that you did? XD

    To make it less predictable / potential bitch fights about who started what. That and I'm tired of the Labyrinth D:

    @ Mono2: Well yeah, how else would you do it? Pretend there's a concept to your art while funneling in all of your money to some sort of mafia-styled business structure? :Umno:

  7. I think about this all the time because I have no one to talk to because I think it's funny. Pictures would be nice, since this is about image.

    -Glam rock doesn't count

    -The 80's don't count

    -Marilyn Manson doesn't count

    -Lady Gaga does not count, and don't even pull that Ke$$$$$$ha shit with me.

    -Those random European / South American bands who wear eyeliner and bandannas and say they're D'espairs / X / D'Errr..X Ja:Kill inspired don't count either.

    -Try not to use Tokio Hotel unless you have to D:

    -No David Bowie movies. Sorry Senedjem ):


    Black Veil Brides: Semi-recent post hardcore that kind of sounds like a mix of Avenged Sevenfold with My Chemical Romance. I thought their album was alright.

    ...Okay fine, they're my guilty pleasure and I bought their album at Hot Topic because their vocalist has a nice voice and they wore makeup and I couldn't help it stop judging me

    Could pass for: Pretty much anything formed from 2006~onwards that plays some sort of gothic-but-really-not-gothic rock / metal.


    Negative: A Finnish "love metal (?)" band, according to last.fm . I tried them out because they are apparently similar to HIM, except not really.

    Could pass for: some sort of oshare-kei nonsense. He's wearing the An Cafe glasses.


    Cinema Bizarre: I guess this is what most of the Euro-wanna-be-vk strive to be. Cinema Bizarre formed after two of the members met each other at an anime convention so I'm pretty sure they chose to be fabulous with visual-kei in mind. Sappy pop rock songs, a pretty vocalist, and embarrassing to look at pictures: yet another guilty pleasure :devilwha:

    Could pass for: another wish-I-was-as-cool-as-reita band.


    Celldweller: Celldweller is a one man project, and that guy there is the genius behind the music. I pretty sure that all of the guitar, bass, synth, and vocals are done by him. Fantastic industrial metal, so if you like that genre of music I'd recommend trying him out.

    Could pass for: Maybe some of visual-kei darkwave bands? Probably not since he's muscular instead of a drag-queen...although Kiwamu would probably make him wear a dress anyway.


    Nicki Minaj: ... Yaaaay photoshop!


    Bet you can't watch the whole thing! My favorite part is when she bites the invisible mango. Also, how the hell do they dance like that towards the end?

    Could pass for: being everything most VK bands don't have the budget for. Helicopters? More like...dancing in an abandoned building with green screen flowers blossoming! She dances and "acts" just as well as every other Jrock musicians in pvs though c:

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