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Peace Heavy mk II

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Everything posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. No 浮遊悲 But still that seems like a pretty fantastic setlist.
  2. Peace Heavy mk II

    I'm okay with more replacement DEZERT
  3. Peace Heavy mk II

    yaaay So long as they keep mixing their anaphylactic punk-rock sound to dilute their attempts at death-core, I am very here for this. Track 3 was supposed to be GOKIBURI's first major release, right?
  4. The wordplay is strong with this one
  5. Peace Heavy mk II

  6. Peace Heavy mk II

    Trying carry his dead career Feel better soon
  7. Is this webshop limited? Nounai Flower had only 1 track, had a title that was different from the actual song on the CD, and costed 999 yen (but was limited to 444 copies). Regardless, going to try to get it anyway.
  8. I thought these three bands were on some sort of sub-label thing called Mad Wink, or is that just whomever produces their music videos?
  9. Peace Heavy mk II

    I'm really curious as to what inspired a band to be named "sexy mosaic"
  10. Peace Heavy mk II

    Cautiously interested
  11. http://fuckyeahvkeipromopics.tumblr.com/ made a tumblr dedicated to adding promo pics since last.fm is currently in critical condition
    1. leafwork
    2. plastic_rainbow


      this is neat! also followed~

    3. emmny


      lol i followed today, didnt know it was u. yay more vk for my emo blog

    4. Show next comments  309 more
  12. Peace Heavy mk II

    Z is my favorite androgo-dom
  13. The hype Although, I don't even remember what the original version of 悲しみは巡りゆく季節と眠る哀 sounded like other than it being a ballad, so not really sure what to expect here.
  14. Peace Heavy mk II

    Devil Kitty's bassist was a member of Dollars, which makes their participation more meaningful than when this thread started.
  15. Peace Heavy mk II

    Here's to hoping their drumming sounds less tinny
  16. Peace Heavy mk II

    Setsuna do not toy with me like this
  17. Peace Heavy mk II

    Joan Rivers never lied a day in her life
  18. Peace Heavy mk II

    They've been riding their laurels for nearly 10 years now, so hard to tell.
  19. Peace Heavy mk II

    Vkei alone seems to have a good chunk of the alphabet. A, C, D, M, N, S, X There's also a post-punk band named "z", a touhou circle named "Y", and and some random doujin girl called herself "B."
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