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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Updates posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Mucc seem pretty cool

    1. nekkichi


      I stopped caring for them immediately after 朽木????, so....

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      well, yeah karma and everything after where pretty bad :( and by pretty bad i mean trainwreck of awful

    3. Tetora


      Changed styles definitely, with more experimentation etc, but bad? Not objectively, I like their last two albums best, just the way the tracks tie together, and the first halves rock hard then change gears on the second side, I love those albums. Halo and World's End I enjoy as well. To each his own.

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    1. nekkichi


      is anyone else bothered that she looks more plastic at ~30 than queen Mylene does at 52? (comparison link

    2. nekkichi


      (I'm not sure if I'm already too much a stan of one/becoming a hater of the other)

    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      thats because mylene is an eternal goddess tbh

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  2. Does putting "I OWN NOTHING IN DIS BIBEO" really do much on youtube? Or is that just cathartic for uploaders?

    1. Tetora


      If you do not collect revenue from your channel then that prevents many, but not all copyright claims. If the label or distributor does not have the applicable reserved rights they cant rightfully have it removed.

    2. Champ213


      Youtube doesn't really care though. Apparently it's very easy to claim copyrights for something, and it's not really being checked. There are a lot of copyright trolls on YT that register random bits of music with Youtube's content ID system in order to grab the ad revenue. I had a video of some old obscure jrock band taken down and the claim came from some TV station. I doubt they actually owned the rights to that. I also heard that CD Baby is claiming a lot of music sold on...

    3. Champ213


      ...their site as their own in order to get the ad money. Ie. the artist uploads their OWN music to YT, and CD Baby claims it theirs and gets the money generated from it. Basically, the system is seriously broken.

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  3. I keep forgetting who fitear1590 because he's not a picture of a dog anymore.

    1. nick


      And you'd keep forgetting him again if everyone used a picture of a dog. 8D

    2. fitear1590


      Don't say I nevah done nothin' for you!

    3. Peace Heavy mk II
  4. When people start a counter-argument with "meh," I immediately dismiss them and their worthless opinion.

  5. Transfering my itunes library onto my external hard drive to then sync up with my new computer. Hopefully I don't lose too much data :x I now know to just keep it all in one spot instead of doing half and half.

  6. http://i.imgur.com/BdZcNL9.jpg are chin gauges a real thing?
    1. cruel-crucible


      When it's really chilly outside, don't their teeth hurt from the cold? There's nothing to cover them anymore D:

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      It's a plastic film, not a gaping hole. If it were a hole, how would they eat?

    3. nekkichi


      how does that chick manage to shpeak. grossed out irl. I don't wanna see their gum line recession. (how would they brush their teeth (if they ever do that))

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  7. So if I understand correctly, Golden Bomber are like stupid popular in Japan?

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      they are everywhere :U

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I saw the Oricon charts for 2013 and they were the only vkei band on there above like 85. GLAY and some other old old old band were much lower, but I don't think either even count as visual anymore.

    3. stylelover


      one of their singles were first place on oricon charts sometime early 2013

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  8. Apparently there's a dating site for people who feel they're below average looking. http://us.theuglybugball.com/help/about.cfm

    1. Tokage


      finally even bronies can find love

    2. TheBistroButcher666


      Lets go hit up some chicks with low self esteem yeeaaahhh!

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      There's actually a site specifically for bronies, as one of my facebook friends sent me after I said I found a site called Equestrian Cupid. http://www.bronypassions.com/

  9. 7 years too late but Crystal Castles are p. cool

    2. Senedjem


      do you like their song w/ inventor of vk robert smith

  10. I woke ahp rike dis *manic twitching and face touching glamour shots* frawress

    1. Zeus


      get your ass online so i can give you some vulpix

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Zess come on I told you to be discreet

  11. My friend legitimately thought Mana invented the words / concept behind 'Dies Irae' and 'Angus Die.' um?????

  12. Macklemore / 2 = Mackleless???

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Hit singles: similar love, couponing, not able to hold us (with that attitude, at least) -ReMiX-

  13. Zess beat up my untrained fossil pokemon :(

    1. Augie1995


      Interesting~ Are you available now? PM your friend code.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      His friend code is in the X/Y thread. I'll pokemonsters battle you too once I have a good team >:) . I prefer double battling though

    3. TheBistroButcher666
    4. Show next comments  27 more
  14. So DIV and D.I.D. aren't the same thing?

  15. Not quite sure why 'We Will Never Be Royals' is so popular tbh

  16. Is 'apocalyptic folk' a real genre or is that in the same realm as like 'swamp metal?'

    1. Senedjem


      yeah it is.

      it's kind of a big deal too if you're a self-righteous neo nazi teenager

    2. Champ213


      a.k.a "folk that doesn't sound folky at all with vocalists that try to hide the fact that they can't sing at all by just using plain speech in different tone heights"

    3. Bear


      Apocalyptic folk is not really a genre. It was all a misunderstanding in an interview with C93, but have been used about bands heavily influenced by C93's "Thunder Perfect Mind". Not many bands call themself apocalyptic folk today, but Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio is a band that does. As a genre it's basically the same as Immortal calling their music "holocaust metal" in the 90's. Apocalytic folk is just neofolk for most part.

      This is an amazing song by Ord...

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  17. Secretly listening to that 2ne1 song the gazette covered all day because of Cat

  18. I think I kind of like Dali now idk idk idk

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