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Peace Heavy mk II

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Everything posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Peace Heavy mk II

    They did make a whole video teasing him for being fat, with the rest of the label's bands, so tbh can't blame him for leaving
  2. Peace Heavy mk II

    people who don't know that there are different East Asian cultures and assume they're all the same thing I doubt actual Korean kpop-stans will want this ex-bandmen simulacrum
  3. Peace Heavy mk II

  4. did he have a stroke writing the second half of the title
  5. Peace Heavy mk II

    vkei ...... is DEAD
  6. I know I'm like 15 years late, but Psycho Le Cému seem pretty cool 




    1. saiko


      I've "discovered" them the past year, and found them actually very interesting. They aren't geniuses composing wise, but still have very catchy and unforgettable tracks. 




    2. Jenova


      They were my first favorite vk band so you're in for a treat tbh.  Roman Hikou was absolutely bizarre even for 2005 standards but I loved it lmao

  7. Peace Heavy mk II

    That girl they fired really dodged a bullet, huh
  8. Peace Heavy mk II

    Support guitarist Ravishan (ex-Suicide Ali) officially joined the band, and they are celebrating their 1 year anniversary.
  9. Peace Heavy mk II

  10. Peace Heavy mk II

    hmm so def Kiryu then
  11. Peace Heavy mk II

    why was this filmed at like 90 fps
  12. Peace Heavy mk II

    This came up in the visual key f#ceb##k group when someone shared an article that described several flavors of the scene, which described angura as: While I do not think that this definition is entirely wrong, per say, I do think it is lacking something that I am not really sure how to word. This isn't the scene I typically follow or engage with, but to me, it always felt like angura was vkei's edgier cousin that likes to pretend he doesn't know you in public, and saying "they wear kimonos" doesn't really cut it as the hard-and-fast defining factor. (That's why people kept tagging Kiryu as 'angura' on lastfm) Shironuri alone doesn't work either, as groups like Heidi. were considered a part of this scene, but did not do that (as far as I'm aware). Another site uses this definition: This one feels completely wrong. It seems like they're describing kote, but then listed examples that don't even match the definition they just wrote???? --- So, what's a better answer?
  13. DIMLIM confirmed for Osare-kei 


  14. They will also be distributing an off-shot DVD for those who purchase a premium ticket to their free oneman live on December 11th, presumably for the music video above.
  15. Peace Heavy mk II

    how is it any of their business tho
  16. I'm still looking forward to hearing 0 one day smh
  17. Peace Heavy mk II

    AID has disbanded on October 17th. Their vocalist and drummer quit, and the only remaining member felt it would be too difficult to continue. https://bandaid111.jimdofree.com/
  18. Peace Heavy mk II

    love that their name can mean "obscure" and they're already very "who????"
  19. Peace Heavy mk II

    Good, we already have a good More
  20. Peace Heavy mk II

    check kisaki's ebay profile
  21. Peace Heavy mk II

    The special package is the CD, a hand towel, 5 fliers from throughout their time with Starwave, 3 artist photos (since their 2nd guitarist rejoined), and a random checki.
  22. Peace Heavy mk II

  23. Peace Heavy mk II

    all of their promo pics are too sharp
  24. They're on Spotify as well: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0hT8MSY75SZ251upQwHRHL?si=443VR6odQRSNfDhtwqFDIA
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