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Peace Heavy mk II

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Peace Heavy mk II last won the day on February 27

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About Peace Heavy mk II

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  • Birthday 08/30/1991

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    Boston, MA

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  1. Does putting "I OWN NOTHING IN DIS BIBEO" really do much on youtube? Or is that just cathartic for uploaders?

    1. Champ213


      I doubt it does make a difference. If they want to take down the video they will do it anyway, or, if they are clever, just claim the ad revenue from the video for their own.

    2. Tetora


      If you do not collect revenue from your channel then that prevents many, but not all copyright claims. If the label or distributor does not have the applicable reserved rights they cant rightfully have it removed.

    3. Champ213


      Youtube doesn't really care though. Apparently it's very easy to claim copyrights for something, and it's not really being checked. There are a lot of copyright trolls on YT that register random bits of music with Youtube's content ID system in order to grab the ad revenue. I had a video of some old obscure jrock band taken down and the claim came from some TV station. I doubt they actually owned the rights to that. I also heard that CD Baby is claiming a lot of music sold on...

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