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Everything posted by Spike760

  1. Spike760

    I actually like this idea a lot, but you might be right with like not enough users. And like I'm not sure how we would separate the sub-forums, because Tainted World users are from ALL OVER, so it couldn't be city, I don't even know if we could do states, it would probably have to be countries; and then maybe cities as topics?
  2. Wow what an accomplishment! Congratulations to them! That would be like my life-long goal if I was a Japanese musician!
  3. Spike760

    They were all right. Nothing too great.
  4. Spike760

    Congratz lynch.! Totally deserved. Looking forward to the new single!
  5. Spike760

    Yeah it's good that they're continuing but shit, if they write anything else like this, I don't even know what to say, it was that bad. Fuck. Lycaon.
  6. Spike760

    Fuck. meth. was the shit. They started off really good, but then kind of lost it when they did their music change, but they were just getting it back, at WILL was the shit! And their samples for the new single sounded really good! This sucks, hopefully they'll go on to new bands.
  7. Spike760

    Guess I'll be going so long as I can afford it, never listened to Apocalypta or whatever though before.
  8. Almost thought Max-Dash came back to post another topic, lol. Have fun in Europe and at D'espairsRay! Take care and we'll see ya when you get back!
  9. Spike760

    Haha that's hilarious, I just realized that, Korea's rock scene fucking sucks, there's like pia, Seo Taiji, F.T Island if you can call them pop, and CN Blue, and like the TRAX. I bet a lot of people voted because of F.T Island and CN Blue too though. But even still, it's hard to believe Korea won the cup of ROCK against all the other countries with like the shittiest rock scene ever, lol.
  10. Spike760

    yea androids are so much cooler and better. Have you seen the Droid X? it's basically the best Android on the market right now, and it has a bigger screen and just as good resolution that the Iphone 4 has (if not better.)I haven't seen it in person, but I know it's pretty legit. The only thing that sucks about it is it's got a locked bootloader so you won't really be able to hack it. But it's pretty nice, it's got a 1GHz processor, which is as fast as they come until the end of the year. As for the best Android device I would probably say is still the EVO, it's the same size screen as the Droid X (4.3") but it has a foward facing camera; but lacks the QWERTY keyboard, but you can get Swype for Android; which is great!
  11. Spike760

    What's worse is I forgot to vote for Korea. The only time I voted for them was against Uruguay and then I forgot about the whole competition. It was sad when I voted for them against Uruguay they were winning like 90% to 10% lol.
  12. Spike760

    Android devices are so much better than the iPhone especially the HTC EVO. The only thing the iPhone has on any current phone is a higher resolution screen, but it's not even worth it. And it is sad but true, that Apple can treat their customers like complete shit yet they will keep buying their products. My favorite was when they found out about the death grip on the iPhone 4 and Steve Jobs pretty much told everyone they're a dumbass and holding their phone wrong, lol.
  13. Fuck you all and your topics. Korea won.
  14. Spike760

    RIP Daisuke.
  15. Spike760

    Kind of looking forward to it, I have some of their songs from the MySpace, but they weren't as good as I remembered when I listened to them.
  16. Spike760

    Oh God I want it so bad!
  17. Spike760

    Does anyone remember the old topic on Tainted World.net where Apple wouldn't sell an iPad to someone because they could barely speak English? And another incident where Apple asked for a passport in order for a customer to buy an iPad. Well if you're black, you'll be able to get an iPad soon!
  18. Spike760

    Wait so will Audacity + sound card do it in like a perfect rip? Like you wouldn't have to hold a microphone huh? lol I'm intrigued.
  19. Spike760

    FIFA 2010 World Cup South Africa (PS3) Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)
  20. Spike760

    Random ass choices too, voted for DELUHI though. BAELSCOPE would've been my second choice, but doesn't even come close to DELUHI.
  21. Spike760

    I'm down any time as well. PSN: GrudgeoFSorrow Let's play now, lol.
  22. Spike760

    Singles: and to the END* Scene in the misreal Adam's Apple Eve's Apple* (For Misty my favorite) elf BULK SPIRAL White Pallet RAZE* Album: SIX (Mini)* VERSUS Specific Songs: - Misty - colors - Breathe Tree's - Illegal SLEEP - Reminiscence - Azalea - Last SHELL - RAZE - White Pallet Damn those are like my favorites, but that's like 80% of their disco, it's hard to choose just like one, lol. They're easily in my top like 3 bands. I'll put a * by the one's you should check out first.
  23. Hey everyone, ZML. and I are organizing a band through the internet. We're looking to record at least a 2 song demo single. I've wrote the first song already, it's pretty much all done, just have to finish a break down and solo. The thing is, I wasn't able to take my guitar or recording equipment with me when I moved to California, so we have no guitarist, or actually a lot of things. We're looking for the following: - Guitarist (Up to 2 guitarist, or at least a support guitarist for this demo) - Bassist (Haven't written bass in the tabs though) - Keyboardist (Our demo single does have keyboards so if someone wanted to play it that would be great) If you're interested please reply, and I'll send you a Guitar Pro file of the tabs. If you don't have guitar pro I can export it as a MIDI.
  24. Spike760

    I'll probably hit up the LA show depending on how much money I have in October.
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