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Everything posted by Spike760

  1. Spike760

    Just avoid the MSN chat then? See ya when/if you decide to come back!
  2. Spike760

    Only IMMORTAL and Coll:Set for $20/eachThey also played BULLET.
  3. Spike760

    same here. and i got the black one.Just recently read there's gold plated edition too, omg so fancy xD Whoa, that phone is pretty cool. I would feel like I would break it though if it slides out like that.I'm looking forward to upgrading, as much as I love my Droid, of course to another newer Android phone, right now the only phone that could replace my beloved Droid is the Samsung Fascinate which comes out in a couple weeks. But by the time I'm elgible for an upgrade they're going to have 2GHz dual core processor phones with full 1080p HD video cameras. If anyone needs help with Android powered phones, feel free to ask me anything. I know just about anything, and especially if it's about the Droid in particular, trying to get a job at Verizon to sell Android phones right now.
  4. What kind of mobile phone do you have? I'm restarting this thread, because I love my phone so much. So what kind of phone do you guys have, this is mine: I've also rooted mine, so I'm overclocking the processor to 1.25GHz. For those who don't know what that means here's a benchmark test to show how awesome my phone is: ^ It's supposed to come out where it says Moto Droid, but my phone rooted beats the Droid X (Shadow) and the new Samsung Galaxy S lineup. My homescreen: ^ A little bit old, but for the most part looks the same.
  5. Spike760

    LOUDNESS Soft Ballet Silver Forest Pink Floyd JUDY AND MARY Kaki King 385 KOTOKO GRAPEVINE L'Arc~en~Ciel Rurutia -OZ-
  6. Spike760

    Haha yeah it was pretty good, kind of sucks though because it's 2 days later and I have work today, lol. D: But yeah, I remember now it was during Human-clad Monsters after the intro when I was doing the crazy moshing, because some bitch was elbowing me in the back for so long so I just went crazy which turned into me fighting at least 5 people; and I was about to start swinging so it's good they decided to stop pushing, lol.
  7. Spike760

  8. Spike760

    I wanted them to play that so bad, but they didn't. Actually I wanted them to play a lot of songs but they didn't. I'm still in pain from the show too, my ears are ringing, my neck is sore from headbanging and my throat is throbbing from all the screaming and singing along. Also I got to do like a 5 against me mosh pit! xD
  9. Spike760

    Lareine D'ERLANGER Art Cube OGRE YOU ASSHOLE Who the Bitch emmurée GUNIW TOOLS HOSHI FURU Spangle call Lilli line Clean Of Core -OZ-
  10. Spike760

    They might not even play that much off of MONSTERS, and even if they do the whole album is only like 30 minutes when a concert is like 2 hours. Anywho today is the first day of their overeseas Human-clad Monster tour! Get to see them in LA tonight, looking forward to it!
  11. Silversun Pickups Fucking awesome indie rock band from California. My girlfriend showed me them about a week ago, and ever since I've been addicted to their album, "Swoon". Before she showed me them, I had never heard of them, although it seems they have a decent fanbase (over 300,000 listeners on Last.FM), radio hits and are even on Guitar Hero I found out. Anyway, if you've never listened to them, definitely worth a listen. ~ Silversun Pickups - The Royal We Also I guess they were grammy nominated for "Swoon". Just read in the video description.
  12. Spike760

    Cool. SORROW wasn't bad from what I remember.
  13. Spike760

    It is Sadie.
  14. Spike760

    RIP Band Manager. That sucks, hope for a full recovery for everyone else!
  15. Spike760

    If they didn't even have the show booked, why would they start selling tickets and announce that they were gonna play there before they even knew if they were going to, that's kind of stupid.
  16. Spike760

    on their website they only have DEATHGAZE and meth. listed.
  17. Spike760

    In no specific order must have tracks: 1. Misty 2. Ringing 3. colors 4. RAZE 5. Illegal SLEEP 6. Resemblance 7. Replica 8. CLOVER 9. Mirror 10. Azalea But I hope it's not that short; but those are like must-have's.
  18. Spike760

    Shadows is great! It always was!
  19. Spike760

    Ridiot Halsion C"LOW"N jubily My new personal favorites for recent bands. All of them are great, not over the top or anything, but definitely are overlooked most of the time.
  20. Spike760

    Fuck that sucks. They were one of the better new VK bands this year too. D:
  21. Spike760

    Yeah I miss them. I think I liked Canzel a bit more, but they were definitely towards the top of my oshare kei list.
  22. Spike760

    Needs more -OZ-.
  23. Spike760

    Has anyone seen this yet? It's supposedly really good. But to me it looks a complete rip off of the anime movie Paprika. Either way it looks pretty interesting, as Paprika was, so I still want to see it.
  24. Spike760

    I like them, of course! I think I prefer them over 2NE1, but I don't think they're my favorite girl group in the end. Superstar was all right, not their best nor their worst. Need to listen to it more still.
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