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Everything posted by Spike760

  1. Spike760

    This song is fucking awesome. I love it!
  2. Spike760

    I was watching another video, and he has a Justin Bieber one right next to it too. ROFL.
  3. Spike760

    ... CD was cancelled?
  4. Spike760

    Started watching High School of the Dead the other day, if they toned it back on the fanservice a bit, it would make a pretty good anime. I'm almost done with it, are they gonna make a new season? I think I'm on like 8/12, but the 12th episode just aired, but it says 'final'.
  5. Oh man, a Dollis Marry comeback would be epic! I miss them!
  6. Spike760

    It's FX in America, I don't know about Canada though, but maybe you can find streams online, or there are torrents for sure, they already have the Season 6 premiere up since the day it aired (last Thursday). I'm glad they're putting them up that fast, because this is going to be the first year since the second season where I won't be able to see them the night they come out on TV, fucking work. e7MC6yseBGU ~ Clip (From Season 2)
  7. Spike760

    Sweet, except 3 of the songs have been released already.
  8. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia This show is easily the best TV show on the air! I started watching it during the 2nd season which was aired at the same time as the first season, and have not missed an episode yet! The 6th season just started on Thursday, did anyone catch it? Or does anyone else watch it? If not, you're seriously missing out.
  9. Spike760

    I LOL'd. I don't know what's worse the people who got butthurt over him using the Ke$ha version, or him making an extra video being butthurt about people being butthurt.
  10. Spike760

    I LOL'd, everyone was just like 'wtf' and he's all fat, hahaha.
  11. Spike760

    About damn time!
  12. Spike760

    The ballad is all right, I'm a little bit disappointed if anything. I COULD see it growing on me, but at first listen it doesn't live up to my standards I've set for B2ST. I really didn't enjoy their first mini at all really, with the exception of the title track, but their 2nd mini, is probably one of my favorite mini's of all time. Shock of the new era was too good, I'm just hoping this one can live up to it. Unfortunately songs like this ballad are NOT gonna do that.
  13. Spike760

    Never heard that before, that's a pretty awesome lineup though. Interesting, but awesome.
  14. Spike760

    Yeah, me too but it's probably gonna be a Japanese version of their 2nd EP.
  15. Spike760

    New songs, or what's the tracklist look like?
  16. Spike760

    Yeah I thought the MV was a bit over dramatic as well, lol. Although I liked cringed when he was hitting her, because I can't tolerate things like that. Yeah, just a bit over the top, lol.
  17. Spike760

    They were all right, but nothing special. Ah well.
  18. Spike760

    Yeah, I got a decent cam by PRiSM or something like that, there's a small part of it missing, but the quality isn't bad for a cam at all. Also totally looking forward to the next Batman movie!
  19. Spike760

    I started watching it today. Its pretty funny. I can't wait to finish it when I get home.
  20. Spike760

    Yeah I'm looking forward to hearing something from them!
  21. Spike760

    Oh so that one is Clap your hands, that one and Go Away are my two favorites, but Can't Nobody is all right too, but nothing special to me. I really like the cutesy sounding ballad too, with the piano. But Clap your Hands is the best for me, musically, Teddy or whoever wrote that one, did a great job. I wish I could produce music like that. D: Also about jenpoo, I have a feeling they got into some legal trouble or something, but man, it sucks!
  22. Spike760

    I was debating on going to SMTown Live too, but money was too tight right now, and I think the tickets were like $50 for not even that great seats, and I don't even like that many SM artists that much anymore either. But I just started listening to SHINee like two day ago, never liked them before, but their one EP with Ring Ding Dong is REALLY good, I only listened once through Lucifer, but didn't enjoy it as much, might have to give it another shot.
  23. Spike760

    Yeah I don't think we'll be seeing anything from decay..., and the the END, or Scene in the MisREAL anymore. I think that was before they were signed to LOOP ASH, so maybe LOOP ASH doesn't want them too? Or they think they're better than that now? I don't know, but fuck, I miss those songs. D:
  24. Spike760

    After listening about 8 times through, I can officially say I love this album! It's so good, I don't really care much for the Reggae version of I don't care, didn't really like the song to begin with, and not that big into Reggae so yeah. Also Try to Copy Me is really annoying, always has been, but the new songs are great! I hope they try to break into the American music scene, because I think they have what it takes, they could totally have like "Can't Nobody (English)" on MTV or something, lol.
  25. Spike760

    Hey sorry for the belated reply, but if you guys are still interested, we can make it work. I still have the tabs, but still having trouble writing the break and solo, but I can figure it out. Also I don't have a bass part written, do any of you have Guitar Pro? As for our direction, musically we're thinking something between all these bands: - Nega (Probably biggest influence) - Lycaon - GREGORY - Ridiot - Sadie - Halsion - C"LOW"N
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