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Everything posted by Spike760

  1. Spike760

    The Octopus got death threats from Argentina lol.
  2. Spike760

    Hoping for a new release, Lycaon is way too good to stop now! I'm thinking maybe they got new members and will announce them in the video or right before? Or maybe at least support members. I don't care as long as they're equally as badass as before!
  3. Spike760

    Well tomorrow night we will see already that he's wrong as Uruguay defeats Germany I'll laugh my ass off if Germany loses to Uruguay. I was thinking the same results as Paul actually, lol.
  4. Spike760

    PSN: GrudgeoFSorrow Games: MAG Battlefield: Bad Company 2 GTA: Episodes of Liberty City Call of Duty 6: MW 2 (Mostly playing right now) FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa
  5. Spike760

    It wasn't all that great either. I'm hoping for something harder!
  6. Spike760

    I love how everyone posted it everywhere and they lost like all the matches I saw lol.
  7. Spike760

    Hey Elena glad you decided to stay with Tainted World. Hope you enjoy your stay! You have an awesome taste in music by the way, rare to see someone list gossip in their list!
  8. Spike760

    I bet it was but when they saw the results they tried to play it off like it wasn't.
  9. Spike760

    Yeah, Germany played pretty shitty, I was expecting more from them. Spain had possession the whole time. Germany is also lucky that Spain missed like 5 goal attempts, everyone kept missing to the right! Oh well, I hope Spain wins overall! Oh also, the Spain picked Spain. http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/8....jpg?1278548910
  10. Spike760

    It's ok because Sean Kingston and some other person is going with him too, lol.
  11. Spike760

    I'm hoping Spain will make it too, but I'm not sure either. D:
  12. Spike760

    Hey welcome, hopefully we'll get the other boards online really soon because that one is a lot better. This is just our back up I guess, lol.
  13. Spike760

    Anyone going? I've already bought my tickets for the August 3rd LA show!
  14. Spike760


    Member No.: 1 Yep.
  15. Spike760

    I guess this would count as what pissed you off today thread on the new board. Fucking Tainted World.
  16. Spike760

    Hmmm I don't know anything about Zetaboards but I did see an option to do it in the ACP. Once I get in contact with the Administration I'll bring it up!
  17. Spike760

    Hello and welcome to the previous version of Tainted World. Thanks for your continuing support for our site.
  18. Spike760

    Ok I need your guys' help! This board is about 3 years old. So now it's time to revamp it so it's a lot better! Help me come up with ideas and put the boards from the new one's that weren't on this one. I have a horrible memory. Share any smilies (I'm pretty sure I can add them) that you'd like to see added. Maybe we'll look for new skins for the board and do all new graphic designs. Thanks for all your help and support!
  19. Spike760

    lynch. - roaring in the dark
  20. Spike760

    Exaaactly, that's why we're putting the J-Rock Awards on hold until everyone gets girugamesh, lol.
  21. Spike760

    I got it for my girlfriend. But Gackt is actually what got me into J-Rock, well actually it's what made me show Ito J-Rock, which later in turn he would get me into J-Rock. I hate Miyavi. ACID - ???
  22. Spike760

    Gackt - Kimi ga matteiru kara
  23. Spike760

    I thought this release was really well done, I think it's probably on par with "snow white butterfly" which everyone knows is their best single, lol. Selfish: Really nice melody, reminds me of the style from "Fall to U" which is like my favorite xTRiPx song. This song was really well done, and I hope they continue forwards with this style. I really like the piano too. More bands need to mix piano into their songs. Honey: The intro reminds me of "clever noise" but on a guitar, or some guitar riff I've heard somewhere else, but then it picks up and does this really awesome thing on the guitar, that's really awesome, and I didn't remember being that awesome. The vocals aren't as good on this one, because there's no real defined melody for the verse really. I like the song, I think the verses could use some work though. ???: A lot softer than the rest of the single. A nice song none the less. Catchy melody, and I like the strings they throw in there. Pretty much I hope they just continue doing stuff like this.
  24. Spike760

    It's like half snow half grass here, lol. Homura - ??????????????
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