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Everything posted by SUBLIMINAL


    Paycheque time! I have pre-ordered, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (Xbox 360) Arcania: A Gothic Tale (Xbox 360) Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (Xbox 360) SHILFEE & TULIPCOROBOCKLES - Hermit Paean ストロベリーソングオーケストラ 切断??異學 David Sylvian - Sleepwalkers I bought The Ocean - Precambrian Alcest - Ecailles De Lune Boxset Negură Bunget - Vîrstele Pămîntului True Blood Season 1 - 2 some Shintaro Kago manga in Japanese a white PlayStation 3 from ebay, plan on selling my current "fat" PS3 to cover the cost a bunch of D'espairsRay photosets, hat/scarf combo, battle dress designed by Zero a danish pastry

    Computer crashed while I was writing this the first time and when it rebooted it lost sound (I was listening to help myself decide >) But it has been fixed, so... my favourites so far: D'espairsRay - DEVILS' PARADE, dope, Human-clad monster, LOVE IS DEAD, WEDICIИE Lillies and Remains - a life as something transient, devaloka マモノ - DOPE MAN, SUMMER NIGHT MONSTER lego big morl - ??ランス amber gris - love in the first., snoozy and roll TAFUCA - ヒロイン??ら????集令, 漂????る内気??ん Calmando Qual - Undeadman (I don't know if this is 2010 though...? I can't remember) ??京ヒーローズ - 末路, twinkle 9GOATS BLACK OUT - belzebuth, red shoes, 宛???????手紙 Boris - Rain MiD DERACINE - SOMBRE DIMANCHE the telephones - SAITAMA DANCE MIRROR BALLERS!!! immi - Black or White munimuni - grotesque, ??れる影絵-THE SHADOW- ??蓮 - Magnolia (almost, almost 2010, hush) That's all I can think of right now.

    Alan Wake Final Fantasy XIII Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Eagerly awaiting the new Castlevania, I can't wait to have it in my paws and expect to play that for weeks to come, alongside Arcania.


    WHAT. Must have.

    A big chunk of English natives can't even speak English.

    Oh god what

    "And the beauty and the tragedy of it is... that you don't know just how different you are." Bill, True Blood

    Way north of Manchester, about two hours from Newcastle by train. I have to say it's nice to see a band interested in Japanese music who doesn't feel the need to mimick visual kei.

    Hey, UKbro! Your band is pretty damn cool.

    troll then you're an orc lol wat

    I know, I miscounted! I hope so too. There were cameras there, so maybe. But there was also cameras at the US lives.

    Yep. -SE- murder day 01. BORN 02. Marry of the blood 03. Garnet 04. 「浮????????想?? 05. DAMNED 06. MASQUERADE 07. Human-clad monster 08. DEATH POINT 09. dope 10. 13 -Thirteen- 11. LOVE IS DEAD 12. muder freaks 13. 「タトエ????キミ...ガ...シンダ...ラ 14. DEVILS’ PARADE 15. abyss 16. Lost in re:birth 17. Hollow 18. PIG 19. REDEEMER -EN1- Sparkling D'espairsRay (Tsukasa on vocals, Hizumi on bass, Zero on guitar, Karyu on drums) 20. アニマルマニア 21. ファシズム -EN2- 22. Reddish-DIVA Version- 23. “Forbidden?? 24. MIЯROR

    Implying any member of cocklobin bar Nigu and Iori is important
  15. So was I! I've read about it happening a lot.
  16. Up and leaving when they please isn't exactly uncommon in VK.

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent als;dj;alj.

    I wish my elf could romance Sten.

    Oh, sweet. Hi I lived near Glasgow half of my life. Welcome!

    I bet it's Kairi because all VK bands are trolls.

    Same! They never got back to me but I imagine they get thousands of applications every day. I might apply at their new studio in Ireland when they need testers over there. It's a shame there's no option to apply for a janitor position on their website tbh. I don't know how well Mass Effect would translate into a movie, tbh. It's already epic enough as a game and video game to movie usually goes horribly wrong. See reference: Prince of Persia. ETA: The only BioWare game I haven't played is Star Wars (and Shattered Steel, but eh). I should eventually though.

    Oh, oh, oh, oh! Guro is the only manga I read exclusively, because I find the rest of it quite trite and predictable and maybe I'm just sick so I have many a recommendation! I'm pleased there's an eroguro thread here, I had considered starting one. I don't think there's anything wrong with a thread on it here so long as no one posts gruesome pictures and links out. So! If you have the stomach for it, I highly, highly recommend Hiroaki Samura. After Maruo he's my favourite eroguro artist. His artwork is quite realistic, so view at your discretion. He's perhaps most famous for being the creator of Blade of the Immortal, but before that he "dabbled" in eroguro. Bradherley’s Coach is good, although it's not for the faint of heart. I thought the story - inspired by the slave trade - was disturbing. I actually felt uneasy reading it. Samura is an extreme sadist and his art can be incredibly graphic, the work that showcases this most is Hitodenashi no Koi (Love of the Brute), which is a compilation of very, very graphic violent and sexual scenes. The artwork is absolutely beautiful, though, so if you can manage the content, go for it! Then there's Succubus no Yoru (Night of the Succubus), which isn't really guro but it's great all the same. Jun Hayami is another artist who is more about realism, eroticism and plot, although his manga is fairly gruesome too Other artists to check out: Henmaru Machino (famous for being a bit of a surrealist), Hideshi Hino, Shintaro Kago, Junji Ito (who is one of the most well known eroguro artists, since some of his work has been remade into movies), Toshio Maeda, and Horihone Saizou. If you need anything I could probably upload, my harddrive is bursting with this stuff.

    I don't expect this to get so many replies, but Bioware deserve their own thread because if you don't know who or what Bioware is, enlightenment is forthcoming and if you do but haven't played anything BioWare, you don't know shit about video games herp derp suck. If you're one of those people who are unaware of BioWare, consult: Games and Expansions by BioWare Shattered Steel Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast MDK2 Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal Neverwinter Nights Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Jade Empire Mass Effect Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood Mass Effect Galaxy Dragon Age: Origins Mass Effect 2 Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening Upcoming Releases Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011) Dragon Age 2 (2011) Mass Effect 3 (2011-2013 ) So. BioWare games/non-stop DLC/waifu simulating/sequel speculating/WRPG. Discuss. I wasn't that excited about Dragon Age 2 initially but now I'm dying for a demo of it. I actually rather like that it's going to be more like a fantasy Mass Effect. Although I'm sad I can't be an elf. At least gender and class can be changed. Also "Romance is possible with party members or with non-player characters throughout the game" WHAT

    Don't lock this thread

    I think it would be wiser to contact them if you're serious about it. Natsuki, though, since he's the only one who is semi-fluent in English. I remember, back in '06, my friend would exchange emails with him and he would always, always reply. Once he even blogged about her. I don't know if they still answer or have time to now that they're more popular, but I'm sure he reads emails, so if you want to ask why older songs or better b-sides weren't included or if the songs are re-recorded, fanmail/emails would definitely be your best bet.
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