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Everything posted by SUBLIMINAL


    I agree, "king" is a stretch. He is a master at word play, though. I might not like a lot of his songs, but I am often impressed by his clever lyrics and he is talented. His new album is quite good.

    The right opportunities.

    My AIM address is ark in the storm I don't use MSN, but maybe I should for TW chats.

    DELUHI RENTRER EN SOI dolore ????? Megaromania Jinkaku Radio Lancer Bee Kalimero SWEET MADONNA Lamiel D'espairsRay

    I hate this thread already. It's going to be full of herp Japan is so unique, white people can't make music this good derp derp What a stupid, close-minded mentality to have.


    Deadman DELUHI RENTRER EN SOI Blood Stain Child Tokyo Jihen born Shikata Akiko dolore UnsraW SINCE1889 Speaker Gain Teardrop

    It's ??? (Midori) - ????????????????????? I think.

    Deadman DELUHI RENTRER EN SOI NoGoD Plastic Tree Blood Stain Child Gargoyle Tokyo Jihen Jeepta SHILFEE AND TULIPCOROBOCKLES lloy

    Default ringtone ? D'espairsRay - LOVE IS DEAD Best friend/waifu/love slave ringtone ? Ayreon - Cosmic Fusion, because it's her favourite band. Best friend #2 ? Lady Gaga - Teeth Younger sister ? Example - Kickstarts Boss ? GLaDOS - Still Alive, because I work in a video game store and he loves Portal. Text tone ? I:Scintilla - Prey on You or Blaqk Audio - Semiotic Love, mainly because they're the loudest songs on my phone and I can hear them from three rooms away at full volume.

    -OZ- Deadman DELUHI RENTRER EN SOI NoGoD Plastic Tree Boards of Canada Metis Gretel GaGaalinG Blood Stain Child Gargoyle

    I bet I'm echoing the vast majority of albums already posted, but these are albums I believe everyone (newcomers, oldfags) should hear or should have heard... D'espairsRay - [Coll:set] 夢中夢 - イリヤ-ilya- BUCK-TICK - 極東 I Love You SHILFEE AND TULIPCOROBOCKLES - CHICHIRO downy - 無題3 Presence of soul - Blinds Dir en grey - Withering to death, UROBOROS JACK OR JIVE - MUJYO deadman - in the direction of sunrise and night light merry go round - merry go round is dead LUNA SEA - SHINE D'ERLANGER - LA VIE EN ROSE Plastic Tree - Puppet Show, Chandelier sleepy.ab - palette DEATHGAZE - genocide and mass murder Yeah, that'll do.

    Aw, I wish I was around for FanExpo. Busy but it sounds like you'll be having fun!
  14. When: 2000/2002/really got into it 2003 onwards. Where: I was forever desperate for new music. I didn't want to have a small list of bands I was interested in, I wanted to experience as much music as I possibly could at the time. I discovered my first Japanese group via a television show (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, actually, herp derp), my second as I hunted for similar artists (although they weren't similar at all) and my third, fourth and fifth simultaneously when a friend sent me files via MSN, which is when I really started to delve into Japanese music. Who: The first band was Cibo Matto, who are based in America and, like I said, featured on a television show so they were found with ease. The second was noodles. But I credit LUNA SEA and Dir en grey as the two bands to truly lure me in. A friend was obsessed with Japanese "culture" and force fed me the files over MSN. She sent MALICE MIZER, too, but I have never been a fan of them. Later that year, I was sent D'espairsRay, then I began exploring more bands on my own and buying what I could. Mostly because we stopped chatting in 2004 altogether, but I'll still always be grateful she introduced me to the bands she did. First songs: Forgot this before I posted! Cibo Matto: Spoon and Sugar Water. noodles: I listened to the whole Long Long Chain album. I haven't listened to them since, wow. Dir en grey: Hydra, ??, which is my favourite to this day, and FILTH. LUNA SEA: STORM. MALICE MIZER: Cannot remember. I didn't like, I know that much. And D'espairsRay: murder freaks.

    I've been playing everything on The Orange Box but Team Fortress 2. I don't know anyone else who plays it on the Xbox, so I have no one to play online with and I'm too afraid to join the pros, lest I get bashed for one mistake. In my experience, PC gamers have been overall nicer.

    Second this, maaaaaan. Their music is thrilling to listen to!

    -OZ- Deadman DELUHI Katatonia ??? ONE OK ROCK Baroque Black Bomb A Kagrra, ELLEGARDEN eksperimentoj

    Los Angeles: 01. DEATH POINT 02. dope 03. Going on! 04. LOVE IS DEAD 05. 13 -Thirteen- 06. PROGRESS 07. Human-clad monster 08. MI?ROR 09. Infection 10. CROSSED ARROWS 11. abyss 12. FALLING 13. SIXty?NINe 14. DEVILS' PARADE 15. Angeldust 16. Hollow 17. Garnet -----ENCORE----- 01. TRICKST?R 02. ???????? 03. KAMIKAZE San Francisco: 1. DEATH POINT 2. Angeldust 3. REDEEMER 4. Human-clad monster 5. dope 6. Ark in the storm 7. LOVE IS DEAD 8. ??????? 9. BORN 10. Infection 11. MI?ROR 12. SIXty?NINe 13. 13 -Thirteen- 14. DEVILS' PARADE 15. abyss 16. Hollow 17. Garnet

    I don't know, that casket is boss.

    ^ You didn't remove Mizuki Nana from the last post or a choice of your own ^^; KOTOKO Rurutia -OZ- ?????? Wintersun Deadman Frantic EMIRY Maximum the Hormone DELUHI Sadie Katatonia
  21. I'm not a gay man but I love Cher. Have since I was about three years old. If I were gay, she'd be my diva. I think if you listen to Gaga, you shouldn't be searching for lyrical or musical substance. I like her because listening to her music is enjoyable for me. I like her because she doesn't appear to be shallow to me, she spreads love in spite of hate. I like her because she does have a nice voice, although she isn't using it to the best of her capabilities. I like the music she released before she became "Gaga." From what I've seen, she is absolutely lovely and appreciative of her fans, which is rare in pop music. So I disagree with the remark about her not being human - there are thousands, millions of kids who relate to her outside of the music. I wouldn't personally claim to relate to her, but I agree with a lot of what she stands for and find her involvement in equal rights campaigns admirable, especially since the industry she's in is so corrupt and greedy. Buuuuuuuuuuuut that's just my opinion. Whatever, whatever.

    Nokia N97 Mini. I don't plan on upgrading any time soon because this phone is perfect.

    Aeroplane to happiness in two days!

    Everything that isn't Japanese is American. But seriously stop stealing my countries classic rock bands because they're better than yours. O:<
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