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Everything posted by SUBLIMINAL


    But he's so very far from boring! He's probably the most interesting person on my facebook friends list.

    Would You be so kind to give some examples? Do You (or maybe anybody else) know any (neo)folk Japanese band? It could be in same style like European bands, I mean acoustic guitars and all this stuff like Current 93, Death In June and many others, or just true modern reflection of ancient Japanese music with traditional instruments etc... Does anybody be able to find something like that? Kiryu and Kagrra, are not "neo-folk," though, so the above recommendations are inaccurate. Kiryu and Kagrra, are rock bands with traditional Japanese flair. Notable Japanese (neo-)folk artists include: 三上寛 (Mikami Kan), 因幡修次 (Inaba Shuji), 山崎??コ (Yamasaki Hako), Slap Happy Humphrey, Goddess in the Morning, RIKKI, and Umekichi

    Tumblr in a nutshell: One user posts a picture. Ten thousand people "reblog" the same picture. The cycle continues.

    No girl will go out with you because you're too nice? What sort of dysfunctional relationships do these women want? Do they want obnoxious college frat boys who party and shove them around? What ever happened to being attracted to someone who actually respects your gender? Pretty much this. For now I'm in love with myself.

    Allllll the single ladies (and men), put yo' hands up. I've been in a fair few relationships and I've had my share of regrettable one night stands. In my opinion, relationships are not all they're cracked up to be and for several years now I haven't been interested in them. My last two were the final straw, really. My ex was controlling, patronising and... to be frank, she was everything I do not find attractive in a person. She would flip her shit if we didn't speak every hour of every day, would accuse me of thinking and feeling things I wasn't, of not being devoted enough and would go on and on about how she couldn't love someone who didn't love her explicitly. If I so much as expressed affection for a friend, she would be furious and I ended up resenting her. Eventually, she had the gaul to cheat on me when she was drunk and I told her I didn't have the physical or mental energy to put up with her. This was a catalyst, combined with past abusive and destructive relationships, my friends attitude toward promiscuity and fidelity, my parents divorce and other personal matters. It's safe to say I'm turned off relationships for life. That said, I find it disconcerting how much young girls rely on relationships. All I hear them talk about is boys, as if they're the be all and end all. The amount of girls wanting to have boyfriends, husbands, babies so young is appalling to me. One of my sister's friends is fifteen and pregnant, she wants to be a full-time mother and have as many kids as possible. It's all everyone, especially girls, seem to care about. To be honest I have never been so content as I am focused on myself and my happiness. I work, I study, I socialise with friends and I don't need a significant other to validate me. I've been called pathetic for it a couple of times and my grandmother believes I should be married and settled down by now (at twenty-two!) but I have a hard enough time dealing with my own idiocy and over sensitivity, I don't want anyone else's baggage. I don't want to get married and I don't want to have children (later in life I might adopt). I want to live, travel and be happy.

    Shortest: One month, dumped on my birthday. Longest: Two years, it was a dysfunctional relationship though. Made me miserable. Current: I don't date atm.

    I am a snapewife.

    But if you'd been bullied for nine years, you'd know how awful it feels to be ignored by your classmates as well and that it's as bad as outright being mocked by them. Do you know how lonely it is to not have any friends and to be laughed at by an entire classroom? As someone who has been bullied through most of her childhood and teenage years, I would never, ever treat anyone the way everyone is suggesting here. I don't think anyone else will, but thank you. It's nice to see someone does.

    Not surprised by the sheer number of "derp I'd ignore her" responses here. Some of you are so fucking petty. A ridiculous weeaboo she may have been, but if the shoe were on the other foot (I'm sure with some of you, that's not far from being the case) and you were the one being bullied because of your ~obscure~ interests and general obnoxiousness, you wouldn't want to be ignored and/or mocked by all of your peers. I don't care how much of a "white knight" it makes me, being a jerk is not cool, edgy nor funny.

    What the hell does that mean? I've heard a lot of shit come out of this fandom but that just takes the cake. Maybe s/he means copulating like bunnies, but still... I don't even
  11. I've been following her since she debuted King of the World and unabashedly think she's fierce as hell. I love her. I can't wait for her to actually release something, and I'm pleased she hasn't abandoned her original sound altogether and become a replica GaGa. I don't know where people are pulling this "too poppy" thing from already, considering most of her songs are a mixture of ("bubblegum") pop and industrial rock. I've always likened her music to a more aggressive Jakalope.

    I cry over a lot of songs for a variety of reasons, but off the top of my head... D'espairsRay - Angeldust, the end of Tainted World, 闇????る奇跡 (the live version especially), Kaleidoscope, Screen sometimes. 夢中夢 - 焦燥空下言外ノ調 Plastic Tree - クリーム BUCK-TICK - Long Distance Call deadman - this day.this rain. A lot of downy and ア??モ??.
  13. Amusing is the only word for it. Horrifying for some.

    The short answer is: women want you to know how they feel without having to ask. but men are not psychic D: well, not much a problem for me, but my straight friends keep saying this thing makes women most confusing I bet their relationships would be much less confusing if they were psychic! If you learn to read a woman's emotions, it's smooth sailing from then. But women want to feel appreciated, like their boy/girlfriend is attuned to their emotions and understands them perfectly. It's flattering to have someone know off the bat that you're not okay, even when you say you are, and in my experience it always cheers me up a bit.

    I can answer this because I subconsciously do it too. The short answer is: women want you to know how they feel without having to ask. They don't want to tell you they're upset, they want you to pick up on it and react accordingly.

    I read about this. But how does one get that frustrated playing FarmVille?


    I had never heard about this, elaborate please. He lost his voice before a live, which had to cancelled, then he had to undergo medical treatment for a while and nobody could figure out what exactly was wrong with him. He was improving, though, from what I gather, so this announcement is shocking.

    WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK I never thought I'd see the day. How can some of the shit that's on PSC out last Kagrra,? I mean, really. What the fuck.

    How much it hurts depends on your pain threshold. I''ve had tattoos done on my foot, wrists, back and the nape of my neck so far and none of them were particularly sore, only uncomfortable. If you have piercings, you should be able to handle it. The only way I can describe it is... it feels like being stung by a bee repeatedly and very quickly. The most painful part for me was the shading, which is like a hot scratch. Tattoos don't scar often. They bleed a little as they're being done, but not enough to cause concern. Then they scab over while they heal. As long as you don't pick at the scabs it should be fine. What do you want a tattoo of?

    I keep seeing this- everyone is bringing it up. I had no idea what it was until I saw this post, but I am intrigued. I might get into it.

    Seriously boring, generic, overrated band imo. Everything they've released recently has made me "eh" and nothing more. There's never more than a single song that stands out to me. But at least this is a step in the right direction, as opposed to VERSUS which went nowhere and was one big, long medley. Actually I find myself often preferring the tracks toward the end (because it's finally coming to an end? Who knows) And I maintain they need a new vocalist or singing lessons for Natsuki.

    Resident Evil 5 and Blade Kitten in between.

    Cool, which one was it? RAZOR!

    A D'espairsRay demotape, it arrived in the mail today Lord of the Rings: Conquest Fatal Frame II and Blade Kitten from the XBLA
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