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Everything posted by Delkmiroph

  1. Delkmiroph

    Looks good song (:
  2. Delkmiroph

    me too. I already hope for new release
  3. Delkmiroph

    DADAROMA is so impressive to me. I hope them grow up so much XD
  4. ? their new full album "歌謡サスペンス劇場(kayou suspense gekijou)" will be released at 2016/02/17. 歌謡盤(kayou-ban) (3,240yen) will include CD (15 songs) only, and サスペンス盤(suspense-ban) (3,780yen) will include CD (14 songs)+DVD (including "??よ????ら僕??????人(sayonara bokudake no hito)" PV) ? tracklist : ? 1.歌謡サスペンス劇場(SE) [Kayou Suspense Gekijou (SE)] 2.??よ????ら僕??????人 [sayounara boku dake no hito] 3.シャボン玉 [shabon Dama] 4.家出少女 [iedeshoujo] 5.ノンフィクション [Non-fiction] 6.も??一度 [Mou Ichido] 7.ビードロ [Vidro] 8.RED 9.アモーレ [Amore] 10.????3時??環状線 [Gozen 3ji no Kanjousen] 11.マリオ??ット [Marionette] 12.?????????????? [Anata Maboroshi] 13.ゼンマイピエロ [Zenmai Pierrot] 14.や???????? [Yattenai] 15.?? [Hana] ? ?? is just included in Kayou-ban.
  5. Delkmiroph

    true. the second true. the labels want money and more money. Its totally no sense make a single with 7/8 types we already saw this in many bands. For me 4 types is the maximum to buy and i still think that its expensive. if have 4 types should have many extra contains and no only one version special song. You can see that the old bands have only one type for singles or album in the begining these bands... when the era of internet arrived they change to make 4/5/6 types one single or one album, its good in little reasons and bad for many types for some reasons that already said here: I will say some. 1. the art of single/album in your totality is great to fans. 2. many types is really expensive (all together) 3. Sometimes u need pay tax to customs + shipping (laws of each country) 4. One single with one song or two that have others 32619613 fucking types with the same song but with differents versions. (This can happen one time only, more its so mercenary) 5. band that have many releases with many types cds... looks mean that the label need money and more money and them can broken the band if dont sell all. I dont know what the labels think about... but why the fucking way of sell only in japan and forget that they can get more fame outside japan and restrict releases to digital copies in amazon or itunes. Doing this way and knowing that the ilegal download will happen because this, its stupidity. looks they want kill streaming and digital cds like @inartistic said.
  6. All vip tickets of gazette already sold...

    1. Delkmiroph


      Quase 500 reais uaheuauhaeu

    2. yakihiko


      Ne, tem q rir pra não chorar...

    3. Delkmiroph


      hahah eu so nao vou pq vai ficar super caro para ir... cidade longe, hotel, passagem de trem mais ticket.. nao gasto muito para the gazetta hahah

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  7. 166 Euro for VIP ticket... Gazetta quer ficar rycah com esse preço haha

  8. Delkmiroph

    I will wait for next release...
  9. The problem in german language is the grammer... like same in portuguese that have so much rules. Also, portuguese language have all sounds of german (exception the word "ich"). So, i can speak german like german native. True, my problem sometimes is with prepositon in german because have many meanings in portuguese and makes me crazy to try understand.
  10. Delkmiroph

    Eu vou pro DIO sozinho e para eles acho q sim hahaha. E outra nao se sabe qando eles vem de novo nao é
  11. Delkmiroph

    AUHEUHEAUEHEAUH serio ? eu nem sei onde é esse lugar ai no br Me lembrei do show do DIO que vou, e vai ser num club pequeno e espero q nao fique quente durante o show hahha Ja do gazetta vai ser num lugar bem digno por sinal
  12. Delkmiroph

    wonderful <3 sure that i will buy this EP
  13. Delkmiroph

    hahahaa Looks some name of one blog lol
  14. Delkmiroph

    Eu tbm quero ir ver eles hahah não é todo dia que eu posso ir num show deles kkk Entao ja te prepara rs
  15. Delkmiroph

    Eu creio que vai custar dois rins uhaeuhuaheuaehae Ja aqui vai ser caro creio eu. Os lugares do show deles aqui na alemanha sao pequenos para 2 mil pessoas. Talvez vendam por 60/70 euros (normal ticket). Ja o vip creio q seja caro.
  16. Delkmiroph

    HAPPY BDAY MENINE @ricchubunny Muitos anos babadeiros para voceney.
  17. Gazetta no BR.. vai custar o rim de vcs UHAUEHAEUUAEAEHU. Ja aqui nas alemanha... uns 100 euros ou menosney rs

    1. yakihiko


      A economia ta tão ruim q vai custar os dois logo.

    2. Delkmiroph


      Eu imaginei nisso :(( Nao sei como a Yahamato ta se mantendo nessa crise D:

    3. Licio123



      Mó longe auhsauhsaush

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  18. Delkmiroph

    Germany two places
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