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Status Updates posted by Flame-X

  1. *looks at Acen guidebook*

    Oh my, I see a Jrock Heaven panel scheduled for 6:45 pm. :P I wonder...

    1. YuyoDrift


      See you there.

  2. For those feeling the nostalgia, all 831 eps of Power Rangers is being streamed on twitch.


    You're welcome. :P 

  3. For those who didn't know, twitch is airing crunchroll licensed anime. https://www.twitch.tv/twitchpresents

    You're welcome.

  4. I'm NOT looking forward to this Code Geass sequel.


    1. Gaz


      i love Code Geass to death, so even a cheap-arse parody of a sequel is good for me. don't judge me but i actually enjoyed those crappy Akito spin-off movies :v

    2. Flame-X


      That's totally fine, I'm not judging anyone for their tastes. To each their own. I'm just boggled by the fact they're going to revive Lelouch for this sequel. It nullifies everything he had accomplished and deters the impact of the ending.  I understand that Sunrise is desperate for another cash grab show like this but I much rather have them use an entirely new cast of character with the exception of one, C.C..

    3. Gaz


      that's true, but you never know, there's always a slight chance that the revival would turn out to be awesome. and if not, you can always disregard it as some shitty fanfic. there's really nothing to loose if you look at that from this point of view.

  5. In case if anyone's interested, I made an AMV using Gundam IBO and lynch's F.A.K.E song. An OP style video.


    1. CAT5


      Yasssssssssssss! That was amazing! I've been thinking a lot that lately that some lynch. songs would make great anime themes (particularly the song you used and "evoke") , so seeing this is perfect! I've only seen the first EP of this series, but I'm certainly hyped to see more now. Great work, and thanks for sharing! :D 

    2. Flame-X


      If you can, please leave a comment and like/dislike on the youtube page. :)


    3. nullmoon


      Done! :3

  6. Wow this is quite a shocker to hear about Linkin Park's main vocalist... 

    My condolences go out to his family and friends.

    1. Biopanda


      Placing a $5 bet on him announcing that he's bringing his chips to the US!

  7. #JoJoWithSoulBro - Stardust Crusaders FINAL FOUR eps http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/JoJoRunback

  8. 1 more day until Acen. Gonna pick up my badge tomorrow evening.

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      nice! looking forward to watching the finished version :D

  9. 4 Digimon tri eps in a single day..... now we're talking!

  10. A little something I recorded while I was at Tokyo. http://youtu.be/2icVi9DUJBg

  11. A LUNA SEA song in an upcoming anime.

    1. saishuu


      saw this a few days ago. for an anisong, it doesn't actually sound bad?

  12. A satisfying season finale of Agents of SHIELD.

    1. stylelover


      it was a bit boring in the beginning but the show got really great in second half of season. didnt watch the finale yet though

  13. Acen day 2 is gonna be packed!

    1. Mihenno


      I hope it's warmer than today was... :/

    2. Flame-X


      Ya same. Having snow was like a total WTF.

  14. Afro-Samurai & Sword of the Stranger #AnimeMovieNight! http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/AMN-S02-008

  15. Ah, new Kill la Kill OST.

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      oh... thanks for the heads up, downloading that shit now :D

    2. CAT5


      link plz

    3. Flame-X


      http://tracker.minglong.org/torrents/[Nipponsei] Kill la Kill Original Soundtrack Vol.2.zip.torrent
  16. Ah, so much CES coverage to watch.

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