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Everything posted by Asakusa

  1. Asakusa

    Awesome! also, what furik said
  2. It's probably because they're the only decent "Nagoya sounding" band out there right now. this. every band sounds the same nowadays. 9GOATS is like some fresh air in this infected VK scene.
  3. Asakusa

    I have to agree. Their last change was way too extreme.
  4. I don't know... I like SuG's stuff since they're in PSC.
  5. Asakusa

    nah, Kisaki should lend money himself instead of making this stuff to get money from the fans for charity.
  6. Asakusa

    me too... and I'm pretty shocked... I don't know what to think... May he rest in peace :c
  7. Asakusa

    I think I said 5 or 6 releases (singles, albums or DVD). Not to compare with TOURS, please. Seriously, here in Chile (at least) the life is hard, you work a lot you get paid a little. I lived in Europe for 10 months and I know life is hard but they pay you much more than here. That IS why I can't buy some releases 'cause of my house, my family and other stuff. You see? I can't go buying every release that japanese bands put out. You mad because we get these TOURS? Let me tell you something, DIR EN GREY is my fave band and that's all the japanese concert I have went to. I couldn't go to MUCC nor Versailles because of the money. And you want ME to feel sorry about that? when you get EUROPEAN TOURS and FESTIVALS with many many japanese and non japanese bands. Give me a break. Well nowadays I have to travel through 2 or 3 countries to see a band. I don't have the money to do that, y u mad? You get my freaking dream, be happy. Meh.
  8. Asakusa

    I think I said 5 or 6 releases (singles, albums or DVD). Not to compare with TOURS, please. Seriously, here in Chile (at least) the life is hard, you work a lot you get paid a little. I lived in Europe for 10 months and I know life is hard but they pay you much more than here. That IS why I can't buy some releases 'cause of my house, my family and other stuff. You see? I can't go buying every release that japanese bands put out. You mad because we get these TOURS? Let me tell you something, DIR EN GREY is my fave band and that's all the japanese concert I have went to. I couldn't go to MUCC nor Versailles because of the money. And you want ME to feel sorry about that? when you get EUROPEAN TOURS and FESTIVALS with many many japanese and non japanese bands. Give me a break.
  9. Asakusa

    do you mean this one? so exciting, indeed <3 in case you didn't know. we don't have that lot of money nor a thing like Gan-shin here in south-america, etc. I own like 5 or 6 original releases just in 4 years. so, thanks for your understanding.
  10. Asakusa

  11. lol I totally forgot about Ver-Meer. what a shitty crap band~
  12. Asakusa

    knew about the album today before going to work. i wanted to hear JUMPER and i didn't remember in which album it was, so i went to their OHP and saw the cover of their new release... and i went like "OMFG! AWESOME!!". (then i worked hard listening to JUMPER all day long) the end.
  13. Asakusa

    omg! my profile pic LOL http://replay.waybackmachine.org/200901 ... ser/ASSAX6
  14. what furik said. I fixed some parts tho.
  15. Asakusa

    ok, no importa si tu ingles es bueno o malo, al menos participas y eres activo en el foro. back on topic: I'd like to hear this release. So... if anyone have it already... please?
  16. Asakusa

    Demon Android is Chilean just like me isn't he? I'm glad I know how to speak in English since I was a child... well, it's obvious an april fools joke (this upload) so don't take it srsly.
  17. Asakusa

    FUCK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they're one of my fav bands!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!
  18. Asakusa

    is really nice
  19. Asakusa

    never heard of them before... i love it!
  20. Asakusa

    ...the fuck?
  21. I was thinking about this in the shower the other day! It randomly popped into my head and I had to think to myself "Who thought this was really a good idea for a song?". Then I remembered that I enjoyed it when I was younger and that answered my question so I promptly shut up and finished my shower. lol i know, i used to like it so much. it's strange how your tastes evolves/changes this much through the years.
  22. Asakusa

    please... don't disband...
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