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Everything posted by Asakusa

  1. Asakusa

    omg! someone who isn't a kawaii-desu-gazetto-etc.!! someone who knows about GOOD music! I'm totally impressed that you made it to this forum greetings, feel comfortable, enjoy and WELCOME!! I love Tokyo Jihen and Shiina Ringo! and I found Jazz to be pretty awesome and interesting.
  2. Asakusa

    nope, it can be much more heavier without being deathcore. and yes, they're using 7 strings for the new album not just for lotus.
  3. Asakusa

    Wait the thing thats getting to me is that DIR EN GREY is making their own music and they are under the same company...whats DIR EN GREY doing thats not allowing their music to be controlled that the gazettE and these other bands are not doing? being directly managed by Dynamite Tommy, maybe?
  4. Asakusa

    I started reading the manga last year and watched the first episode some days ago. Pretty awesome.
  5. Asakusa

  6. Asakusa

    I love Htb too, it's one of my favourite bands. That's what I tried to say, he was joking but everyone started to label the band as nintendocore. in other point, if we're going to talk about genres that doesn't exist... metal, punk, hip-hop, pop, visual kei, etc. none of this actually exist, it's just MUSIC (or people playing with some instruments). that if we're going to get all deep and profound about life and that stuff lulz back on the discussion, gazerock doesn't exist but for the band it does exist. it's the way to call their "style" imo. note that I'm not defending them, I only love their stuff until gama. from their new stuff i like some songs and the DIM album.
  7. Asakusa

    they still exist?
  8. Asakusa

    let's put it this way. the band itself calls their "rock" gazerock. just like the keyboardist of HORSE the band called the band (in a joke, obviously) to be nintendocore and then all the media and the people started to call them this way.
  9. cool! I was wondering what happened to them.
  10. Asakusa

    this! two of my favourite (not disbanded) bands releasing new stuff is awesome! MqWhJe52sYg
  11. Asakusa

  12. Asakusa

    AHAHAHAHAHA. it was made for the lulz actually
  13. Asakusa

    welcome enjoy and have fun
  14. Asakusa

    @OldCheesey my favourites are kisou and uroboros just because they're so different from the others, experimental and variable since they do not follow a line like TMOAB (that i like but it's all in the same "nü-metal" line). i hope dum spiro spero will include something more experimental and longer than vinushka, i said listen to some american band (dream theater?) 'cuz i found difficult to find something THAT long and THAT experimental with changing tempos on a deg album (difficult, not impossible). and yeah, i'd love to hear a song similar to yokan or taiyou no ao but i was basing my past post in their pretty fucked up fanbase. don't know if you understand me now? why not? you mean just because their exvk they can't pull out some experimental shit? pffft
  15. Asakusa

    you really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really must listen to some american band. this is DIR EN GREY and they'll do whatever they want with their music. i really don't know what you people expect from the band, you already know the way and the sound they already choose. you don't like hageshisa 'cuz it's nonsense death-grind-core-ish shit. you don't like lotus 'cuz is a boring semi-ballad or whatever reason. god i don't wanna think what you're going to say if they want to release something on the same line as yokan or taiyou no ao. my god xD
  16. Asakusa

    I only liked the title song. the b-sides are just pure rubbish.
  17. Asakusa

    i knew about them thanks to the cover of hot 'n cold i liked that version
  18. I don't think their next album will be that heavy since the zombie ep was a concept album. But you're right, I knew TDWP thanks to the zombie ep. It is awesome, the whole ep is well made about the zombie apocalypse. (yeah, i'm a fan of zombie movies ) i like their older stuff tho. Danger:Wildman is pretty awesome actually.
  19. O M F G ! this is awesome news! i love this!!
  20. Asakusa

    GOD NOOOOOOOOOOO! ok, I liked their previous remakes and I'd like to hear the new version of tsumi to batsu, but... you're my favourite band but please stop the fuck up with the remakes of good old songs and do some new shit that'll not be included in the album or at least a remix like you did on your first singles!!
  21. Asakusa

    NEW SONG as b-side!? fuck yeeeeaaaahhh!!!
  22. Asakusa

    I was going to post the same. She was so awesome.
  23. Asakusa

    fucking this.
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