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Everything posted by Asakusa

  1. Asakusa

    O__O!? <----- my face after reading all that no comments... seriously, I don't even... wtf was that shit!!?
  2. Asakusa

  3. Asakusa

    glad to see you're back, bro but what happened with this training thingie? D:
  4. Asakusa

    aarrgghh! Mana, stop this crap already and reform Malice Mizer at once!
  5. Asakusa

    some good japanese bossa-nova? please
  6. Asakusa

    what!? so PANIC is officially dead!? Nooooooooooooooooo D':
  7. Asakusa

    I know what you're trying to do
  8. Asakusa

    LPIaIqVQq60&feature=feedu WOOOHOOOO!!
  9. Asakusa

    Outro SE. I thought that but that name (New Instrumental Mix) was like "omg another single for iTunes?" thingie in my mind lulz
  10. Asakusa

    omg this news plus the first posts by sened and strange made me lol so hard and everyone is sleeping here in home LOL
  11. Asakusa

    WTF is that ¥o$hiki?
  12. Asakusa

    the band was trollin' their "fans"
  13. Asakusa

    this thread is perfection.
  14. Asakusa

    2_9CHsKMFtk seriously, I cried...
  15. didn't know about this news until now!
  16. Asakusa

    keep this in mind, people. Thank you, Augie.
  17. exactly, for example imagine everyone taking seriously The Black Dahlia Murder or iwrestledabearonce.
  18. Asakusa

    ^ lol DIFFERENT SENSE didn't change at all, just the intro at the end of THE BLOSSOMING BEELZEBUB.
  19. lol what's bad about having fun time to cheer you up after being dumped?
  20. Asakusa

    everything Number Girl said is true. that imagery was for a shocking purpose, just to look badass for some bands. and that's it ):
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